Gandhi Cha Jivan Daata Majha Bhimrao Nice Answer To Gandhi [Bhim Geet]

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Gandhi Cha Jivan Daata Majha Bhimrao Nice Answer To Gandhi [Bhim Geet]

Bhim Geet are songs that celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, the chief architect of the Indian Constitution and a champion of social justice. Bhim Geet are sung by the Dalits, the oppressed and marginalized communities in India, who consider Ambedkar as their leader and inspiration.

One of the most popular Bhim Geet is Gandhi Cha Jivan Daata Majha Bhimrao, which means “Gandhi’s life-giver is my Bhimrao”. This song is a tribute to Ambedkar and a critique of Mahatma Gandhi, who is widely revered as the father of the nation and a symbol of non-violence.

The song praises Ambedkar for his contributions to the upliftment of the Dalits and his role in drafting the Constitution, which guarantees equality and dignity for all citizens. The song also questions Gandhi’s sincerity and motives in dealing with the Dalit issues, such as the Poona Pact, which denied separate electorates for the Dalits.

The song asserts that Ambedkar was the true life-giver of Gandhi, as he saved him from being assassinated by the British and also by the angry Dalits who felt betrayed by him. The song also claims that Ambedkar was the real leader of the freedom struggle, as he fought against both the British colonialism and the Hindu caste system.

The song is a powerful expression of Dalit identity and pride, as well as a challenge to the dominant narrative of Indian history and politics. The song reflects the ongoing conflict and dialogue between the followers of Ambedkar and Gandhi, who represent different visions and values for India.

Gandhi Cha Jivan Daata Majha Bhimrao Nice Answer To Gandhi [Bhim Geet] is not just a song, but a movement. It is a part of the rich and diverse cultural heritage of the Dalits, who have used music, poetry, art and literature as a means of resistance and empowerment. Bhim Geet are not only sung on occasions like Ambedkar’s birth anniversary or death anniversary, but also on everyday occasions like weddings, festivals, rallies and protests.

Bhim Geet are also a way of educating and mobilizing the Dalit masses, who have been historically denied access to education and resources. Bhim Geet spread the message of Ambedkar’s philosophy and teachings, such as his call for annihilation of caste, his advocacy of Buddhism as a religion of equality and compassion, and his vision of a democratic and secular India.

Bhim Geet are also a challenge to the mainstream culture and media, which have often ignored or misrepresented the Dalit voices and perspectives. Bhim Geet are a medium of self-expression and assertion, which counter the stereotypes and stigma attached to the Dalit identity. Bhim Geet are a source of inspiration and hope, which celebrate the achievements and struggles of the Dalit heroes and martyrs.

Gandhi Cha Jivan Daata Majha Bhimrao Nice Answer To Gandhi [Bhim Geet] is also a reflection of the contemporary social and political realities of India, where the Dalits continue to face discrimination and violence. The song exposes the hypocrisy and injustice of the Indian state and society, which have failed to implement the constitutional provisions and laws that protect the rights and dignity of the Dalits. The song also expresses the anger and frustration of the Dalit youth, who are disillusioned with the mainstream parties and leaders, who have exploited and betrayed them.

Gandhi Cha Jivan Daata Majha Bhimrao Nice Answer To Gandhi [Bhim Geet] is also a call for action and solidarity among the Dalits and other oppressed and marginalized groups, who share a common history and destiny. The song urges the Dalits to unite and organize themselves under the banner of Ambedkarism, which is a radical and revolutionary ideology that challenges the existing structures and systems of oppression and domination. The song also appeals to the conscience and humanity of the non-Dalits, who are urged to join hands with the Dalits in their quest for liberation and justice.

Gandhi Cha Jivan Daata Majha Bhimrao Nice Answer To Gandhi [Bhim Geet] is more than a song, it is a statement. It is a statement of identity and pride, of resistance and empowerment, of critique and dialogue, of education and mobilization, of expression and assertion, of inspiration and hope. It is a statement that resonates with millions of Dalits and non-Dalits across India and beyond, who are inspired by the life and legacy of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, the greatest son of India.

