Hadees E Kisa In Urdu Pdf 12 UPD

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Hadees e Kisa in Urdu PDF 12: The Best Source for Islamic Knowledge and Wisdom

If you are looking for a reliable and authentic source of Islamic knowledge and wisdom, you should read Hadees e Kisa in Urdu PDF 12. Hadees e Kisa is a narration of an event that took place in the house of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) involving him, his daughter Fatima (peace be upon her), his son-in-law Ali (peace be upon him), and his grandsons Hasan and Husain (peace be upon them). This event is also known as the Event of the Cloak, as the Prophet (peace be upon him) covered them with his cloak and prayed to Allah to purify them and keep them away from evil.

Hadees e Kisa is a source of great blessings and virtues for the Muslims, as it shows the high status and love of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and his family (peace be upon them) in the sight of Allah. It also shows the unity and harmony among them, as they are described as one soul in five bodies. It also shows the importance of loving and following them, as they are the best examples of faith and piety for the Muslims.

Hadees e Kisa in Urdu PDF 12 is a convenient and easy way to read this narration in Urdu language. You can download it for free from various websites and read it on your computer or mobile device. You can also print it out and keep it with you for reference and recitation. Reading Hadees e Kisa in Urdu PDF 12 will increase your knowledge, faith, love, and respect for the Prophet (peace be upon him) and his family (peace be upon them). It will also bring you closer to Allah and His mercy.

Hadees e Kisa in Urdu PDF 12 is not only a narration of a historical event, but also a source of many benefits and blessings for the Muslims who read it and act upon it. Hadees e Kisa has many virtues and merits that have been mentioned by the Prophet (peace be upon him) and his family (peace be upon them) in various hadiths.

Some of the benefits of Hadees e Kisa are:

  • It increases the love and respect for the Prophet (peace be upon him) and his family (peace be upon them) in the hearts of the believers.
  • It protects the believers from sins, evils, calamities, and enemies.
  • It grants the intercession of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and his family (peace be upon them) on the Day of Judgment.
  • It brings the mercy, forgiveness, and pleasure of Allah upon the believers.
  • It purifies the souls and bodies of the believers from all impurities.
  • It grants the believers the knowledge and wisdom of Allah and His religion.
  • It makes the believers among the chosen ones who will be with the Prophet (peace be upon him) and his family (peace be upon them) in Paradise.

These are some of the benefits of Hadees e Kisa that have been reported by reliable sources . However, these benefits are not limited to these, as Allah has promised more rewards and favors for those who love and follow the Prophet (peace be upon him) and his family (peace be upon them).

Hadees e Kisa in Urdu PDF 12 is also a great way to recite this narration and listen to its beautiful and melodious recitation by various reciters. Reciting and listening to Hadees e Kisa has many benefits and rewards for the believers, as it increases their love and devotion for the Prophet (peace be upon him) and his family (peace be upon them), and it brings them closer to Allah and His grace.

Some of the benefits of reciting and listening to Hadees e Kisa are:

  • It strengthens the faith and belief of the believers in Allah and His Messenger (peace be upon him) and his family (peace be upon them).
  • It purifies the hearts and minds of the believers from doubts, hypocrisy, and evil thoughts.
  • It grants the believers the blessings and prayers of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and his family (peace be upon them), who are the best intercessors for their followers.
  • It protects the believers from the evils of this world and the hereafter, such as diseases, enemies, sins, punishments, and hellfire.
  • It grants the believers the happiness and peace of this world and the hereafter, such as health, wealth, success, guidance, mercy, and paradise.

These are some of the benefits of reciting and listening to Hadees e Kisa that have been reported by reliable sources . However, these benefits are not limited to these, as Allah has promised more rewards and favors for those who recite and listen to His words and the words of His Messenger (peace be upon him) and his family (peace be upon them).

Hadees e Kisa in Urdu PDF 12 is also a great way to study and understand this narration and its meanings and implications. Hadees e Kisa is not only a historical event, but also a commentary on the Quran and the religion of Islam. Hadees e Kisa explains the status and the role of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and his family (peace be upon them) in the guidance and leadership of the Muslim Ummah.

Some of the aspects of Hadees e Kisa that require commentary and explanation are:

  • The significance of the kisa’ (cloak) that the Prophet (peace be upon him) used to cover himself and his family (peace be upon them), and what it symbolizes.
  • The meaning of the Tathir verse that was revealed in this occasion, and how it proves the infallibility and purity of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and his family (peace be upon them).
  • The reason why the Prophet (peace be upon him) did not allow anyone else to join them under the kisa’, and what it shows about their exclusive rank and position.
  • The dialogue between Jibril (Gabriel) and Allah that took place in this event, and what it reveals about the love and honor that Allah has for the Prophet (peace be upon him) and his family (peace be upon them).
  • The implications of this event for the Muslim Ummah, and how it establishes the authority and succession of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and his family (peace be upon them) after him.

