Haunted – 3D Movie In Hindi !NEW!

Haunted – 3D Movie In Hindi

If you are a fan of horror movies, you might have heard of Haunted – 3D Movie In Hindi. This is a 2011 Indian horror film that was released in both 2D and 3D formats. It is considered to be one of the scariest and most successful horror movies in Bollywood history. It has received rave reviews from critics and audiences alike, and has won several awards and nominations.

In this article, we will tell you everything you need to know about Haunted – 3D Movie In Hindi. We will tell you what the movie is about, who are the actors and the director, how the movie was made, and where you can watch it online for free. We will also give you some tips and tricks on how to enjoy the movie to the fullest.

What is Haunted – 3D Movie In Hindi About?

Haunted – 3D Movie In Hindi is a horror movie that revolves around a haunted mansion in the hills of Shimla. The mansion belongs to a wealthy businessman named Mr. Singhania, who wants to sell it. He hires a young real estate agent named Rehan to visit the mansion and finalize the deal. However, when Rehan arrives at the mansion, he discovers that it is haunted by a malevolent spirit that does not want anyone to enter or leave the mansion.

Rehan soon learns that the spirit is that of Meera, a young girl who lived in the mansion in the 1930s. Meera was brutally raped and murdered by her piano teacher, who was also her lover. The teacher then killed himself and his spirit also haunts the mansion. Rehan also finds out that Meera’s spirit is trapped in a loop of time, where she relives her death every night.

Rehan decides to help Meera break free from her curse and end her suffering. He travels back in time to the 1930s and tries to save Meera from her fate. However, he faces many dangers and challenges from the evil teacher and his own past. Will Rehan be able to save Meera and himself? Will he be able to escape from the haunted mansion? You will have to watch Haunted – 3D Movie In Hindi to find out.

Who are the Actors and the Director of Haunted – 3D Movie In Hindi?

Haunted – 3D Movie In Hindi features a talented cast of actors who have delivered excellent performances in their roles. The main actors are:

  • Mahaakshay Chakraborty as Rehan: He is a young and handsome real estate agent who tries to help Meera escape from her curse. He is also the son of famous Bollywood actor Mithun Chakraborty.
  • Tia Bajpai as Meera: She is a beautiful and innocent girl who lived in the mansion in the 1930s. She was raped and killed by her piano teacher and her spirit haunts the mansion.
  • Achint Kaur as Margaret: She is Meera’s mother who also lived in the mansion in the 1930s. She was unaware of Meera’s affair with her piano teacher and tried to protect her daughter from him.
  • Arif Zakaria as Professor Iyer: He is a paranormal expert who helps Rehan understand the mystery of the haunted mansion. He also reveals some secrets about Rehan’s past.
  • Sanjay Sharma as Mr. Singhania: He is a wealthy businessman who owns the haunted mansion. He wants to sell it but does not know about its history or its ghosts.

The director of Haunted – 3D Movie In Hindi is Vikram Bhatt. He is one of the most successful and acclaimed directors in Bollywood, especially in the horror genre. He has directed many hit movies such as Raaz, 1920, Shaapit, Creature 3D, Raaz Reboot, and more. He is known for his innovative and creative style of filmmaking, which combines elements of suspense, romance, drama, and comedy.

How was Haunted – 3D Movie In Hindi Made?

Haunted – 3D Movie In Hindi was made with a lot of hard work and dedication by the cast and crew. The movie was shot in various locations in India, such as Shimla

, Mumbai, and Ooty. The movie was also shot in 3D format, which was a new and challenging technology at that time. The movie used the latest 3D cameras and equipment to create a realistic and immersive experience for the viewers. The movie also used a lot of special effects and sound effects to enhance the horror and thrill of the movie.

The movie was also made with a lot of passion and creativity by the director and the writers. The movie had an original and engaging story that was inspired by some real-life incidents and legends. The movie also had a lot of twists and turns that kept the viewers on the edge of their seats. The movie also had a lot of emotional and romantic scenes that added depth and warmth to the movie.

The movie was also made with a lot of care and attention by the producers and the distributors. The movie had a budget of about 13 crore rupees, which was quite high for a horror movie at that time. The movie also had a wide release in India and abroad, reaching more than 1000 screens. The movie also had a lot of promotion and marketing campaigns, such as posters, trailers, songs, interviews, and more.

Where to Watch Haunted – 3D Movie In Hindi Online for Free?

