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How to Download Zombie Mod for GTA 5

GTA 5 is one of the most popular and versatile games ever created. You can do almost anything in the open world of Los Santos, from robbing banks to racing cars. But what if you want to spice things up and turn the city into a zombie apocalypse? Well, you can do that too, thanks to the amazing modding community of GTA 5. In this article, we’ll show you how to download and install the zombie mod for GTA 5, and how to play it like a pro.

What is Zombie Mod for GTA 5?

Zombie mod for GTA 5 is a modification that adds zombies to the game. It transforms the normal gameplay into a survival horror experience, where you have to fight off hordes of undead creatures, scavenge for resources, and find a safe place to stay. The mod also adds new features, such as hunger, thirst, fatigue, infection, crafting, looting, and more.

There are many zombie mods available for GTA 5, but one of the most popular and well-made ones is Simple Zombies by sollaholla. This mod is inspired by games like DayZ and The Walking Dead, and it offers a realistic and immersive zombie apocalypse scenario. You can download it from [here](^2^).

Why play Zombie Mod for GTA 5?

If you’re a fan of zombies, horror, or survival games, then you’ll love playing zombie mod for GTA 5. It adds a whole new dimension to the game, making it more challenging, exciting, and fun. You’ll never know what dangers lurk around the corner, or what surprises await you in the next building. You’ll have to use your skills, strategy, and creativity to survive in a hostile environment.

Playing zombie mod for GTA 5 is also a great way to explore the game’s map in a different way. You’ll discover new places, secrets, and easter eggs that you might have missed in the normal mode. You’ll also appreciate the game’s graphics, sound effects, and atmosphere more, as they create a stunning and terrifying zombie world.

How to install Zombie Mod for GTA 5?

Installing zombie mod for GTA 5 is not very difficult, but it does require some steps and tools. Here’s how to do it:

Step 1: Download Script Hook V and Native Trainer

Script Hook V is a library that allows you to use custom scripts in GTA 5. Native Trainer is a script that gives you access to various cheats and options in the game. You’ll need both of these tools to run the zombie mod.

You can download Script Hook V and Native Trainer from [here](^1^). Extract the zip file and copy the following files to your GTA 5 folder (where GTA5.exe is located):

  • dinput8.dll
  • ScriptHookV.dll
  • NativeTrainer.asi

Step 2: Download Simple Zombies Mod

Simple Zombies Mod is the main mod that adds zombies to GTA 5. You can download it from [here](^2^). Extract the zip file and copy the following files to your GTA 5 folder:

  • SimpleZombies.dll
  • SimpleZombies.ini

Step 3: Copy the files to the GTA 5 folder

After copying all the files from step 1 and step 2, your GTA 5 folder should look something like this:

GTA 5 folder with mod files

If you have any other mods installed, make sure they are compatible with the zombie mod.

Step 4: Launch the game and activate the mod

Now you’re ready to launch GTA 5 and enjoy the zombie mod. To activate the mod, press F8 to open the Native Trainer menu, and select “Load Plugin”. Then, select “SimpleZombies.dll” and press Enter. You should see a message saying “Simple Zombies Loaded” on the top left corner of the screen.

To deactivate the mod, press F8 again, and select “Unload Plugin”. Then, select “SimpleZombies.dll” and press Enter. You should see a message saying “Simple Zombies Unloaded” on the top left corner of the screen.

You can also customize the mod settings by editing the SimpleZombies.ini file in your GTA 5 folder. You can change things like the zombie spawn rate, the infection chance, the loot frequency, and more.

How to play Zombie Mod for GTA 5?

Playing zombie mod for GTA 5 is not as easy as playing the normal mode. You’ll have to deal with a lot of challenges and threats, such as hunger, thirst, fatigue, infection, zombies, bandits, and more. Here are some basic controls and features of the mod, as well as some survival tips and tricks to help you out.

Basic controls and features

Here are some of the basic controls and features of the zombie mod:

