How To |BEST| Download Fifa Mobile Apk

How to Download FIFA Mobile APK

If you are a fan of soccer games, you might have heard of FIFA Mobile, the official mobile game of the FIFA World Cup 2022™. This game lets you build your dream team of soccer stars, compete in various modes, and relive the world’s greatest soccer tournament. But what if you want to play FIFA Mobile on your Android device or PC without using Google Play Store? In this article, we will show you how to download and install FIFA Mobile APK, a file that allows you to run the game on any compatible device. We will also share some tips and tricks on how to play and update the game, as well as how to troubleshoot some common issues.

What is FIFA Mobile APK?

FIFA Mobile APK is a file that contains the installation package of FIFA Mobile, the only licensed FIFA World Cup 2022™ mobile game. By downloading and installing this file, you can enjoy the game on any Android device or PC, even if you don’t have access to Google Play Store or your device is not supported by the official app. Some of the features and benefits of FIFA Mobile APK are:

  • You can play with over 15,000 authentic soccer stars from over 600 teams, including Chelsea, Paris SG, Real Madrid, Liverpool, and Juventus.
  • You can replay the official tournament brackets with any of the 32 qualified nations, with authentic kits, badges, stadiums, and commentary.
  • You can build your Ultimate Team with soccer Heroes and ICONs, such as Kylian Mbappé, Christian Pulisic, Vinicius Jr, Son Heung-min, Paolo Maldini, Ronaldinho, and more.
  • You can compete in various modes, such as Head-to-Head, VS Attack, Manager Mode, and World Cup Mode.
  • You can experience realistic soccer simulation with upgraded graphics, sound effects, and gameplay.
  • You can update the game manually or automatically to get the latest players, kits, clubs, and leagues.

How to Download and Install FIFA Mobile APK on Android Devices

To download and install FIFA Mobile APK on your Android device, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Go to a trusted website that offers FIFA Mobile APK download links, such as [APKCombo](^1^) or [Descarga Gratis](^2^).
  2. Tap on the download button and wait for the file to be downloaded on your device.
  3. Before installing the file, make sure you have enabled the option to install apps from unknown sources in your device settings. To do this, go to Settings > Security > Unknown Sources and toggle it on.
  4. Locate the downloaded file in your file manager and tap on it to start the installation process.
  5. Follow the instructions on the screen and wait for the installation to be completed.
  6. Launch the game from your app drawer and enjoy!

Note: You may need to grant some permissions to the game in order to run it properly. Also, make sure you have enough storage space on your device before downloading and installing the file.

How to Download and Install FIFA Mobile APK on PC

If you want to play FIFA Mobile on your PC, you need to use an Android emulator that can run Android apps on your computer. An Android emulator is a software that creates a virtual environment that mimics an Android device. There are many Android emulators available online, but we recommend using [BlueStacks] or [NoxPlayer] as they are easy to use and compatible with most PC games. To download and install FIFA Mobile APK on your PC, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Download and install an Android emulator of your choice on your PC. You can find the download links and installation guides for BlueStacks and NoxPlayer on their official websites.
  2. Launch the emulator and sign in with your Google account. If you don’t have one, you can create one for free.
  3. Go to a trusted website that offers FIFA Mobile APK download links, such as [APKCombo] or [Descarga Gratis].
  4. Download the FIFA Mobile APK file on your PC and save it in a folder that you can access easily.
  5. Drag and drop the file into the emulator window or use the built-in file browser to locate and install it.
  6. Wait for the installation to be completed and launch the game from the emulator home screen or app drawer.

Note: You may need to adjust some settings in the emulator to optimize the performance and graphics of the game. You can also use your keyboard and mouse to control the game or connect a gamepad for a better gaming experience.

