Eastwest Hollywood Brass Gold Edition Torrent 📀

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Eastwest Hollywood Brass Gold Edition Torrent: A Review of the Best Brass Library

If you are looking for a realistic and extensive brass library for your music production, you might want to check out Eastwest Hollywood Brass Gold Edition Torrent. This is a virtual instrument that features the most powerful and expressive brass samples ever created. In this article, we will review the features, benefits, and drawbacks of this library, and help you decide if it is worth downloading.

What is Eastwest Hollywood Brass Gold Edition Torrent?

Eastwest Hollywood Brass Gold Edition Torrent is a collection of brass instruments that were recorded at the famous EastWest Studios in Hollywood, California. The library was produced by Doug Rogers and Nick Phoenix, who are award-winning sound engineers and composers. They hired some of the best brass players in the industry, and used multiple microphones and articulations to capture every nuance and detail of their performance.

The library includes solo and ensemble instruments, such as trumpets, trombones, French horns, tubas, and saxophones. You can choose from different styles and arrangements, such as pop, rock, funk, soul, Latin, and more. You can also mix and match different mic positions, such as close, mid, main, surround, and vintage. The library also comes with new brass reverb impulses taken from the renowned convolution reverb Quantum Leap Spaces.

What are the benefits of Eastwest Hollywood Brass Gold Edition Torrent?

One of the main benefits of Eastwest Hollywood Brass Gold Edition Torrent is that it gives you access to a high-quality brass library that sounds realistic and authentic. You can use it to create stunning music tracks for various genres and projects. Whether you need a powerful brass section for a film score, a catchy horn riff for a pop song, or a smooth sax solo for a jazz piece, you can find it in this library.

Another benefit of Eastwest Hollywood Brass Gold Edition Torrent is that it is easy to use and customize. You can load the instruments in the PLAY 3 engine, which is a user-friendly and advanced sample player that offers sophisticated performance options and reverb. You can adjust the volume, pan, tuning, expression, dynamics, legato, portamento, vibrato, and more. You can also layer different instruments and articulations to create your own unique sound.

What are the drawbacks of Eastwest Hollywood Brass Gold Edition Torrent?

One of the possible drawbacks of Eastwest Hollywood Brass Gold Edition Torrent is that it requires a lot of disk space and computer resources. The library has 10 times the content and detail than the original release. It has over 150 GB of 24-bit samples that cover every possible playing style. You will need a fast hard drive and a powerful processor to run this library smoothly.

Another possible drawback of Eastwest Hollywood Brass Gold Edition Torrent is that it may not be legal to download it from unauthorized sources. The library is a commercial product that costs $199 on the official website. If you download it from a torrent site or a file-sharing platform, you may be violating the copyright laws and risking legal consequences. You may also expose your computer to viruses and malware that could harm your system.

How to download Eastwest Hollywood Brass Gold Edition Torrent?

If you want to download Eastwest Hollywood Brass Gold Edition Torrent, you will need a torrent client software, such as BitTorrent or uTorrent. You will also need to find a reliable torrent site that offers the library file. However, you should be careful when downloading torrents, as they may contain viruses, malware, or illegal content. You should also check the comments and ratings of the torrent before downloading it, to make sure it is safe and working.

Once you have downloaded the torrent file, you will need to open it with your torrent client. It will start downloading the library files to your computer. Depending on the size of the library and your internet speed, this may take a while. You should also make sure you have enough disk space and computer resources to run the library smoothly.

How to install Eastwest Hollywood Brass Gold Edition Torrent?

After you have downloaded the library files, you will need to install them on your computer. You will also need the PLAY 6 sampler software, which is a user-friendly and advanced sample player that offers sophisticated performance options and reverb. You can download it from the official website of Eastwest: https://www.soundsonline.com/play-6

To install the library, you will need to copy the “Previews”, “ProductChunks”, and “products” folders from the R2R folder to the “C:\ProgramData\East West” folder. Then, you will need to copy the library folder to any convenient location on your hard drive. Next, you will need to launch the PLAY 6 sampler software, go to the Browser tab, right-click on an empty space in the left column, and select “Add Another Product Library” in the pop-up window. Finally, you will need to specify the location of the library folder.

How to use Eastwest Hollywood Brass Gold Edition Torrent?

Once you have installed the library and the PLAY 6 sampler software, you can start using Eastwest Hollywood Brass Gold Edition Torrent in your music production. You can load the instruments as standalone or as plugins in your DAW of choice. You can browse through the different categories and subcategories of instruments, such as Solo, 2 Trumpets, 3 Trumpets, 6 French Horns, Low Brass, and more. You can also choose from different styles and arrangements, such as Pop, Rock, Funk, Soul, Latin, and more.

