Free Download Goat Simulator ✌🏿

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Free Download Goat Simulator: A Hilarious Game That Lets You Be a Goat

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a goat? Well, wonder no more, because Goat Simulator is a game that lets you experience the life of a goat in a crazy and chaotic world. In this article, we will tell you everything you need to know about this game, how to download it for free, and why you should play it.

What is Goat Simulator?

Goat Simulator is an open-ended third-person perspective game in which the player controls a goat called Pilgor. The player is free to explore the game’s world — a suburban setting — as a goat, and jump, run, bash things, and lick objects. The game has no specific goals or objectives, but rather encourages the player to cause as much destruction and mayhem as possible. The game is full of bugs, glitches, and physics that are intentionally left in for comedic effect.

The gameplay and features of Goat Simulator

The gameplay of Goat Simulator is similar to an old-school skating game, except instead of being a skater, you’re a goat, and instead of doing tricks, you wreck stuff. You can perform various actions as a goat, such as headbutting, kicking, licking, dragging, ragdolling, and more. You can also interact with various objects and characters in the world, such as cars, bikes, trampolines, explosives, humans, animals, and more. You can also unlock different goat types with special abilities, such as a jetpack goat, a devil goat, a giraffe goat, and more.

The game also features various modes and levels that add variety and challenge to the gameplay. For example, there is a zombie mode that turns the world into a post-apocalyptic wasteland full of undead creatures. There is also an MMO mode that mimics a massively multiplayer online role-playing game with quests, classes, factions, and chat. There is also a space mode that takes the goat to outer space with sci-fi elements and references. The game also supports Steam Workshop, which allows players to create their own goats, levels, missions, game modes, and more.

The history and development of Goat Simulator

Goat Simulator was developed by Coffee Stain Studios, a Swedish indie game studio that also created games such as Sanctum and Satisfactory. The game was originally created as a joke prototype for an internal game jam in January 2014. The developers uploaded a video of the prototype on YouTube, which went viral and received millions of views. Due to the positive feedback and demand from fans, the developers decided to turn the prototype into a full-fledged game and release it on Steam on April 1st, 2014.

The game received mixed reviews from critics and players alike. Some praised the game for its humor, originality, creativity, and absurdity. Others criticized the game for its lack of polish, depth, content, and replay value. However, the game was a commercial success and sold over one million copies within a year of its release. The game also spawned several spin-offs and parodies, such as GoatZ (a parody of DayZ), Goat Simulator: PAYDAY (a parody of PAYDAY), Goat Simulator: Waste of Space (a parody of Star Wars), and more.

How to download Goat Simulator for free?

If you are interested in playing Goat Simulator but don’t want to pay for it, there are some ways you can get it for free. However, we must warn you that some of these methods may be illegal, unethical, risky, or unreliable. Therefore, we do not endorse or recommend any of these methods and advise you to use them at your own discretion and responsibility.

The official platforms and prices of Goat Simulator

The official and legal way to get Goat Simulator is to buy it from one of the platforms that offer it. The game is available on Steam for Windows, Mac, and Linux, as well as on Xbox One, Xbox 360, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, iOS, Android, and Nintendo Switch. The game costs $9.99 on Steam and $4.99 on mobile devices. The console versions may vary depending on the region and the store. The game also has several DLCs (downloadable content) that add more features and modes to the game, such as Goat Simulator: PAYDAY, Goat Simulator: Waste of Space, Goat Simulator: MMO Simulator, and more. These DLCs cost extra and are not included in the base game.

The alternative ways to get Goat Simulator for free

If you don’t want to pay for Goat Simulator or can’t afford it, there are some alternative ways you can try to get it for free. However, as we mentioned before, these methods may not be legal, ethical, safe, or reliable. Therefore, we do not endorse or recommend any of these methods and advise you to use them at your own discretion and responsibility.

