Download Game Ppsspp Attack On Titan Ukuran Kecil ✌🏿

Download Game PPSSPP Attack on Titan Ukuran Kecil

If you are a fan of anime and manga, you might have heard of Attack on Titan, one of the most popular and acclaimed series in recent years. The story revolves around a world where humanity is under constant threat from giant humanoid creatures called Titans, who devour humans without mercy. The only hope for survival lies in the hands of a few brave soldiers who use special equipment called ODM gear to fight back against the Titans.

But what if you want to experience the thrill and excitement of being one of those soldiers yourself? Well, you can do that by playing Attack on Titan on your Android device using an emulator called PPSSPP. PPSSPP is a software that allows you to play PlayStation Portable (PSP) games on your smartphone or tablet. It has many features and advantages, such as high-resolution graphics, customizable controls, fast performance, and compatibility with hundreds of games.

One of those games is Attack on Titan, which was released for PSP in Japan in 2014. It is based on the anime adaptation of the manga, and it lets you play as various characters from the series, such as Eren, Mikasa, Armin, Levi, and more. You can also create your own original character and customize their appearance, skills, and equipment. The game features different modes, such as Story Mode, World Mode, Expedition Mode, and Multiplayer Mode, where you can team up with other players online.

However, there is one problem that might prevent you from enjoying this game to the fullest. The original game file is quite large, around 1.5 GB in size. This means that it will take up a lot of space on your device’s memory, and it might also cause some lag or slowdowns during gameplay. That’s why we have a solution for you: download game PPSSPP Attack on Titan ukuran kecil.

Ukuran kecil means small size in Indonesian, and it refers to a compressed version of the game file that has been reduced to around 400 MB. This way, you can save more space on your device and also improve the performance of the game. In this article, we will show you how to download game PPSSPP Attack on Titan ukuran kecil, as well as its features, how to install and play it, and some tips and tricks for playing it better.

Features of Game PPSSPP Attack on Titan Ukuran Kecil

Even though the game file has been compressed, it still retains all the features and quality of the original game. Here are some of the features that you can enjoy when you play game PPSSPP Attack on Titan ukuran kecil:

Stunning graphics and sound effects

The game boasts impressive graphics that capture the atmosphere and style of the anime. You can see the detailed environments, characters, and Titans in high definition. The game also has realistic sound effects that enhance the immersion and excitement of the game. You can also hear the voice acting of the original cast from the anime, as well as the epic soundtrack that accompanies the action.

Action-packed gameplay and story

The game follows the plot of the anime, with some original scenarios and events added. You can relive the iconic moments from the series, such as the first appearance of the Colossal Titan, the battle of Trost District, the Female Titan arc, and more. You can also explore the world outside the walls and encounter new enemies and allies. The game has a fast-paced and dynamic gameplay that requires you to use your ODM gear to move around, attack, and evade the Titans. You can also use various skills and items to enhance your performance and survival.

Various modes and characters to choose from

The game offers different modes that cater to different preferences and play styles. You can play the Story Mode, where you follow the main storyline and complete missions. You can also play the World Mode, where you create your own character and join the Survey Corps. In this mode, you can customize your appearance, skills, equipment, and team members. You can also take on various quests and challenges that reward you with money, items, and experience points. You can also play the Expedition Mode, where you can join other players online and cooperate or compete with them in various missions. You can also play the Multiplayer Mode, where you can chat and interact with other players in real time.

The game also features a large roster of characters that you can play as or recruit to your team. You can choose from the main characters of the series, such as Eren, Mikasa, Armin, Levi, Erwin, Hange, and more. You can also unlock some hidden characters, such as Annie, Reiner, Bertolt, Ymir, and more. Each character has their own stats, skills, equipment, and personality that affect their performance and dialogue in the game.

How to Install and Play Game PPSSPP Attack on Titan Ukuran Kecil

Now that you know what the game has to offer, you might be wondering how to download game PPSSPP Attack on Titan ukuran kecil and play it on your device. Don’t worry, we have got you covered. Just follow these simple steps:

Download the game file from a trusted source

The first thing you need to do is to download the game file from a reliable source. There are many websites that claim to offer the game file for free, but some of them might be fake or contain viruses or malware that could harm your device. That’s why we recommend you to download game PPSSPP Attack on Titan ukuran kecil from this link: . This link will take you to a Google Drive page where you can download the game file safely and easily.

Extract the game file using a file manager or a zip extractor app

The next thing you need to do is to extract the game file using a file manager or a zip extractor app. The game file is in a compressed format called ISO or CSO, which means that it needs to be decompressed before it can be played by the emulator. To do this, you need to use a file manager or a zip extractor app that can handle ISO or CSO files. There are many apps that you can use for this purpose, such as ZArchiver, RAR, or ES File Explorer. You can download any of these apps from the Google Play Store for free.

Once you have installed one of these apps on your device, open it and locate the game file that you have downloaded. It should be in your Downloads folder or wherever you have saved it. Tap on the game file and select Extract Here or Extract To depending on your app. This will create a new folder with the same name as the game file in your device’s memory. Inside this folder, you will find another file with an ISO or CSO extension. This is the actual game file that you need to play.

Open the PPSSPP emulator and locate the game file

The next thing you need to do is to open the PPSSPP emulator and locate the game file that you have extracted. If you don’t have PPSSPP installed on your device yet, you can download it from here: . This is the official website of PPSSPP, where you can download the latest version of the emulator for free. PPSSPP is a user-friendly and powerful emulator that can run most PSP games smoothly and with high quality.