You can play the instruments with your MIDI keyboard or controller, or you can use the built-in sequencer to create your own patterns and phrases. You can also edit the instruments with the various controls and parameters available in the PLAY 6 interface. You can adjust the volume, pan, tuning, expression, dynamics, legato, portamento, vibrato, and more. You can also layer different instruments and articulations to create your own unique sound.

What are some tips and tricks for using Eastwest Hollywood Brass Gold Edition Torrent?

Here are some tips and tricks for using Eastwest Hollywood Brass Gold Edition Torrent effectively and creatively:

– Use the fanfare patches to create instant and impressive brass sections with just one MIDI channel. These patches are designed to sound great with minimal tweaking and CPU usage.
– Use the keyswitches to switch between different articulations on the fly. You can also assign them to different MIDI controllers for easier access.
– Use the mod wheel to control the dynamics and expression of the instruments. You can also use it to crossfade between different mic positions for more sonic variety.
– Use the pitch bend wheel to create realistic pitch bends and glissandos. You can also use it to add subtle vibrato or pitch waver effects.
– Use the round robin feature to avoid machine gun effect and repetition. This feature randomly selects different samples for each note played, creating a more natural and human sound.
– Use the reverb impulses from Quantum Leap Spaces to add realistic and spacious ambience to your brass sounds. You can choose from different rooms and halls that were recorded with high-quality microphones.

What are the differences between Hollywood Brass Gold Edition and Diamond Edition?

Hollywood Brass Gold Edition and Diamond Edition are two versions of the same brass library, but they have some significant differences in terms of content, quality, and price. Here are the main differences between them:

– Content: The Diamond Edition has 10 times more content than the Gold Edition, with over 150 GB of 24-bit samples that cover every possible playing style. The Gold Edition has only 20 GB of 16-bit samples that offer a single mic position and fewer options.
– Quality: The Diamond Edition has higher audio fidelity and more sonic variety than the Gold Edition, with five mixable mic positions that include close, mid, main, surround, and vintage. The Gold Edition has only one mic position, the main Decca Tree setup, which limits the sound and flexibility of the library.
– Price: The Diamond Edition costs $995 and comes on a hard drive, while the Gold Edition costs $595 and comes on a set of DVDs. The Diamond Edition also requires more disk space and computer resources to run smoothly.

Which edition should you choose?

The answer depends on your needs, preferences, and budget. If you want the best possible sound quality and realism, and you have a powerful computer system and enough disk space, then the Diamond Edition is the way to go. You will get access to a comprehensive and versatile brass library that sounds amazing and offers endless possibilities for customization.

If you have a less capable computer system or a limited budget, then the Gold Edition might be a better option for you. You will still get a great sounding brass library that covers all the essential instruments and articulations, but with less detail and options. You can also upgrade to the Diamond Edition later if you want to expand your sound palette.

What are the benefits of using Eastwest Hollywood Brass Gold Edition Torrent for your projects?

Using Eastwest Hollywood Brass Gold Edition Torrent for your projects can give you many benefits, such as:

– Realistic and authentic brass sounds: You can create stunning music tracks for various genres and projects with the most realistic and expressive brass samples ever created. You can use them to add power, emotion, and drama to your compositions.
– Easy to use and customize: You can load and play the instruments with ease and flexibility with the PLAY 6 sampler software. You can adjust and edit the instruments with various controls and parameters to suit your needs and preferences. You can also layer and mix different instruments and articulations to create your own unique sound.
– Affordable and accessible: You can get access to a high-quality brass library that sounds amazing and offers endless possibilities for customization at an affordable price. You can also download it from a torrent site or a file-sharing platform, which makes it more accessible and convenient.


Eastwest Hollywood Brass Gold Edition Torrent is a virtual instrument that features the most powerful and expressive brass samples ever created. It is designed to work seamlessly with the PLAY 6 sampler software, which offers sophisticated performance options and reverb. It is a great choice for music producers who are looking for a realistic and extensive brass library for their music production. It covers all the essential instruments and articulations, and offers a single mic position and fewer options than the Diamond Edition. It is also more affordable and accessible than the Diamond Edition, but it may have some drawbacks in terms of quality, legality, and safety. If you want to download and use Eastwest Hollywood Brass Gold Edition Torrent, you should be careful and responsible, and make sure you have enough disk space and computer resources to run it smoothly.

