Drone Simulator App 🠦


Drone Simulator App: What Is It and Why You Need One

If you are interested in flying drones, whether for fun or for work, you may have heard of a drone simulator app. A drone simulator app is a software program that simulates the flight of a real drone on your computer or mobile device. It allows you to learn and practice drone flying skills without risking your real drone or violating any regulations. In this article, we will explain the benefits of using a drone simulator app, the features to look for in a drone simulator app, and the best free and paid drone simulator apps for PC and Mac. We will also give you some tips on how to choose the best drone simulator app for you.

Benefits of Using a Drone Simulator App

There are many benefits of using a drone simulator app, whether you are a beginner or an expert drone pilot. Here are some of them:

Save money and time

One of the main advantages of using a drone simulator app is that it can save you a lot of money and time. Flying a real drone can be expensive and time-consuming, as you have to buy and maintain your drone, batteries, and accessories, as well as travel to suitable flying locations. You also have to deal with the risk of crashing your drone and damaging it or injuring someone. With a drone simulator app, you can fly a virtual drone anytime and anywhere, without spending any money or wasting any time. You can also avoid any legal issues or fines that may arise from flying your drone in restricted areas or violating any rules.

Improve your skills and confidence

Another benefit of using a drone simulator app is that it can help you improve your skills and confidence as a drone pilot. Flying a real drone can be challenging and stressful, especially if you are not familiar with the controls, the environment, or the scenario. You may feel nervous or anxious when flying your drone, which can affect your performance and enjoyment. With a drone simulator app, you can practice your piloting skills in a safe and relaxed way, such as maneuvering, landing, racing, and performing tricks. You can also learn from your mistakes and feedback without worrying about damaging your drone or hurting anyone. As you improve your skills and confidence, you will be able to fly your real drone more smoothly and safely.

Explore different scenarios and environments

A third benefit of using a drone simulator app is that it can let you explore different scenarios and environments that you may not be able to access in real life. Flying a real drone can be limited by the weather conditions, the availability of flying locations, and the type of drone you have. You may not be able to fly your drone in certain places or situations that you are curious about or interested in. With a drone simulator app, you can experience various scenarios and environments that are realistic or imaginary, such as urban landscapes, mountains, forests, deserts, and even other planets. You can also switch between different types of drones and cameras to see how they affect your flight and view.

Features to Look for in a Drone Simulator App

Now that you know the benefits of using a drone simulator app, you may wonder what features to look for in a good one. There are many factors to consider when choosing a drone simulator app, but here are some of the most important ones:

Realistic physics and graphics

One of the most essential features to look for in a drone simulator app is realistic physics and graphics. A good drone simulator app should have realistic physics that mimic the actual behavior of a real drone, such as its weight, speed, acceleration, inertia, drag, lift, thrust, etc. It should also have realistic graphics that represent the actual appearance of a real drone and its surroundings, such as its shape, size, color, texture, lighting, shadows, reflections, etc. Realistic physics and graphics are important because they make the simulation more accurate and immersive, which can help you learn and practice better.

Multiple drones and controllers

Another important feature to look for in a drone simulator app is multiple drones and controllers. A good drone simulator app should support multiple types of drones and controllers that suit your needs and preferences. For example, if you want to fly an FPV (first-person view) drone, you should be able to use a drone simulator app that supports FPV drones and goggles, such as ORQA FPV Skydive or DRL Simulator. If you want to fly a DJI drone, you should be able to use a drone simulator app that supports DJI drones and controllers, such as DJI Simulator or Flowstate. Having multiple drones and controllers can help you practice with the one that you own or plan to buy, as well as try out different ones that you may not have access to.

Customizable settings and modes

A third important feature to look for in a drone simulator app is customizable settings and modes. A good drone simulator app should allow you to customize various settings and modes that affect your flight and experience, such as wind speed, weather conditions, camera angle, flight speed, difficulty level, etc. You should also be able to choose between different modes of flying, such as freestyle, racing, training, etc. Customizable settings and modes can help you adjust the simulation according to your skill level and goals, as well as challenge yourself and have fun.

Best Free Drone Simulator Apps for PC and Mac

If you are looking for a free drone simulator app for your PC or Mac, here are some of the best ones that you can try:

ORQA FPV Skydive

ORQA FPV Skydive is a free drone simulator app that lets you fly an FPV drone in a virtual skydiving environment with realistic physics and graphics. You can use your own FPV goggles and controller to connect to the app and experience the thrill of flying a drone while falling from the sky. You can also customize your drone and skydiver, as well as choose between different maps and weather conditions. ORQA FPV Skydive is a great app for FPV enthusiasts who want to practice their skills and have fun in a unique setting.

Tiny Whoop GO

Tiny Whoop GO is a free drone simulator app that lets you fly a tiny whoop drone in various indoor and outdoor environments with simple controls and graphics. You can use your keyboard or controller to fly your drone through different courses and obstacles, such as houses, offices, gardens, parks, etc. You can also create your own courses and share them with other users. Tiny Whoop GO is a great app for beginners who want to learn the basics of drone flying and have fun in a casual way.


Flowstate is a free drone simulator app that lets you fly an FPV drone in various realistic environments with advanced physics and graphics. You can use your own FPV goggles and controller to connect to the app and experience the realism of flying a drone in different scenarios and locations, such as cities, mountains, forests, deserts, etc. You can also customize your drone and camera settings, as well as choose between different modes of flying, such as freestyle, racing, cinematic, etc. Flowstate is a great app for experts who want to improve their skills and have fun in a challenging way.

