Haripath – Baba Satarkar Maharaj(www.saptsur.net).mp3 👌🏿

Haripath: A Spiritual Song of Devotion and Wisdom by Baba Satarkar Maharaj

If you are looking for a way to connect with the divine and experience the bliss of devotion, you may want to listen to Haripath by Baba Satarkar Maharaj. Haripath is a song that praises the names and attributes of Lord Vitthal, an incarnation of Lord Vishnu, who is worshipped by the Varkari sect in Maharashtra, India. Haripath was composed by Sant Dnyaneshwar, a 13th-century saint and poet, who is considered one of the greatest spiritual masters in India. Haripath is sung by Baba Satarkar Maharaj, a renowned singer and preacher of the Varkari tradition, who has dedicated his life to spreading the message of love and devotion.

What is Haripath?

Haripath is a song that consists of 28 verses, each verse containing four lines. The word Haripath means “the path of Hari”, Hari being another name for Lord Vitthal. Haripath describes the glory and grace of Lord Vitthal and his various forms and manifestations. Haripath also explains the benefits of chanting the name of Lord Vitthal and how it can lead to liberation from the cycle of birth and death. Haripath is based on the philosophy of Bhakti or devotion, which emphasizes the importance of love and surrender to God.

Who is Baba Satarkar Maharaj?

Baba Satarkar Maharaj is a famous singer and preacher of the Varkari tradition. He was born in 1948 in a village called Satara in Maharashtra. He was initiated into the Varkari sect by his guru, Shri Narayan Maharaj Kedgaonkar, who taught him the principles and practices of Bhakti. Baba Satarkar Maharaj has been singing Haripath and other devotional songs for over 50 years. He has travelled across India and abroad to spread the message of Lord Vitthal and Sant Dnyaneshwar. He has also written several books and articles on spirituality and culture. He is revered by millions of devotees who seek his blessings and guidance.

How to Listen to Haripath by Baba Satarkar Maharaj Online for Free?

If you want to listen to Haripath by Baba Satarkar Maharaj online for free, you can find it on various websites and platforms that offer spiritual music and content. Some examples are:

  • Internet Archive: This is a website that provides free access to millions of books, movies, music, and other digital files. You can find Haripath by Baba Satarkar Maharaj on this website at https://archive.org/details/Haripath. You can listen to it online or download it as an MP3 file.
  • SoundCloud: This is a website that allows users to upload and share their audio files. You can find Haripath by Baba Satarkar Maharaj on this website at https://soundcloud.com/dontell-weakland/haripath-baba-satarkar-maharajwwwsaptsurnetmp3. You can listen to it online or download it as an MP3 file.
  • Saptsur: This is a website that offers a collection of Marathi songs and music. You can find Haripath by Baba Satarkar Maharaj on this website at https://www.saptsur.net/haripath-baba-satarkar-maharaj/. You can listen to it online or download it as an MP3 file.

Note: Some websites or platforms may require you to register or sign up before you can access their content. You may also need to have a stable internet connection and a compatible device to listen to Haripath by Baba Satarkar Maharaj online.

What are the Benefits of Listening to Haripath by Baba Satarkar Maharaj?

Listening to Haripath by Baba Satarkar Maharaj can have many benefits for your physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Some of the benefits are:

  • It can calm your mind and reduce stress and anxiety.
  • It can fill your heart with love and devotion for Lord Vitthal and his devotees.
  • It can inspire you to follow the path of Bhakti and surrender to God.
  • It can increase your concentration and memory power.
  • It can purify your speech and thoughts.
  • It can protect you from negative influences and evil forces.
  • It can grant you the grace and blessings of Lord Vitthal and Sant Dnyaneshwar.
  • It can lead you to liberation from the cycle of birth and death.

To experience these benefits, you should listen to Haripath by Baba Satarkar Maharaj with faith and reverence. You should also try to understand the meaning and message of Haripath and apply it to your daily life. You should also chant the name of Lord Vitthal along with Haripath and feel his presence in your heart.

How to Learn More about Haripath by Baba Satarkar Maharaj?

If you want to learn more about Haripath by Baba Satarkar Maharaj, you can find many resources online and offline that can help you. Some of them are:

  • Baba Satarkar Maharaj’s website: This is the official website of Baba Satarkar Maharaj, where you can find his biography, books, articles, videos, photos, events, contact details, and more. You can visit his website at https://www.babasatarkarmaharaj.com/.
  • Baba Satarkar Maharaj’s YouTube channel: This is the official YouTube channel of Baba Satarkar Maharaj, where you can watch his lectures, discourses, songs, bhajans, kirtans, abhangs, and more. You can subscribe to his channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0J1ZkYwQFm6y0l8n7oLc9g.
  • Baba Satarkar Maharaj’s Facebook page: This is the official Facebook page of Baba Satarkar Maharaj, where you can follow his updates, posts, live streams, messages, and more. You can like his page at https://www.facebook.com/BabaSatarkarMaharajOfficial/.
  • Sant Dnyaneshwar’s works: This is a collection of the works of Sant Dnyaneshwar, the composer of Haripath and one of the greatest saints and poets of India. You can find his works, such as Dnyaneshwari, Amrutanubhav, Changdev Pasashti, Abhang Gatha, and more online or in bookstores.
  • Varkari literature: This is a collection of the literature of the Varkari sect, the tradition that follows Lord Vitthal and Sant Dnyaneshwar. You can find the works of other saints and poets of the Varkari sect, such as Sant Tukaram, Sant Namdev, Sant Eknath, Sant Ramdas, Sant Muktabai, and more online or in bookstores.