Using Steam codes or gift cards

One way to get Goat Simulator for free is to use Steam codes or gift cards that can be redeemed for the game on Steam. Steam codes are alphanumeric codes that can be entered on the Steam website or app to add the game to your library. Steam gift cards are physical or digital cards that can be purchased from various retailers or online platforms and can be used to add funds to your Steam wallet. You can then use these funds to buy the game on Steam.

However, there are some drawbacks and risks to this method. First of all, finding free Steam codes or gift cards is not easy and may require you to participate in surveys, contests, giveaways, or other activities that may not be trustworthy or rewarding. Secondly, some of these codes or cards may be fake, expired, used, or stolen, which may result in you wasting your time or getting scammed. Thirdly, using these codes or cards may violate the terms and conditions of Steam and may result in your account being banned or suspended.

Using third-party websites or torrents

Another way to get Goat Simulator for free is to download it from third-party websites or torrents that offer cracked or pirated versions of the game. Cracked or pirated versions are modified versions of the game that bypass the DRM (digital rights management) protection and allow you to play the game without paying for it. You can find these versions on various websites or torrents that host or share them.

However, there are many drawbacks and risks to this method as well. First of all, downloading cracked or pirated versions is illegal and unethical and may result in legal consequences or moral issues. Secondly, these versions may not work properly or may contain viruses, malware, spyware, or other harmful software that may damage your device or compromise your security. Thirdly, these versions may not have access to the latest updates, patches, features, DLCs, mods, or online services of the game.

Using mobile apps or emulators

A third way to get Goat Simulator for free is to use mobile apps or emulators that allow you to play the game on your smartphone or tablet. Mobile apps are applications that are designed for mobile devices and can be downloaded from the app store of your device. Emulators are software that simulate the environment of another device or platform and allow you to run applications that are not compatible with your device. For example, you can use an emulator to run Android apps on your PC.

However, there are some drawbacks and risks to this method as well. First of all, finding free mobile apps or emulators that can run Goat Simulator is not easy and may require you to search for them on unofficial or shady sources. Secondly, some of these apps or emulators may be fake, outdated, buggy, or infected with malicious software that may harm your device or steal your data. Thirdly, these apps or emulators may not offer the same quality, performance, or features as the original game and may have compatibility or stability issues.

Why should you play Goat Simulator?

Despite the drawbacks and risks of getting Goat Simulator for free, you may still wonder why you should play this game at all. After all, it is a game that is intentionally bad, buggy, and ridiculous. Well, the answer is simple: because it is fun. Goat Simulator is a game that does not take itself seriously and offers a unique and hilarious experience that you won’t find in any other game. Here are some reasons why you should play Goat Simulator:

The pros and cons of Goat Simulator

Goat Simulator is a game that has many pros and cons, depending on how you look at it. Here are some of them:

Pros Cons
It is original and creative It is unpolished and unfinished
It is funny and absurd It is repetitive and boring
It is easy and casual It is shallow and pointless
It is cheap and accessible It is short and limited
It is moddable and customizable It is glitchy and unstable

The fun and funny aspects of Goat Simulator

Goat Simulator is a game that is full of fun and funny aspects that make it enjoyable and entertaining. Some of these aspects are:

  • The goat itself: The goat is the star of the game and the source of most of the humor. The goat can do many ridiculous things, such as flying with a jetpack, summoning goats from the sky, becoming a demon, turning humans into goats, and more. The goat also has hilarious animations, sounds, and expressions that add to the comedy.
  • The world: The world of Goat Simulator is a crazy and chaotic place where anything can happen. The world is full of objects and characters that the goat can interact with in various ways. The world also has many secrets, easter eggs, references, and jokes that the player can discover and enjoy.
  • The physics: The physics of Goat Simulator are one of the main features of the game. The physics are deliberately unrealistic, exaggerated, and broken, which results in many hilarious situations and outcomes. The physics also allow the player to experiment with different combinations and scenarios that create more fun and chaos.
  • The achievements: The achievements of Goat Simulator are another feature that adds to the fun and challenge of the game. The achievements are tasks or goals that the player can complete to earn rewards or unlock new content. The achievements are often absurd, silly, or difficult, such as licking a hanging glider, making a huge pile of stuff, or finding all the golden goat statues.
  • The music: The music of Goat Simulator is another aspect that contributes to the mood and tone of the game. The music is composed by Gustaf Tivander and consists of various genres and styles that fit the different modes and levels of the game. The music also has some catchy tunes and lyrics that make it memorable and enjoyable.