If you want to watch Haunted – 3D Movie In Hindi online for free, you need to find a reliable source that offers the movie in good quality and without any ads or interruptions. There are many websites that offer movies online for free, but not all of them are safe and trustworthy. Some of them may contain viruses, malware, spyware, or other harmful programs that can damage your computer or steal your personal information. Some of them may also have fake or incomplete movies that will not work properly or at all. Therefore, you need to be careful and selective when choosing where to watch Haunted – 3D Movie In Hindi online for free.

One of the best websites that we recommend for watching Haunted – 3D Movie In Hindi online for free is Hotstar. Hotstar is one of the most popular and trusted streaming platforms in India. It has millions of users and thousands of movies, shows, sports, news, and more. It also has a rating system that allows users to rate and comment on the quality and reliability of the movies. This way, you can easily find out which movies are good and which ones are bad.

To watch Haunted – 3D Movie In Hindi online for free on Hotstar, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Hotstar website using your web browser.
  2. Type “Haunted – 3D Movie In Hindi” in the search box and click on the “Search” button.
  3. You will see a list of movies that match your search query. Look for the one that has the highest rating (the number of stars) and the most views (the number in red). These indicate that the movie is popular and trustworthy. You can also read the comments from other users to get more information about the movie.
  4. Click on the name of the movie that you want to watch. This will take you to another page where you can see more details about the movie.
  5. Click on the “Watch Now” button or the play icon (the one with a triangle) to start watching Haunted – 3D Movie In Hindi online for free. You may need to sign up or log in with your Hotstar account if you have not done so already.
  6. Enjoy watching Haunted – 3D Movie In Hindi online for free on Hotstar!

Congratulations! You have successfully watched Haunted – 3D Movie In Hindi online for free!

How to Enjoy Haunted – 3D Movie In Hindi to the Fullest?

Now that you know how to watch Haunted – 3D Movie In Hindi online for free, you might want to know how to enjoy the movie to the fullest. Haunted – 3D Movie In Hindi is a horror movie that can scare you, thrill you, and entertain you. However, to get the most out of the movie, you need to follow some tips and tricks that can enhance your viewing experience. Here are some of them:

  • Watch the movie in 3D format if possible. Haunted – 3D Movie In Hindi was made in 3D format, which means that it has a lot of scenes and effects that look more realistic and immersive in 3D. You can watch the movie in 3D format if you have a 3D TV or a 3D projector at home, or if you can find a cinema that shows the movie in 3D. You will also need to wear 3D glasses to see the movie in 3D.
  • Watch the movie in a dark and quiet room. Haunted – 3D Movie In Hindi is a horror movie that relies on creating a spooky and tense atmosphere. You can enhance this atmosphere by watching the movie in a dark and quiet room, where you can focus on the movie and avoid any distractions or interruptions. You can also turn off your phone and other devices that might disturb you during the movie.
  • Watch the movie with your friends and family. Haunted – 3D Movie In Hindi is a horror movie that can scare you and make you jump out of your seat. You can make this experience more fun and enjoyable by watching the movie with your friends and family, who can share your reactions and emotions. You can also comfort each other and laugh at each other’s screams and expressions.
  • Watch the movie with an open mind and a sense of humor. Haunted – 3D Movie In Hindi is a horror movie that has a lot of twists and turns that might surprise you or confuse you. You can enjoy the movie more by watching it with an open mind and a sense of humor, where you can appreciate the creativity and originality of the movie. You can also laugh at some of the scenes and dialogues that might seem funny or cheesy.

By following these tips and tricks, you can enjoy Haunted – 3D Movie In Hindi to the fullest. You can also watch the movie again and again, as it has a lot of details and clues that you might miss or forget on your first viewing.


In this article, we have shown you how to watch Haunted – 3D Movie In Hindi online for free, how to enjoy the movie to the fullest, and what features and benefits it offers. We have also given you some tips and tricks on how to use Hotstar effectively for your streaming needs.

Haunted – 3D Movie In Hindi is a horror movie that can scare you, thrill you, and entertain you. It has a talented cast of actors, a successful director, an original and engaging story, a new and challenging technology, and a lot of promotion and marketing campaigns. It is one of the best horror movies in Bollywood history.

If you are looking for a horror movie that can give you a spine-chilling experience that you don’t want to miss, you should watch Haunted – 3D Movie In Hindi online for free today. You will not regret it!