By learning more about Haripath by Baba Satarkar Maharaj and its background and context, you can deepen your understanding and appreciation of this beautiful song.

How to Share Your Feedback and Experience of Haripath by Baba Satarkar Maharaj?

If you have listened to Haripath by Baba Satarkar Maharaj and enjoyed it, you may want to share your feedback and experience with others. You can do this by:

  • Leaving a comment or a review on the website or platform where you listened to Haripath by Baba Satarkar Maharaj. You can express your appreciation, gratitude, suggestions, questions, or criticisms. You can also rate the song and give it a thumbs up or a thumbs down.
  • Sharing the link or the file of Haripath by Baba Satarkar Maharaj with your friends, family, colleagues, or anyone who may be interested in listening to it. You can use email, social media, messaging apps, or any other means of communication.
  • Joining a community or a group of people who are interested in Haripath by Baba Satarkar Maharaj or similar songs and topics. You can find such communities or groups online or offline, such as forums, blogs, podcasts, clubs, organizations, events, etc. You can interact with other members, exchange views, opinions, experiences, insights, tips, etc.

By sharing your feedback and experience of Haripath by Baba Satarkar Maharaj, you can help others to discover and enjoy this song. You can also learn from others and enrich your own understanding and appreciation of this song.

How to Support Baba Satarkar Maharaj and His Mission?

If you are inspired by Baba Satarkar Maharaj and his mission of spreading the message of Lord Vitthal and Sant Dnyaneshwar, you may want to support him and his cause. You can do this by:

  • Donating to Baba Satarkar Maharaj’s trust or foundation. You can find the details of his trust or foundation on his website or Facebook page. You can donate online or offline, as per your convenience and preference. You can also donate in kind, such as books, clothes, food, etc.
  • Volunteering for Baba Satarkar Maharaj’s activities or events. You can find the details of his activities or events on his website or Facebook page. You can volunteer for various tasks, such as organizing, managing, promoting, facilitating, etc.
  • Inviting Baba Satarkar Maharaj to your place or locality. You can contact Baba Satarkar Maharaj through his website or Facebook page and request him to visit your place or locality. You can arrange for his accommodation, transportation, security, etc.
  • Spreading the word about Baba Satarkar Maharaj and his work. You can share his website, Facebook page, YouTube channel, SoundCloud account, books, articles, videos, songs, etc. with others who may be interested in them. You can also write reviews, testimonials, blogs, posts, etc. about him and his work.

By supporting Baba Satarkar Maharaj and his mission, you can show your gratitude and appreciation for him and his work. You can also contribute to the welfare of humanity and the world.

How to Contact Baba Satarkar Maharaj?

If you want to contact Baba Satarkar Maharaj for any reason, such as asking a question, seeking advice, giving feedback, requesting a blessing, etc., you can do this by:

  • Visiting his ashram or office. You can find the address and directions of his ashram or office on his website or Facebook page. You can visit him personally or send him a letter or a parcel.
  • Calling him on his phone number. You can find his phone number on his website or Facebook page. You can call him directly or send him a text message or a voice message.
  • Emailing him on his email address. You can find his email address on his website or Facebook page. You can email him anytime and expect a reply within a few days.
  • Messaging him on his social media accounts. You can find his social media accounts on his website or Facebook page. You can message him on Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Telegram, etc.

Baba Satarkar Maharaj is very approachable and responsive to his followers and admirers. He is always happy to hear from them and help them in any way he can.


Haripath by Baba Satarkar Maharaj is a wonderful song that can enrich your life and soul. It is a song that praises the names and attributes of Lord Vitthal, an incarnation of Lord Vishnu, who is worshipped by the Varkari sect in Maharashtra, India. Haripath was composed by Sant Dnyaneshwar, a 13th-century saint and poet, who is considered one of the greatest spiritual masters in India. Haripath is sung by Baba Satarkar Maharaj, a renowned singer and preacher of the Varkari tradition, who has dedicated his life to spreading the message of love and devotion. You can listen to Haripath by Baba Satarkar Maharaj online for free from various websites and platforms that offer spiritual music and content. You can also download it as an MP3 file and enjoy it offline. You can also learn more about Haripath by Baba Satarkar Maharaj and its background and context by reading his works and the works of other saints and poets of the Varkari sect. You can also share your feedback and experience of Haripath by Baba Satarkar Maharaj with others by leaving a comment or a review, sharing the link or the file, joining a community or a group, or spreading the word. You can also support Baba Satarkar Maharaj and his mission by donating to his trust or foundation, volunteering for his activities or events, inviting him to your place or locality, or contacting him for any reason.

We hope that this article has helped you to understand what Haripath by Baba Satarkar Maharaj is and how to listen to it and enjoy it. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below.