Listening to Gandhi Cha Jivan Daata Majha Bhimrao Nice Answer To Gandhi [Bhim Geet] in its live and original form will also give you an opportunity to learn more about the Dalit history and politics, which is often distorted or erased by the dominant narrative and discourse. You will be able to hear the stories and testimonies of the Dalit leaders and activists, who have dedicated their lives to the cause of Ambedkarism and Dalit liberation. You will be able to understand the challenges and struggles of the Dalit movement, which is still fighting for its rights and dignity in the face of oppression and violence. You will be able to support and participate in the Dalit movement, which is still striving for its vision and goal of a casteless and classless society.

Why You Should Listen to Gandhi Cha Jivan Daata Majha Bhimrao Nice Answer To Gandhi [Bhim Geet]

There are many reasons why you should listen to Gandhi Cha Jivan Daata Majha Bhimrao Nice Answer To Gandhi [Bhim Geet], regardless of whether you are a Dalit or a non-Dalit, an Indian or a non-Indian, a follower of Ambedkar or Gandhi, or a fan of music or not. Here are some of the reasons:

  • You should listen to the song because it is a musical masterpiece, which combines the elements of melody, rhythm, harmony, lyrics and voice to create a captivating and compelling sound. The song is composed and sung by talented and skilled Dalit singers and artists, who have mastered the art and craft of music. The song is also influenced by various musical genres and traditions, such as folk, classical, pop, rock, rap, etc., which make it appealing and accessible to a wide range of audiences.
  • You should listen to the song because it is a historical document, which records and preserves the Dalit history and politics, which is often neglected or forgotten by the mainstream sources and institutions. The song narrates and documents the life and achievements of Ambedkar, who is one of the most influential and important figures in Indian and world history. The song also narrates and documents the Dalit movement, which is one of the most significant and powerful social movements in Indian and world history. The song also narrates and documents the Dalit culture and identity, which is one of the most rich and diverse cultural expressions in Indian and world history.
  • You should listen to the song because it is a social commentary, which analyzes and critiques the Indian state and society, which have failed to uphold the constitutional values and principles that Ambedkar envisioned and enshrined. The song exposes and challenges the various forms and manifestations of casteism, communalism, corruption, violence, inequality, injustice and discrimination that plague the Indian state and society. The song also exposes and challenges the various myths and misconceptions that surround Ambedkar and Gandhi, who are often portrayed as rivals or enemies, rather than as partners or allies.
  • You should listen to the song because it is a moral lesson, which teaches and inspires you to follow the path of Ambedkarism, which is a philosophy and ideology that promotes human dignity and rights for all. The song teaches you to respect and value yourself as a human being, regardless of your caste, creed, religion or background. The song teaches you to respect and value others as human beings, regardless of their caste, creed, religion or background. The song teaches you to fight against any form of oppression or domination that violates your dignity or rights as a human being. The song teaches you to fight for any form of liberation or justice that enhances your dignity or rights as a human being.
  • You should listen to the song because it is a spiritual experience, which connects you with yourself, with others and with the universe. The song connects you with yourself by awakening your inner potential and power as a human being. The song connects you with others by creating a sense of community and solidarity among the Dalits and other oppressed and marginalized groups. The song connects you with the universe by invoking the divine presence and guidance of Ambedkar, who is revered as a Bodhisattva or a Buddha by many Dalits.

How to Sing Along to Gandhi Cha Jivan Daata Majha Bhimrao Nice Answer To Gandhi [Bhim Geet]

If you want to sing along to Gandhi Cha Jivan Daata Majha Bhimrao Nice Answer To Gandhi [Bhim Geet], you need to learn the lyrics and the tune of the song. You can find the lyrics and the tune of the song on various online platforms, such as YouTube, Spotify, Gaana, JioSaavn, etc. You can also find the lyrics and the tune of the song on various websites, such as,,, etc. You can also buy the lyrics and the tune of the song from online stores, such as Amazon, iTunes, Google Play, etc.

However, if you want to sing along to the song in its original and authentic form, you should learn the lyrics and the tune of the song from the Dalit singers and artists, who have composed and sung the song with passion and conviction. You can learn the lyrics and the tune of the song from various sources and methods, such as: