Gstar Iv Gps Driver 14

Gstar Iv Gps Driver 14


Gstar Iv Gps Driver 14

For Windows systems, look for ngpsdrivervgt.sys on the Vista, 7, or 8 DVD that came with your GPS device. For some products, the company may offer you an option to download this or the full Windows driver from their Web site.

After unzipping or extracting the driver, highlight the ngpsdrivervgt.sys or GstarIvdriver file, right-click, and select either Browse or Install. (If you don’t see either of those options, you don’t have permission to install the file. The file is owned by a user named wheel, who presumably has permissions to install it.

In Windows Vista, XP or Server 2003 systems, you should use the Control Panel to install the device driver. Right-click on the device under Devices, then choose Properties, then choose the Driver tab.

In Windows Vista, Windows 7, or 8, you may instead use the Device Manager to install the device driver. Choose the plus sign at the right side of the Device column to view your devices, then choose the drive in the GPS column to install your GPS device.

If no driver is found, and the USB port is correctly connected (no black “USB” indicator LED is lit), the GPS device may be properly communicating with Windows, but Windows may not be able to find a driver. If so, please contact the manufacturer of the GPS device.

While some GPS devices will have their own drivers built into the device, others use a USB-serial converter. If the device should work both as a serial and USB device, it will be labeled USB-SERIAL.

Depending on the GPS device that you’re used, there is a lot more information that you have to gather. There are two different formats that are described by NMEA standards. There’s one format that contains lots of readings that you’ll most likely need to filter out, and another that contains nothing but such readings. The one that aims for nothing less than total coverage of the landmass of the Earth is much better for your purposes and doesn’t need the other stuff.

The other problem that you’ll have is understanding what the readings mean. In many cases, the manufacturer is going to provide a set of waypoint locations, but they won’t tell you what each reading is. In many cases, the GPS itself will have a markovian process with the readings that you need to analyze. For the one with the NMEA hookup, the problem is even more difficult.
