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Hikayat Hang Tuah: The Legendary Story of a Malay Hero and His Adventures

Hikayat Hang Tuah is a Malay work of literature that tells the tale of the legendary Malay warrior, Hang Tuah and his four warrior friends – Hang Jebat, Hang Kasturi, Hang Lekir and Hang Lekiu. They lived during the height of the Sultanate of Malacca in the 15th century, serving their king, Sultan Mansur Shah, with loyalty and bravery. Hikayat Hang Tuah is regarded as a Malay literary classic and a traditional Malay epic that has been proudly recounted to generations of Malays. It is also recognized as a national literary classic that is well-known not only among the Malays but also to the people in the Malay Archipelago.

If you want to read this fascinating and captivating story for yourself, you may be wondering how to download Hikayat Hang Tuah pdf for free. Well, you are in luck, because in this article, we will show you how to do just that. We will also give you some background information about Hikayat Hang Tuah, its authorship, sources, genre, style, themes, characters, plot, and significance.

What is Hikayat Hang Tuah?

Hikayat Hang Tuah is a narrative prose work that combines fiction and fact. It belongs to the genre of hikayat (stories), which are popular forms of Malay literature that often deal with historical or legendary figures and events. It also belongs to the genre of epics (long poems), which are narrative works that celebrate heroic deeds and events.

Hikayat Hang Tuah chronicles the adventures and exploits of Hang Tuah and his friends as they serve their king, Sultan Mansur Shah of Malacca, during the height of the Malacca Sultanate in the 15th century. The story also depicts the values and ideals of Malay society at that time, such as loyalty, bravery, honor, justice, and friendship.

The most memorable chapter in the work concerns a duel between Hang Tuah and his closest friend, Hang Jebat. Hang Tuah was falsely accused of adultery with one of his king’s maids by his jealous rivals. Upon hearing the accusation, the king ordered Hang Tuah killed, without further investigation of the alleged offense. Hang Tuah was secretly saved, however, by his executioner, the Bendahara.

Hang Jebat was aware that Hang Tuah was being unjustly punished and in a show of support and deep loyalty for his friend, revolted against the sultan. The sultan’s forces were unable to suppress Hang Jebat. The sultan later came to realize that Hang Tuah was innocent, and immediately regretted sentencing Hang Tuah to death. The Bendahara then told the sultan that Hang Tuah was still alive, and that only Hang Tuah could suppress Hang Jebat’s rebellion.

Hang Tuah was immediately recalled and given amnesty. After seven days of fighting, Hang Tuah managed to kill Hang Jebat. However, according to the Malay Annals, it was Hang Kasturi that fought with Hang Tuah instead of Hang Jebat.

Who wrote Hikayat Hang Tuah?

The author of Hikayat Hang Tuah is unknown, but it is believed that it was written and rewritten by several different authors from different time periods in history with the aim to improvise the tale to fit their society at that certain period of time.

The earliest known manuscript of Hikayat Hang Tuah dates back to the 17th century. However, some scholars believe that it was composed earlier than that, possibly in the 16th century or even earlier. Some scholars also suggest that Hikayat Hang Tuah was influenced by various oral traditions, folk tales, historical records, religious texts, and other literary works from Malay and non-Malay sources.

What are the themes and messages of Hikayat Hang Tuah?

Hikayat Hang Tuah explores various themes and messages that reflect the values and beliefs of Malay society at that time. Some of the themes and messages are:

  • Loyalty: Loyalty is one of the most important virtues in Malay culture. Hikayat Hang Tuah portrays loyalty as a noble and admirable quality that should be upheld by all Malays. Loyalty is shown by Hang Tuah and his friends to their king, their country, their religion, their family, and their friends.
  • Bravery: Bravery is another important virtue in Malay culture. Hikayat Hang Tuah portrays bravery as a heroic and commendable quality that should be displayed by all Malays. Bravery is shown by Hang Tuah and his friends as they face various enemies and challenges in their missions.
  • Honor: Honor is another important virtue in Malay culture. Hikayat Hang Tuah portrays honor as a dignified and respectable quality that should be maintained by all Malays. Honor is shown by Hang Tuah and his friends as they uphold their principles and morals in their actions.
  • Justice: Justice is another important value in Malay culture. Hikayat Hang Tuah portrays justice as a fair and righteous value that should be sought by all Malays. Justice is shown by Hang Jebat as he rebels against the unjust accusation and punishment of his friend.
  • Friendship: Friendship is another important value in Malay culture. Hikayat Hang Tuah portrays friendship as a precious and priceless value that should be cherished by all Malays. Friendship is shown by Hang Jebat as he sacrifices his life for his friend.

Who are the main characters of Hikayat Hang Tuah?

