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[Keep reading for 11 good tutorials on Photoshop.] 11 Photoshop Tutorials for Beginners Editor’s Note: Tutorials vary in presentation style. Some tutorials are step-by-step, while others are more like how-to guides. Some have downloadable files for use with the tutorials. Some tutorials are provided by Adobe, while others are available for download online by simply typing in the names of the tutorials into the browser. Adobe CS2 If you are having difficulty deciding which program to use, Adobe offers a free 30-day trial of Photoshop, Elements, InDesign, or Illustrator CS2, which includes tutorials for each program. Adobe Photoshop CS2 Elements Tutorial – Samair Niche This tutorial is created for Photoshop users, but its lessons can be easily translated into another program, such as Elements. It covers a wide variety of topics, including creating artwork, working with rulers and guides, creating patterns and textures, painting with the Oil Brush, and working with lights, shadows, colors, and opacity. It includes detailed explanations with accompanying images and screen captures. Like many of the Adobe tutorials, this one provides links to additional resources such as books, articles, and other tutorials. Adobe Photoshop CS2 Tutorials and Tips – A New Beginning Photoshop is an incredible software; however, it is not all it’s cracked up to be. The best thing about this tutorial is that it breaks down everything you may be unsure of about Photoshop, and shows you everything in a step-by-step, easy-to-follow manner. It covers everything from back and forth erasing to burning and dissolving, color correction, and other features. Be prepared to get your hands dirty, and take away a lot of knowledge in the process. Tutpro Tools Tutpro has teamed up with Adobe to provide a series of Photoshop tutorials. Each tutorial is designed to guide you through a specific Photoshop process, providing you with practical tips and advice as you step through each tutorial. So instead of having to search, say, an ‘earth toner tutorial’ to learn how to use an earth toner, you can just search for ‘earth toner’ in Tutpro’s Photoshop program. Photoshop CS2 tutorial Tutorials In each of these tutorials, you will find step by step instructions, a short accompanying illustration, and detailed instructions that are easy to follow. What sets this tutorial series apart from

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If you need to edit a lot of images, Photoshop is the best tool. It is quite powerful, offers a ton of features and has an outstanding community. But if you are only looking for the basics, a photo editor, or want to edit your own images, you should consider using Adobe Photoshop Elements. In this post, we will show you how to use Photoshop Elements to edit, convert, adjust, correct, enhance, etc. your images. You can use Photoshop Elements to create many types of high-quality images: To see how powerful Photoshop Elements is, lets dive right into the topic. 1. How to use Photoshop Elements to make funny GIFs To start, I have created three funny images, which are using a method called “modify strokes”, all three of them you can download from this post. Just click the links below: 1a. #1 My cat’s yawn and #2 My cat’s “You’re kidding!” 1b. #3 A dog’s yawn and #4 A dog’s “You’re kidding!” If you want to make “Yawning” and “You’re kidding!” GIFs, you will need to download the Photoshop Elements tool called “modify strokes”. It allows you to add specific patterns to a chosen area of an image. In the next step, I will show you how to create “Yawning” and “You’re kidding!” GIFs. 1. Step 1 First, you will need to open the Photoshop Elements app, next, launch “modify strokes”. 1.1. Step 1 2. Creating a “Yawning” GIF 2.1. Step 1 2.1.1 After you open the Photoshop Elements app, go to the “Stroke” tool. You will be able to find it right at the top of the toolbar. 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.1.4 2.2. Step 2 You can create several patterns using the “Stroke” tool. Press and hold Shift to copy the whole pattern. The pattern 05a79cecff

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In the past week, Reddit user “Alexo_Jungle” posted a story on the site that drew the attention of a lot of the internet. The story described a recent vacation in the Everglades National Park, where a female park ranger was kidnapped and raped by a group of black men. One of the men was filmed by a cell phone and made to upload the video to Facebook. As the internet prattled on in outrage over the story, Reddit moderators shut down the subreddit it was posted on. In their statement, moderators said that the “content is disturbing” but added, “the same event occurred in 2014.” Reddit is still one of the most visited sites on the internet. Not everyone who was outraged read the post, however. The size of the site makes it likely that enough redditors have heard about the post to have an idea what happened. As The Daily Beast found, many redditors want to know how to report “extremist content” on the site. Reddit’s decision to delete the subreddit on its own, without consulting community moderators, has led some of the site’s most hard-line members to accuse the site of censorship and intimidation. How do you report an “extremist” on Reddit? Reddit user “a36503” gathered the top steps for reporting “extremist content” on the site. 1) Click the “report” link in the top right corner and then click “report a link” 2) You’ll be taken to a page describing the report 3) Click the box next to “extremist comment” or “offensive comment” 4) Click the “add tags” option 5) Pick the tag you think best describes the comment 6) Click “report” So, how is the top story on the front page right now on Reddit? The top comment is a critique of the police story and complains that police did not do more with the video. If you click that “report” link, you get this message: What would be the best way to report a comment from this user? (We’ll leave you to figure that out.) The story has also attracted the attention of the online hate crime group Tanya’s Vigilantes, who

What’s New In?

LAFAYETTE, La. (AP) — R.V. Disque Davis says he was driving home last week when he saw another driver he thought was drunk swerving on and off the road. But when the man saw Davis in the truck coming the other way, he turned off his ignition, pulled over and asked if he was there for a ride. It was early on a Saturday morning, and the Missouri man in the disabled SUV wasn’t intoxicated. “It’s just something I felt I had to do,” Davis told The Courier & Daily News of Shreveport, Louisiana, about the encounter. He said he’s a pastor who needed to get home. Sometimes the job means helping at a hospital or shuttering a church or showering people in a ministry. Sometimes, it means taking them home.A new study from researchers at Johns Hopkins University and the Wistar Institute (Philadelphia) concludes that the gut microbiome influences alcohol metabolism. Published online, Nov. 11, 2019 in Science, the article may explain why some people metabolize alcohol differently than others. While alcohol is digested and then absorbed into the bloodstream, its metabolite acetate and acetaldehyde are then converted into shorter-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) by gut bacteria. SCFAs affect cells and tissue throughout the body, including those of the immune system. While SCFAs are not the intended impact of alcohol consumption, the production of these molecules begins to add up after several drinks. A new Hopkins-Wistar study suggests that the microbes in our gut may influence the rate at which we metabolize alcohol, with potentially far-reaching implications for health. Welcoming the study, Carl C. Cotter, Ph.D., professor of biological chemistry and molecular pharmacology at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, explains, “We now know that the intestinal microbiome is critical to keeping our bodies healthy and that, as with anything we eat or drink, there is a complex web of interactions between the microbiome, gut-specific cells and any substances that enter the body.” Previous studies have shown a relationship between the severity of alcohol-related damage in the liver and the levels of SCFA produced by the gut microbiome. These metabolomic products, therefore, may influence alcohol’s toxic effects on the liver. “But it’s important to understand that alcohol metabolized by microbes within the gut has effects outside of this site,” Cotter says. “Microbes

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