These are some of the aspects of Hadees e Kisa that have been discussed and elaborated by various scholars and commentators . However, these aspects are not limited to these, as Hadees e Kisa is a deep and rich source of knowledge and wisdom that can never be exhausted.

Hadees e Kisa in Urdu PDF 12 is also a great way to share and spread this narration and its message and blessings to others. Hadees e Kisa is not only a personal devotion, but also a collective duty and responsibility for the Muslims who love and follow the Prophet (peace be upon him) and his family (peace be upon them). Hadees e Kisa invites the Muslims to unite and cooperate under the banner and guidance of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and his family (peace be upon them), and to defend their rights and honor from their enemies and oppressors.

Some of the ways to share and spread Hadees e Kisa are:

  • To recite it regularly and frequently in the mosques, houses, gatherings, and occasions.
  • To listen to its recitation and commentary by various reciters and scholars.
  • To download it in Urdu PDF 12 format and share it with others through email, social media, or other means.
  • To print it out and distribute it to others as a gift or a reminder.
  • To teach it to the children and the youth and explain its meanings and lessons to them.

These are some of the ways to share and spread Hadees e Kisa that have been practiced and recommended by many Muslims . However, these ways are not limited to these, as Hadees e Kisa is a universal and timeless narration that can be shared and spread in any way that is appropriate and effective.

Hadees e Kisa in Urdu PDF 12 is also a great way to celebrate and commemorate this narration and its occasion and significance. Hadees e Kisa is not only a historical event, but also a festive and joyful occasion for the Muslims who love and follow the Prophet (peace be upon him) and his family (peace be upon them). Hadees e Kisa marks the revelation of the Tathir verse that declared the purity and infallibility of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and his family (peace be upon them), and the announcement of their status and role as the Ahl al-Bayt (People of the Household) of the Prophet (peace be upon him).

Some of the ways to celebrate and commemorate Hadees e Kisa are:

  • To express gratitude and praise to Allah for choosing and honoring the Prophet (peace be upon him) and his family (peace be upon them) as His best creation and representatives.
  • To send blessings and salutations to the Prophet (peace be upon him) and his family (peace be upon them) as a sign of love and respect for them.
  • To rejoice and congratulate each other for being among the followers and lovers of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and his family (peace be upon them).
  • To organize and attend programs and events that highlight the virtues and merits of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and his family (peace be upon them), and their teachings and guidance for the Muslims.
  • To support and help the needy and the oppressed among the Muslims, especially those who are related to or affiliated with the Prophet (peace be upon him) and his family (peace be upon them).

These are some of the ways to celebrate and commemorate Hadees e Kisa that have been practiced and recommended by many Muslims . However, these ways are not limited to these, as Hadees e Kisa is a noble and honorable narration that can be celebrated and commemorated in any way that is suitable and respectful.

In conclusion, Hadees e Kisa in Urdu PDF 12 is a valuable and beneficial resource for the Muslims who want to learn and benefit from this narration and its message and blessings. Hadees e Kisa is a narration that narrates the event of the cloak that took place in the house of the Prophet (peace be upon him) involving him, his daughter Fatima (peace be upon her), his son-in-law Ali (peace be upon him), and his grandsons Hasan and Husain (peace be upon them). This event is also known as the Event of the Cloak, as the Prophet (peace be upon him) covered them with his cloak and prayed to Allah to purify them and keep them away from evil.

Hadees e Kisa is a narration that has many benefits and virtues for the Muslims who read it, recite it, listen to it, study it, understand it, share it, spread it, celebrate it, and commemorate it. Hadees e Kisa is a narration that shows the high status and love of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and his family (peace be upon them) in the sight of Allah. It also shows the unity and harmony among them, as they are described as one soul in five bodies. It also shows the importance of loving and following them, as they are the best examples of faith and piety for the Muslims.

Hadees e Kisa in Urdu PDF 12 is a convenient and easy way to access this narration in Urdu language. You can download it for free from various websites and read it on your computer or mobile device. You can also print it out and keep it with you for reference and recitation. Reading Hadees e Kisa in Urdu PDF 12 will increase your knowledge, faith, love, and respect for the Prophet (peace be upon him) and his family (peace be upon them). It will also bring you closer to Allah and His mercy.

