Emerald VCL FMX Premium Style For Delphi Rio

How to Use Emerald VCL FMX Premium Style for Delphi Rio to Create Stunning Applications

If you are a Delphi developer who wants to create cross-platform applications with a modern and elegant user interface, you might be interested in Emerald VCL FMX Premium Style for Delphi Rio. This is a collection of styles that can be applied to both VCL and FMX applications, giving them a consistent and attractive look and feel.

In this article, we will show you how to use Emerald VCL FMX Premium Style for Delphi Rio to enhance your applications. We will cover the following topics:

  • What is Emerald VCL FMX Premium Style for Delphi Rio and what are its features?
  • How to install and activate Emerald VCL FMX Premium Style for Delphi Rio?
  • How to apply Emerald VCL FMX Premium Style for Delphi Rio to your VCL and FMX applications?
  • How to customize Emerald VCL FMX Premium Style for Delphi Rio to suit your needs?

What is Emerald VCL FMX Premium Style for Delphi Rio and what are its features?

Emerald VCL FMX Premium Style for Delphi Rio is a collection of styles that can be used with both VCL and FMX applications. A style is a set of graphical elements that define the appearance of controls, forms, dialogs, menus, toolbars, and other components of an application. By using a style, you can change the look and feel of your application without modifying its code or functionality.

Emerald VCL FMX Premium Style for Delphi Rio offers several advantages over the default styles that come with Delphi. Some of these advantages are:

  • It supports both VCL and FMX platforms, so you can create applications that run on Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, Android, and other devices with the same style.
  • It has a modern and elegant design that follows the latest trends in user interface design.
  • It has a high level of detail and quality, with smooth gradients, shadows, highlights, and animations.
  • It has a rich color palette that includes green, blue, red, orange, yellow, purple, and gray variants.
  • It has a built-in emulator that allows you to quickly test your applications with various devices and screen resolutions.

Emerald VCL FMX Premium Style for Delphi Rio is based on the Material Design guidelines developed by Google. Material Design is a visual language that combines the classic principles of good design with the innovation and possibility of technology and science. Material Design aims to create intuitive and responsive user interfaces that are consistent across platforms and devices.

How to install and activate Emerald VCL FMX Premium Style for Delphi Rio?

To use Emerald VCL FMX Premium Style for Delphi Rio, you need to have Delphi 10.3 Rio or later installed on your computer. You also need to have an active license for Emerald VCL FMX Premium Style for Delphi Rio. You can purchase a license from the official website or from the OpenSea marketplace. Once you have a license, you can download the style files from the website or from the SoundCloud audio book.

To install Emerald VCL FMX Premium Style for Delphi Rio, follow these steps:

  1. Extract the zip file that contains the style files to a folder of your choice.
  2. Open Delphi 10.3 Rio or later and go to Tools > Options > Environment Options > Styles Manager.
  3. Click on Add… and browse to the folder where you extracted the style files.
  4. Select all the style files that you want to use and click on Open.
  5. The style files will be added to the list of available styles in the Styles Manager. You can check or uncheck them to enable or disable them.
  6. Click on OK to save the changes and close the Styles Manager.

To activate Emerald VCL FMX Premium Style for Delphi Rio, follow these steps:

  1. Open your project in Delphi 10.3 Rio or later.
  2. If you are using a VCL application, go to Project

    How to apply Emerald VCL FMX Premium Style for Delphi Rio to your VCL and FMX applications?

    After you have installed and activated Emerald VCL FMX Premium Style for Delphi Rio, you can apply it to your VCL and FMX applications with a few simple steps.

    For VCL applications, follow these steps:

    1. Open your project in Delphi 10.3 Rio or later.
    2. Go to Project > Options > Application > Appearance.
    3. Select the style that you want to use from the list of available styles. You can preview the style by clicking on the Preview button.
    4. Click on OK to save the changes and close the dialog.
    5. Run your application and enjoy the new style.

    For FMX applications, follow these steps:

    1. Open your project in Delphi 10.3 Rio or later.
    2. Place a TStyleBook component on your main form.
    3. Double-click on the TStyleBook component to open the FireMonkey Style Designer.
    4. Click on the Open button and browse to the folder where you extracted the style files.
    5. Select the style file that you want to use and click on Open.
    6. The style file will be loaded into the TStyleBook component. You can preview the style by clicking on the Preview button.
    7. In the Object Inspector, set the StyleBook property of your main form to point to the TStyleBook component.
    8. Run your application and enjoy the new style.

    How to customize Emerald VCL FMX Premium Style for Delphi Rio to suit your needs?

    If you want to modify or create your own styles based on Emerald VCL FMX Premium Style for Delphi Rio, you can use the Bitmap Style Designer for VCL styles and the FireMonkey Style Designer for FMX styles. These are graphical tools that allow you to edit the elements of a style, such as colors, shapes, fonts, effects, animations, and more.

    To customize a VCL style, follow these steps:

    1. Open the Bitmap Style Designer from Tools > Bitmap Style Designer.
    2. Click on the Open button and browse to the folder where you extracted the style files.
    3. Select the style file that you want to edit and click on Open.
    4. The style file will be loaded into the Bitmap Style Designer. You can see the elements of the style in the Structure pane and edit their properties in the Object Inspector pane.
    5. You can also use the Preview pane to see how your changes affect the appearance of various controls.
    6. When you are done with your edits, click on the Save button to save your changes. You can also save your style as a new file with a different name if you want to keep the original one.

