El Arte De Robar Pickpocket Pdf Download ((NEW))

El Arte de Robar Pickpocket PDF: The Ultimate Book on the Art of Stealing

If you are interested in learning the secrets of pickpocketing, you might want to download El Arte de Robar Pickpocket PDF, a book that teaches you how to master the craft of stealing from unsuspecting victims. This book is written by James Freedman, a renowned pickpocket and magician who has performed for celebrities, royalty and even the president of France.

In this book, you will learn the history, psychology and techniques of pickpocketing, as well as how to avoid being robbed yourself. You will discover how to use misdirection, timing, body language and sleight of hand to steal wallets, watches, phones and even clothes. You will also learn how to practice your skills safely and legally, and how to use them for entertainment purposes.

El Arte de Robar Pickpocket PDF is not only a guide for aspiring thieves, but also a fascinating insight into the world of pickpocketing. You will be amazed by the stories and anecdotes that Freedman shares from his experience as a professional pickpocket. You will also learn some valuable lessons about human nature, trust and security.

Who is James Freedman and Why Should You Listen to Him?

James Freedman is not your ordinary pickpocket. He is a professional entertainer who uses his skills to amaze and educate audiences around the world. He has performed for celebrities, royalty and even the president of France. He is also an authority on pickpocket techniques and is consulted by police forces and security professionals for advice. In 2015, he was appointed the UK’s first Fraud Prevention Ambassador by the City of London Police.

Freedman has also been a special consultant for many feature films, television shows and theatre productions that involve pickpocketing. He has taught actors such as Edward Norton, Sir Ben Kingsley, Helena Bonham-Carter and Sacha Baron Cohen how to pick pockets convincingly on screen. He has also created magic effects and illusions for various shows and events.

With his extensive knowledge and experience, Freedman is the perfect person to teach you about El Arte de Robar Pickpocket PDF. He knows all the tricks of the trade, as well as how to prevent them. He will show you how pickpockets think, act and operate, and how you can protect yourself from them.

What are Some Common Pickpocket Techniques and How to Avoid Them?

Pickpockets use a lot of the same techniques magicians do, since it’s all about distraction, timing and sleight of hand. There are plenty of courses out there to learn the “magic” of the steal, such as El Arte de Robar Pickpocket PDF, but how can you protect yourself from becoming a victim? Here are some of the most common pickpocket techniques and how to avoid them:

  • The Stall: This is when a pickpocket or an accomplice blocks your way or bumps into you, creating a moment of confusion and contact that allows them to snatch your valuables. To avoid this, be aware of your surroundings and keep your distance from strangers. If someone bumps into you, check your pockets and bags immediately.
  • The Dip: This is when a pickpocket slips their hand into your pocket or bag and takes something out without you noticing. They often use misdirection, such as pointing at something or asking you a question, to divert your attention. To avoid this, keep your pockets and bags closed and secure, and don’t let anyone distract you.
  • The Switch: This is when a pickpocket replaces your wallet or phone with a similar-looking but worthless item, so that you don’t realize you’ve been robbed until later. They often use sleight of hand or a fake bump to make the switch. To avoid this, keep your valuables in different places and check them regularly.
  • The Cut: This is when a pickpocket cuts open your bag or pocket with a sharp object and takes out what’s inside. They often do this on crowded buses or trains, where you can’t see or feel what’s happening. To avoid this, use bags and clothes that are made of sturdy material and have zippers or locks. Don’t put anything valuable in easy-to-reach places.
  • The Snatch: This is when a pickpocket simply grabs your item and runs away with it. They often target phones, cameras or jewelry that are visible or loosely held. They may also use a bike or a scooter to speed away. To avoid this, keep your items close to your body and don’t flaunt them. Don’t chase after the thief, as they may have accomplices waiting for you.


Pickpocketing is a serious problem that can ruin your day or your trip. However, you can prevent it by being smart, alert and prepared. By following the tips and tricks in this article, and by learning from El Arte de Robar Pickpocket PDF, you can protect yourself from pickpockets and enjoy your travels without worries. Remember, the best defense is a good offense!


Have you ever wondered how pickpockets do their dirty work? How they can steal your wallet, phone or other valuables without you noticing? How they can evade the law and get away with their crimes? If you are curious about the art of pickpocketing, or if you want to protect yourself from being pickpocketed, you need to read El Arte de Robar Pickpocket PDF, a book that reveals the secrets of the world’s best pickpockets.