  • To open the survival menu, press B. Here you can see your health, hunger, thirst, fatigue, infection, and money. You can also access your inventory, your skills, your map, your camp, and your group.
  • To open your inventory, press I. Here you can see your weapons, ammo, food, water, medicine, and other items. You can also craft new items from the materials you find.
  • To open your map, press M. Here you can see your location, your camp location, your group members’ locations, and other points of interest. You can also set waypoints and markers.
  • To open your camp menu, press C. Here you can see your camp status, your camp members’ status, and your camp resources. You can also upgrade your camp facilities and recruit new members.
  • To open your group menu, press G. Here you can see your group members’ names, health, hunger, thirst, fatigue, infection, and skills. You can also give them orders and items.
  • To interact with objects and NPCs, press E. You can loot corpses, containers, vehicles, shops, and more. You can also talk to friendly NPCs and trade with them.
  • To aim your weapon, press right mouse button. To shoot your weapon, press left mouse button. To reload your weapon, press R. To switch your weapon, press Q or use the mouse wheel.
  • To melee attack, press F. You can use your fists, a knife, a bat, or any other melee weapon. To block, press space.
  • To sprint, press shift. To crouch, press ctrl. To jump, press space.
  • To use your phone, press up arrow. Here you can see your contacts, your messages, your missions, and your settings. You can also call for help or request a helicopter extraction.
  • To pause the game, press ESC. Here you can see your options, your save game, your load game, and your quit game.

Survival tips and tricks

Here are some survival tips and tricks to help you play the zombie mod better:

  • Always keep an eye on your health, hunger, thirst, fatigue, and infection. If any of them drop too low, you’ll suffer negative effects or even die. Eat food, drink water, sleep, and use medicine to restore them.
  • Always be prepared for zombie attacks. Zombies are everywhere in the city, and they can sense your presence and noise. Use stealth, cover, and distraction to avoid them or lure them away. Use guns, melee weapons, or explosives to kill them. Aim for the head for more damage.
  • Always scavenge for resources. You’ll need weapons, ammo, food, water, medicine, and other items to survive. Loot corpses, containers, vehicles, shops, and more. Be careful though, some of them might be trapped or guarded by zombies or bandits.
  • Always craft new items. You can use the materials you find to craft useful items, such as bandages, molotovs, lockpicks, and more. You can also upgrade your weapons and armor with mods and attachments.
  • Always find a safe place to stay. You’ll need a shelter to sleep, store your items, and protect yourself from zombies and bandits. You can use your camp as your base of operations or find other safe houses around the city.
  • Always work with your group. You can recruit other survivors to join your group and help you in your missions. You can also trade with them and give them orders and items. Be careful though, some of them might betray you or leave you.
  • Always complete your missions. You’ll get missions from your contacts, your messages, or your phone. They’ll give you rewards, such as money, items, or information. They’ll also advance the story and unlock new features.
  • Always have fun. Zombie mod for GTA 5 is a game, after all. Don’t take it too seriously or get frustrated. Enjoy the thrill, the challenge, and the humor of the mod. Experiment with different weapons, vehicles, and strategies. Explore the city and discover its secrets. Make your own stories and adventures.


Zombie mod for GTA 5 is a fantastic modification that adds zombies to the game. It makes the game more challenging, exciting, and fun. It also adds new features, such as hunger, thirst, fatigue, infection, crafting, looting, and more. You can download and install the mod easily, and play it like a pro with our tips and tricks.

If you’re a fan of zombies, horror, or survival games, then you’ll love playing zombie mod for GTA 5. It’s a great way to spice up your GTA 5 experience and explore the game’s map in a different way. It’s also a great way to test your skills, strategy, and creativity in a hostile environment.

So what are you waiting for? Download zombie mod for GTA 5 today and enjoy the zombie apocalypse!


Here are some frequently asked questions about zombie mod for GTA 5:

  • Q: Is zombie mod for GTA 5 safe to use?
  • A: Yes, zombie mod for GTA 5 is safe to use, as long as you download it from a trusted source and follow the installation instructions carefully. However, using any mod in GTA 5 might affect your game performance or stability, so make sure you backup your game files before installing any mod.
  • Q: Is zombie mod for GTA 5 compatible with other mods?
  • A: Zombie mod for GTA 5 is compatible with most other mods, as long as they don’t conflict with each other or interfere with the game’s scripts. However, some mods might not work properly or cause glitches with the zombie mod, so use them at your own risk.
  • Q: Can I play zombie mod for GTA 5 online?
  • A: No, zombie mod for GTA 5 is only for single-player mode. You can’t play it online or with other players. If you try to play it online, you might get banned from the game’s servers or face other consequences.
  • Q: How do I uninstall zombie mod for GTA 5?
  • A: To uninstall zombie mod for GTA 5, simply delete the following files from your GTA 5 folder:
    • dinput8.dll
    • ScriptHookV.dll
    • NativeTrainer.asi
    • SimpleZombies.dll
    • SimpleZombies.ini
  • Q: Where can I find more information about zombie mod for GTA 5?
  • A: You can find more information about zombie mod for GTA 5 on its official website [here], or on its YouTube channel [here]. You can also check out some reviews and gameplay videos of the mod online.