The community and mods of Goat Simulator

Goat Simulator is a game that has a large and active community of fans and modders who create and share their own content for the game. The community and mods of Goat Simulator are another reason why you should play this game, as they offer more variety, creativity, quality, and fun to the game. Some examples of community-made content for Goat Simulator are:

– Goat MMO Simulator: A mod that turns Goat Simulator into an MMO parody with quests, classes, factions, chat, dungeons, raids, bosses, loot, PvP, mounts, pets, achievements, guilds, etc. – GoatZ: A mod that turns Goat Simulator into a zombie survival parody with crafting, weapons, zombies, hunger, thirst, infection, etc. – Goat Simulator: PAYDAY: A mod that turns Goat Simulator into a heist parody with masks, guns, cars, money, cops, hostages, drills, etc. – Goat Simulator: Waste of Space: A mod that turns Goat Simulator into a space parody with spaceships, lasers, aliens, planets, space stations, etc. – Goat Simulator: The GOATY: A mod that combines all the official and community-made content for Goat Simulator into one ultimate package.


Goat Simulator is a game that lets you be a goat in a crazy and chaotic world. It is a game that is intentionally bad, buggy, and ridiculous, but also fun, funny, and original. It is a game that has no specific goals or objectives, but rather encourages you to cause as much destruction and mayhem as possible. It is a game that has many pros and cons, depending on how you look at it. It is a game that has many modes and levels that add variety and challenge to the gameplay. It is a game that has a large and active community of fans and modders who create and share their own content for the game.

If you want to play Goat Simulator, you can buy it from one of the official platforms that offer it. However, if you don’t want to pay for it or can’t afford it, there are some alternative ways you can try to get it for free. However, we must warn you that some of these methods may be illegal, unethical, risky, or unreliable. Therefore, we do not endorse or recommend any of these methods and advise you to use them at your own discretion and responsibility.

Goat Simulator is a game that is not for everyone. It is a game that you will either love or hate. It is a game that you will either find hilarious or boring. It is a game that you will either enjoy or regret. However, there is only one way to find out for yourself: by playing it. So what are you waiting for? Go ahead and download Goat Simulator for free and see what it’s like to be a goat.


Here are some frequently asked questions about Goat Simulator:

  1. Q: Is Goat Simulator a serious game?
  2. A: No, Goat Simulator is not a serious game. It is a parody and satire of other games and genres. It is meant to be played for fun and laughs.
  3. Q: Is Goat Simulator multiplayer?
  4. A: Yes, Goat Simulator has a multiplayer mode that allows up to four players to play together online or locally on the same screen.
  5. Q: Is Goat Simulator safe for kids?
  6. A: Goat Simulator has some content that may not be suitable for kids, such as violence, gore, profanity, drugs, alcohol, etc. The game also has some bugs and glitches that may cause frustration or confusion. Therefore, we recommend parental guidance and discretion when playing this game with kids.
  7. Q: How long is Goat Simulator?
  8. A: Goat Simulator does not have a fixed length or duration. The game is open-ended and can be played as long as you want. However, the game does have some achievements and secrets that can be completed or discovered in a few hours.
  9. Q: How can I get more content for Goat Simulator?
  10. A: You can get more content for Goat Simulator by buying the DLCs (downloadable content) that add more features and modes to the game. You can also get more content by downloading the mods (modifications) that are created by the community of fans and modders who create their own goats, levels, missions, game modes, etc.