Once you have installed PPSSPP on your device, open it and tap on the Games tab. This will show you a list of folders and files in your device’s memory. Navigate to the folder where you have extracted the game file and tap on it. You should see the game icon and name appear on the screen. Tap on it again to start the game.

Enjoy the game and adjust the settings according to your preference

The last thing you need to do is to enjoy the game and adjust the settings according to your preference. You can use the on-screen buttons or a physical controller to play the game. You can also change the layout, size, and opacity of the buttons in the Settings menu. You can also tweak the graphics, sound, network, and system settings to optimize the performance and quality of the game. You can access the Settings menu by tapping on the menu button at the top right corner of the screen.

That’s it! You have successfully downloaded, installed, and played game PPSSPP Attack on Titan ukuran kecil on your device. Now you can experience the thrill and excitement of fighting against the Titans anytime and anywhere.

Tips and Tricks for Playing Game PPSSPP Attack on Titan Ukuran Kecil

To help you enjoy the game even more, here are some tips and tricks that you can use when playing game PPSSPP Attack on Titan ukuran kecil:

Use the right equipment and skills for each mission

The game has a variety of equipment and skills that you can use to enhance your performance and survival in each mission. You can equip different weapons, such as blades, guns, or explosives, depending on your preference and strategy. You can also equip different ODM gear, such as gas tanks, anchors, or boosters, depending on your mobility and speed. You can also equip different skills, such as attack, defense, or support skills, depending on your role and situation. You can change your equipment and skills before each mission or during gameplay by accessing the pause menu.

Master the movement and combat system

The game has a unique and complex movement and combat system that requires you to use your ODM gear to move around, attack, and evade the Titans. You need to master how to use your ODM gear effectively and efficiently to avoid getting caught or killed by the Titans. You need to learn how to aim, shoot, reel, dash, jump, swing, and land using your ODM gear. You also need to learn how to target, slash, shoot, or explode the Titans’ weak points using your weapons. You also need to learn how to dodge, block, counter, or escape from the Titans’ attacks using your skills.

Upgrade your weapons and gear regularly

The game has a system that allows you to upgrade your weapons and gear regularly using money and materials that you earn from completing missions or quests. You can upgrade your weapons and gear by visiting the shop or the workshop in the base camp or in the world map. You can upgrade your weapons and gear to increase their stats, such as damage, durability, range, accuracy, reload speed, gas capacity, anchor length, booster power, etc. You can also unlock new weapons and gear by upgrading them to a certain level or by fulfilling certain requirements.

Save your progress frequently and use save states if needed

The game has a system that allows you to save your progress frequently and use save states if needed. You can save your progress by accessing the save menu in the base camp or in the world map. You can also use save states by accessing the menu button at the top right corner of the screen and tapping on Save State or Load State. Save states allow you to save or load your game at any point during gameplay, which can be useful if you want to retry a difficult mission or avoid losing your progress. However, save states are not compatible with the online features of the game, such as multiplayer mode or online quests. Therefore, you should use them with caution and always save your game normally as well.


Game PPSSPP Attack on Titan ukuran kecil is a fantastic game that lets you experience the thrill and excitement of fighting against the Titans on your Android device. It has stunning graphics, action-packed gameplay, various modes and characters, and a lot of features and options that make it fun and enjoyable. It also has a small size that saves space and improves performance on your device. All you need to do is to download game PPSSPP Attack on Titan ukuran kecil from a trusted source, extract the game file using a file manager or a zip extractor app, open the PPSSPP emulator and locate the game file, and enjoy the game and adjust the settings according to your preference. You can also use some tips and tricks to play the game better, such as using the right equipment and skills, mastering the movement and combat system, upgrading your weapons and gear, and saving your progress frequently.

If you are a fan of Attack on Titan or anime in general, you should definitely try this game out. It will give you hours of entertainment and satisfaction as you join the Survey Corps and fight for humanity’s survival. Download game PPSSPP Attack on Titan ukuran kecil today and unleash your inner soldier!


Here are some frequently asked questions that you might have about game PPSSPP Attack on Titan ukuran kecil:

Question Answer
Is game PPSSPP Attack on Titan ukuran kecil safe to download and play? Yes, game PPSSPP Attack on Titan ukuran kecil is safe to download and play as long as you download it from a reliable source, such as the link we provided in this article. You should also scan the game file with an antivirus app before playing it to make sure it is free from viruses or malware.
Is game PPSSPP Attack on Titan ukuran kecil legal to download and play? Yes, game PPSSPP Attack on Titan ukuran kecil is legal to download and play as long as you own a copy of the original game for PSP. You should also not distribute or share the game file with others without permission from the developers or publishers.
Is game PPSSPP Attack on Titan ukuran kecil compatible with my device? Game PPSSPP Attack on Titan ukuran kecil is compatible with most Android devices that have at least 1 GB of RAM and 2 GB of free storage space. However, some devices might have issues with running the game smoothly or with high quality. You can try adjusting the settings of the emulator or the game to improve the compatibility and performance of the game.
How can I play game PPSSPP Attack on Titan ukuran kecil with my friends online? You can play game PPSSPP Attack on Titan ukuran kecil with your friends online by using the multiplayer mode or the expedition mode of the game. You need to have an internet connection and a Google account to access these modes. You also need to have the same version of the game file as your friends. You can invite your friends to join your room or join their room by using the lobby feature of the emulator.
Where can I find more information about game PPSSPP Attack on Titan ukuran kecil? You can find more information about game PPSSPP Attack on Titan ukuran kecil by visiting the official website of PPSSPP, where you can find FAQs, guides, forums, and more. You can also visit the official website of Attack on Titan, where you can find news, videos, merchandise, and more.