In this book, you will learn everything you need to know about pickpocketing, from the history and psychology of this ancient craft, to the techniques and tricks that pickpockets use to deceive and rob their victims. You will also learn how to prevent being pickpocketed, by being aware of your surroundings, securing your belongings and avoiding common pitfalls. Whether you want to learn pickpocketing for entertainment or self-defense, or simply to satisfy your curiosity, this book will teach you all the skills and knowledge you need.

In this article, we will give you a summary of El Arte de Robar Pickpocket PDF, and share with you some of the most common pickpocket techniques and how to avoid them. We will also give you some useful tips and tricks that can help you prevent being pickpocketed and enjoy your travels without worries. By reading this article, you will gain a better understanding of the art of pickpocketing, and how to protect yourself from it.

El Arte de Robar Pickpocket PDF: A Summary

El Arte de Robar Pickpocket PDF is a book written by James Freedman, a British entertainer and pickpocket who has performed for celebrities, royalty and even the president of France. He is also an authority on pickpocket techniques and is consulted by police forces and security professionals for advice. In 2015, he was appointed the UK’s first Fraud Prevention Ambassador by the City of London Police.

In this book, Freedman shares his knowledge and experience of pickpocketing, and teaches you how to master the craft of stealing from unsuspecting victims. He covers the following topics:

  • The history of pickpocketing: Freedman traces the origins and evolution of pickpocketing, from ancient times to modern days. He explores the cultural and social aspects of this practice, and how it has been portrayed in literature, art and media.
  • The psychology of pickpocketing: Freedman explains the mindset and motivation of pickpockets, and how they use human nature, trust and security to their advantage. He also reveals the ethical and moral dilemmas that pickpockets face, and how they justify their actions.
  • The techniques of pickpocketing: Freedman describes the tools and methods that pickpockets use to steal wallets, watches, phones and even clothes. He demonstrates how to use misdirection, timing, body language and sleight of hand to achieve the perfect steal. He also shows you how to practice your skills safely and legally, and how to use them for entertainment purposes.
  • The prevention of pickpocketing: Freedman gives you some practical advice on how to avoid being pickpocketed, by being aware of your surroundings, securing your belongings and avoiding common pitfalls. He also tells you what to do if you are robbed, and how to report it to the authorities.

El Arte de Robar Pickpocket PDF is not only a guide for aspiring thieves, but also a fascinating insight into the world of pickpocketing. You will be amazed by the stories and anecdotes that Freedman shares from his experience as a professional pickpocket. You will also learn some valuable lessons about human nature, trust and security.

Why You Should Read El Arte de Robar Pickpocket PDF

If you are still wondering why you should read El Arte de Robar Pickpocket PDF, here are some reasons why this book is worth your time and attention:

  • It is informative and educational: This book will teach you everything you need to know about pickpocketing, from the history and psychology of this craft, to the techniques and tricks that pickpockets use to deceive and rob their victims. You will also learn how to prevent being pickpocketed, and what to do if you are robbed.
  • It is entertaining and engaging: This book will keep you hooked with its captivating stories and anecdotes that Freedman shares from his experience as a professional pickpocket. You will also enjoy his witty and humorous style of writing, and his clear and concise explanations of the concepts and methods of pickpocketing.
  • It is useful and practical: This book will help you protect yourself from pickpockets and enjoy your travels without worries. You will also be able to use your newly acquired skills for entertainment or self-defense purposes, if you wish. You will also gain a better understanding of human nature, trust and security.

El Arte de Robar Pickpocket PDF is a book that will appeal to anyone who is curious about the art of pickpocketing, or who wants to protect themselves from being pickpocketed. It is a book that will inform you, entertain you and inspire you. It is a book that you should read.


Pickpocketing is a serious problem that can ruin your day or your trip. However, you can prevent it by being smart, alert and prepared. By reading El Arte de Robar Pickpocket PDF, you can learn from the experts and master the craft of stealing from unsuspecting victims. You can also protect yourself from pickpockets and enjoy your travels without worries. Whether you want to learn pickpocketing for entertainment or self-defense, or simply to satisfy your curiosity, this book will teach you all the skills and knowledge you need.

In this article, we have given you a summary of El Arte de Robar Pickpocket PDF, and shared with you some of the most common pickpocket techniques and how to avoid them. We have also given you some useful tips and tricks that can help you prevent being pickpocketed and enjoy your travels without worries. By reading this article, you have gained a better understanding of the art of pickpocketing, and how to protect yourself from it.

We hope you have enjoyed this article and found it helpful. If you want to read more about pickpocketing, or download El Arte de Robar Pickpocket PDF, please visit our website and subscribe to our newsletter. Thank you for reading!