    To customize an FMX style, follow these steps:

    1. Open your project in Delphi 10.3 Rio or later.
    2. Place a TStyleBook component on your main form.
    3. Double-click on the TStyleBook component to open the FireMonkey Style Designer.
    4. Click on the Open button and browse to the folder where you extracted the style files.
    5. Select

      What are the benefits of Emerald VCL FMX Premium Style for Delphi Rio?

      Emerald VCL FMX Premium Style for Delphi Rio is not only a collection of beautiful styles, but also a powerful tool that can help you create stunning applications with less effort and more productivity. Here are some of the benefits of using Emerald VCL FMX Premium Style for Delphi Rio:

      • You can create consistent and attractive user interfaces for both VCL and FMX applications with the same style.
      • You can save time and resources by using the built-in emulator to test your applications with various devices and screen resolutions.
      • You can easily customize and create your own styles with the Bitmap Style Designer and the FireMonkey Style Designer.
      • You can enhance the functionality and usability of your applications with the effects, animations, and color transitions that are included in the styles.
      • You can stand out from the crowd and impress your users and clients with the modern and elegant design of your applications.

      Emerald VCL FMX Premium Style for Delphi Rio is a must-have for any Delphi developer who wants to create cross-platform applications with a high-quality user interface. You can purchase a license from the official website or from the OpenSea marketplace. You can also download the style files from the website or from the SoundCloud audio book.

      How to use Emerald VCL FMX Premium Style for Delphi Rio to create a simple calculator application?

      To demonstrate how easy and fun it is to use Emerald VCL FMX Premium Style for Delphi Rio, we will create a simple calculator application that can perform basic arithmetic operations. We will use both VCL and FMX platforms to show the consistency and compatibility of the style.

      For the VCL platform, follow these steps:

      1. Create a new VCL Forms Application in Delphi 10.3 Rio or later.
      2. Place a TPanel on the form and align it to alTop. Set its Height to 40 and its Caption to \”Calculator\”.
      3. Place a TEdit on the form and align it to alTop. Set its Height to 40 and its ReadOnly property to True. This will be the display of the calculator.
      4. Place a TGridPanel on the form and align it to alClient. Set its RowCollection property to have four rows with equal size and its ColumnCollection property to have four columns with equal size. This will be the container of the buttons.
      5. Place 16 TButtons on the grid panel and set their Captions as follows: “7”, “8”, “9”, “+”, “4”, “5”, “6”, “-“, “1”, “2”, “3”, “*”, “0”, “.”, “=”, “/”. These will be the buttons of the calculator.
      6. Select all the buttons and set their Font.Size property to 14.
      7. Select the buttons with arithmetic operators (+, -, *, /) and set their Font.Style property to fsBold.
      8. Select the button with “=” and set its Font.Color property to clWhite and its Color property to clGreen.
      9. Select the button with “.” and set its Enabled property to False. We will not implement decimal numbers in this example.
      10. Add a variable of type Double named FResult in the private section of the form class. This will store the result of the calculation.
      11. Add an event handler for the OnClick event of all the buttons (except “.”) and write the following code:
      procedure TForm1.ButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
        Button: TButton;
        Value: Double;
        Button := Sender as TButton;
        if Button.Caption[1] in ['0'..'9'] then
          // Append the digit to the display
          if Edit1.Text = '0' then
            Edit1.Text := Button.Caption
            Edit1.Text := Edit1.Text + Button.Caption;
        else if Button.Caption[1] in ['+', '-', '*', '/'] then
          // Perform the previous operation and store the result
          Value := StrToFloat(Edit1.Text);
          case FOperation of
            '+': FResult := FResult + Value;
            '-': FResult := FResult - Value;
            '*': FResult := FResult * Value;
            '/': if Value  0 then FResult := FResult / Value;
          // Display the result and clear the input
          Edit1.Text := FloatToStr(FResult);
          FInput := '';
          // Store the current operation
          FOperation := Button.Caption[1];
        else if Button.Caption = '=' then
          // Perform the last operation and display the final result
          Value := StrToFloat(Edit1.Text);
          case FOperation of
            '+': FResult := FResult + Value;
            '-': FResult := FResult - Value;
            '*': FResult := FResult * Value;
            '/': if Value  0 then FResult := FResult / Value;
          Edit1.Text := FloatToStr(FResult);
          // Reset the operation and result
          FOperation := #0;
          FResult := 0;

      For the FMX platform, follow these steps:

      1. Create a new Multi-Device Application in Delphi 10.3 Rio or later.
      2. Place a TLayout on the form and align it to alTop. Set its Height to 40.
      3. Place a TLabel on the layout and align it to alClient. Set its Text to \”Calculator\” and its TextAlign property to taCenter.
      4. Place a TEdit on the form and align it to alTop. Set its Height to 40 and its


        In this article, we have learned how to use Emerald VCL FMX Premium Style for Delphi Rio to create stunning applications with a modern and elegant user interface. We have seen how to install and activate the style, how to apply it to both VCL and FMX applications, how to customize it to suit our needs, and how to create a simple calculator application with it. We have also seen some of the benefits of using Emerald VCL FMX Premium Style for Delphi Rio, such as cross-platform compatibility, high-quality design, built-in emulator, effects and animations, and more.

        Emerald VCL FMX Premium Style for Delphi Rio is a great tool for any Delphi developer who wants to create impressive applications with less effort and more productivity. You can purchase a license from the official website or from the OpenSea marketplace. You can also download the style files from the website or from the SoundCloud audio book.

        We hope you have enjoyed this article and found it useful. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to leave a comment below. Thank you for reading!