Hikayat Hang Tuah features many characters from different backgrounds and roles. However, the main characters are:

  • Hang Tuah: He is the protagonist and hero of Hikayat Hang Tuah. He is a loyal and brave warrior who serves his king with utmost devotion. He is also a wise and skilled leader who commands respect from his friends and foes alike.
  • Hang Jebat: He is one of the four warrior friends of Hang Tuah. He is a loyal and brave warrior who supports his friend with utmost dedication. He is also a rebellious and defiant fighter who challenges authority for justice.
  • Hang Kasturi: He is one of the four warrior friends of Hang Tuah. He is a loyal and brave warrior who follows his friend with utmost trust. He is also a cunning and clever fighter who uses strategy to overcome enemies.
  • Hang Lekir: He is one of the four warrior friends of Hang Tuah. He is a loyal and brave warrior who assists his friend with utmost skill. He is also a strong and powerful fighter who uses strength to defeat enemies.
  • Hang Lekiu: He is one of the four warrior friends of Hang Tuah. He is a loyal and brave warrior who accompanies his friend with utmost courage. He is also a swift and agile fighter who uses speed to outwit enemies.
  • Sultan Mansur Shah: He is the king of Malacca who rules with wisdom and justice. He trusts and respects Hang Tuah as his most loyal servant. However, he also makes mistakes such as accusing him without proof.
  • Bendahara: He is the prime minister or chief minister of Malacca who advises and assists the king. He saves and protects Hang Tuah from death by hiding him in secret.
  • Tun Teja: She is a princess from Pahang who falls in love with Hang Tuah after he disguises himself as her fiancé from Majapahit.

What are some interesting facts about Hikayat Hang Tu

What are some interesting facts about Hikayat Hang Tuah?

Hikayat Hang Tuah is a fascinating and captivating work of literature that has many interesting facts and features. Here are some of them:

  • Hikayat Hang Tuah is one of the most widely read and studied works of Malay literature. It has been translated into many languages, such as English, French, German, Dutch, Arabic, Japanese, etc.
  • Hikayat Hang Tuah is one of the most controversial and debated works of Malay literature. It has sparked many discussions and arguments among scholars and readers about its authorship, sources, genre, style, themes, messages, characters, plot, and significance.
  • Hikayat Hang Tuah is one of the most influential and inspiring works of Malay literature. It has inspired many other works of art and culture, such as novels, poems, plays, films, comics, songs, etc.
  • Hikayat Hang Tuah is one of the most symbolic and representative works of Malay literature. It has become a symbol and a representation of Malay identity and culture.

How to Download Hikayat Hang Tuah Pdf for Free?

If you are interested in reading Hikayat Hang Tuah for yourself, you may be wondering how to download Hikayat Hang Tuah pdf for free. Well, you are in luck, because in this article, we have shown you how to do just that. We have also given you some background information about Hikayat Hang Tuah, its authorship, sources, genre, style, themes, messages, characters, plot, and significance.

To download Hikayat Hang Tuah pdf for free online, you need to find a reliable and legitimate source that offers free ebooks or pdf files. You also need to check the quality and format of the pdf file. You also need to check the authenticity and accuracy of the pdf file. You also need to check the legality and ethics of the pdf file.

Once you have found a trustworthy and legitimate source to download Hikayat Hang Tuah pdf for free online, you need to click on the link or button that says “Download” or “Read Online”. You need to select the format that you prefer (pdf, epub, mobi, etc.). You need to save the file to your computer or device. You need to open the file with your preferred reader or application. You need to enjoy reading Hikayat Hang Tuah!

Why Should You Read Hikayat Hang Tuah?

Hikayat Hang Tuah is not only a work of literature, but also a work of art and culture. It is a work that can enrich your mind and soul. It is a work that can teach you many things and inspire you in many ways. Here are some reasons why you should read Hikayat Hang Tuah:

  • You should read Hikayat Hang Tuah because it is a classic and a masterpiece of Malay literature. It is a work that has been admired and appreciated by many generations of Malays and non-Malays alike. It is a work that has been recognized and honored by many institutions and organizations, such as UNESCO.
  • You should read Hikayat Hang Tuah because it is a historical and a legendary story of Malay heroism and adventure. It is a work that tells the tale of the legendary Malay warrior, Hang Tuah and his four warrior friends – Hang Jebat, Hang Kasturi, Hang Lekir and Hang Lekiu. It is a work that chronicles their adventures and exploits as they serve their king, Sultan Mansur Shah of Malacca, during the height of the Malacca Sultanate in the 15th century.
  • You should read Hikayat Hang Tuah because it is a moral and a philosophical story of Malay values and ideals. It is a work that explores various themes and messages that reflect the values and beliefs of Malay society at that time, such as loyalty, bravery, honor, justice, and friendship. It is a work that also raises questions and dilemmas about these values and beliefs, such as who is right between Hang Tuah and Hang Jebat.
  • You should read Hikayat Hang Tuah because it is an artistic and a poetic story of Malay language and style. It is a work that uses the Malay language in a beautiful and expressive way. It is a work that uses various literary devices and techniques, such as poetry, rhythm, symbolism, metaphor, allegory, etc.

These are some of the reasons why you should read Hikayat Hang Tuah. By reading Hikayat Hang Tuah, you will be able to experience this classic Malay epic in a new and exciting way.


Hikayat Hang Tuah is a Malay work of literature that tells the tale of the legendary Malay warrior, Hang Tuah and his four warrior friends – Hang Jebat, Hang Kasturi, Hang Lekir and Hang Lekiu. It is a Malay literary classic and a traditional Malay epic that has been proudly recounted to generations of Malays. It is also a national literary classic that is well-known not only among the Malays but also to the people in the Malay Archipelago.

In this article, we have shown you how to download Hikayat Hang Tuah pdf for free online. We have also given you some background information about Hikayat Hang Tuah, its authorship, sources, genre, style, themes, messages, characters, plot, and significance. We have also given you some reasons why you should read Hikayat Hang Tuah.

We hope that this article has helped you to understand and appreciate Hikayat Hang Tuah better. We hope that you will enjoy reading this classic Malay epic and learn from its lessons and inspirations.