Best Paid Drone Simulator Apps for PC and Mac

If you are willing to pay for a drone simulator app for your PC or Mac, here are some of the best ones that you can buy:

DJI Simulator

DJI Simulator is a paid drone simulator app that lets you fly various DJI drones in different scenarios and environments with professional flight control technology and graphics. You can use your own DJI controller to connect to the app and experience the features and functions of different DJI drones, such as Mavic, Phantom, Inspire, Matrice, etc. You can also choose between different scenarios and environments, such as industrial inspection, search and rescue, entertainment show, etc. You can also customize your flight settings and modes, such as altitude, speed, wind, weather, etc. DJI Simulator is a great app for DJI fans who want to practice and master their DJI drones and have fun in a professional way.

DRL Simulator

DRL Simulator is a paid drone simulator app that lets you fly various FPV drones in different racing courses and environments with realistic physics and graphics. You can use your own FPV goggles and controller to connect to the app and experience the thrill of flying a drone at high speeds and with high precision. You can also compete with other players online or offline, as well as join the official Drone Racing League and qualify for the DRL Allianz World Championship. DRL Simulator is a great app for racing enthusiasts who want to practice and compete with their FPV drones and have fun in a competitive way.

FPV Air 2

FPV Air 2 is a paid drone simulator app that lets you fly various FPV drones in different freestyle and racing environments with realistic physics and graphics. You can use your own FPV goggles and controller to connect to the app and experience the freedom and creativity of flying a drone in different terrains and obstacles, such as ramps, pipes, tunnels, bridges, etc. You can also create your own tracks and share them with other users. FPV Air 2 is a great app for freestyle enthusiasts who want to practice and express themselves with their FPV drones and have fun in a creative way.

How to Choose the Best Drone Simulator App for You

With so many drone simulator apps available, you may wonder how to choose the best one for you. Here are some tips that can help you make a smart decision:

Consider your budget and goals

The first thing to consider when choosing a drone simulator app is your budget and goals. Depending on how much you are willing to spend and what you want to achieve, you can decide whether to go for a free or paid drone simulator app. A free drone simulator app may be enough if you just want to learn the basics of drone flying or have some casual fun. A paid drone simulator app may be worth it if you want to improve your skills, try out different types of drones, or have some serious fun.

Compare the features and reviews

The second thing to consider when choosing a drone simulator app is the features and reviews. You should compare the features of different drone simulator apps based on your preferences and needs, such as the type of drone, controller, scenario, environment, physics, graphics, etc. You should also read the reviews of other users who have tried the drone simulator apps that you are interested in, as they can give you some insights into their pros and cons, as well as their performance and quality.

Try them out yourself

The third thing to consider when choosing a drone simulator app is to try them out yourself. You should download or buy the drone simulator apps that you are interested in and test them on your PC or Mac. You should see how they work with your device, how they look on your screen, how they feel with your controller, how they respond to your commands, how they challenge your skills, how they entertain you, etc. You should also see if they have any bugs or glitches that may affect your experience. By trying them out yourself, you can find out which one suits you best and gives you the most satisfaction.


A drone simulator app is a great tool for anyone who wants to learn and practice drone flying skills without risking their real drone or violating any regulations. It can also help you save money and time, improve your skills and confidence, and explore different scenarios and environments. However, not all drone simulator apps are created equal, so you need to choose the best one for you based on your budget, goals, preferences, needs, etc. We hope that this article has given you some useful information and tips on how to choose the best drone simulator app for you.


Here are some frequently asked questions about drone simulator apps:

  • What is the difference between a drone simulator app and a flight simulator app?
  • A drone simulator app is a software program that simulates the flight of a real drone on your computer or mobile device. A flight simulator app is a software program that simulates the flight of a real aircraft on your computer or mobile device.
  • Can I use a drone simulator app with any controller?
  • It depends on the drone simulator app that you are using. Some drone simulator apps support only specific types of controllers, such as FPV goggles or DJI controllers. Other drone simulator apps support multiple types of controllers, such as keyboards, mice, joysticks, gamepads, etc. You should check the compatibility of the drone simulator app that you want to use with the controller that you have or want to buy.
  • How realistic are drone simulator apps?
  • It depends on the quality and features of the drone simulator app that you are using. Some drone simulator apps have realistic physics and graphics that mimic the actual behavior and appearance of a real drone and its surroundings. Other drone simulator apps have simpler physics and graphics that are more suitable for casual or fun flying. You should choose the drone simulator app that matches your expectations and needs.
  • Are drone simulator apps safe and legal?
  • Yes, drone simulator apps are safe and legal to use, as they do not involve flying a real drone in the real world. You do not have to worry about crashing your drone, damaging your property, injuring someone, or breaking any laws or regulations. However, you should still be careful about the security and privacy of your device and data when using a drone simulator app, as some of them may require internet access or personal information.
  • Can I use a drone simulator app to prepare for a drone license or certification?
  • It depends on the requirements and standards of the drone license or certification that you want to obtain. Some drone licenses or certifications may accept or recommend using a drone simulator app as part of your training or preparation. Other drone licenses or certifications may require or prefer using a real drone in a real environment. You should check the specific rules and guidelines of the drone license or certification that you want to obtain before using a drone simulator app.