How to Play FIFA Mobile APK

Playing FIFA Mobile APK is easy and fun, whether you are a beginner or an advanced player. Here are some tips and tricks on how to play the game:

  • To start playing, you need to create your profile and choose your favorite team. You can also customize your avatar, name, jersey, and badge.
  • You can access various modes from the main menu, such as World Cup Mode, Ultimate Team Mode, Head-to-Head Mode, VS Attack Mode, and Manager Mode. Each mode has its own rules, objectives, and rewards.
  • You can earn coins, gems, players, kits, and other items by completing matches, events, quests, and achievements. You can use these resources to upgrade your team, buy new players, or open packs.
  • You can also join a league or create your own league with your friends. You can chat with other league members, challenge them to friendly matches, or compete in league tournaments.
  • You can control your players using the virtual joystick and buttons on the screen. You can also use gestures to perform actions such as passing, shooting, tackling, dribbling, and sprinting.
  • You can adjust the difficulty level, camera angle, sound effects, and other settings from the options menu. You can also enable or disable notifications, data usage, auto-play, and tutorials.

How to Update FIFA Mobile APK

Updating FIFA Mobile APK is important to get the latest features, players, kits, clubs, and leagues. You can update the game manually or automatically depending on your preference. Here’s how:

How to Update FIFA Mobile APK Manually

To update FIFA Mobile APK manually, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Go to a trusted website that offers FIFA Mobile APK download links, such as [APKCombo] or [Descarga Gratis].
  2. Check if there is a new version of FIFA Mobile APK available for download. You can compare the version number with the one you have installed on your device or PC.
  3. If there is a new version available, download it on your device or PC and save it in a folder that you can access easily.
  4. Before installing the new version, make sure you have backed up your game data. You can do this by going to Settings > Account > Link Account and choosing a cloud service such as Google Play Games or Facebook.
  5. Uninstall the old version of FIFA Mobile APK from your device or PC.
  6. Install the new version of FIFA Mobile APK by following the same steps as before.
  7. Launch the game and sign in with your linked account to restore your game data.

How to Update FIFA Mobile APK Automatically

To update FIFA Mobile APK automatically, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Make sure you have enabled the option to install apps from unknown sources in your device settings. To do this, go to Settings > Security > Unknown Sources and toggle it on.
  2. Make sure you have enabled the option to allow automatic updates for apps in your device settings. To do this, go to Settings > Apps > FIFA Mobile > Advanced > App Details > Auto-update app and choose either “Over any network” or “Over Wi-Fi only”.
  3. Whenever there is a new version of FIFA Mobile APK available for download, you will receive a notification on your device or PC. Tap on the notification and follow the instructions on the screen to install the update.
  4. Alternatively, you can check for updates manually by going to Settings > Apps > FIFA Mobile > Advanced > App Details > Update. If there is an update available, tap on the “Update” button and wait for the installation to be completed.
  5. Launch the game and enjoy the new features.

How to Troubleshoot FIFA Mobile APK

Sometimes, you may encounter some issues while playing FIFA Mobile APK, such as crashes, freezes, errors, or glitches. Don’t worry, these are common problems that can be fixed easily. Here are some solutions for the most common issues:

How to Fix FIFA Mobile APK Crashing or Freezing

If FIFA Mobile APK crashes or freezes while playing, you can try these steps:

  • Restart your device or PC and launch the game again.
  • Clear the cache and data of the game by going to Settings > Apps > FIFA Mobile > Storage > Clear Cache and Clear Data.
  • Check your internet connection and make sure it is stable and fast.
  • Update the game to the latest version by following the steps above.
  • Update your device or PC software to the latest version by going to Settings > System > System Update.
  • Uninstall and reinstall the game by following the steps above.

How to Fix FIFA Mobile APK Errors or Glitches

If FIFA Mobile APK shows errors or glitches while playing, you can try these steps:

  • Check the official website or social media pages of FIFA Mobile for any announcements or updates regarding the game issues.
  • Contact the customer support team of FIFA Mobile by going to Settings > Help & Support > Contact Us and report your problem.
  • Check the online forums or communities of FIFA Mobile for any solutions or tips from other players who have faced similar issues.


FIFA Mobile APK is a great way to enjoy the official mobile game of the FIFA World Cup 2022™ on any Android device or PC. By downloading and installing this file, you can access all the features and benefits of the game without using Google Play Store or having a supported device. You can also update and troubleshoot the game easily by following our guide. So what are you waiting for? Download FIFA Mobile APK today and start playing with your dream team of soccer stars!


Here are some frequently asked questions and answers about FIFA Mobile APK:

Is FIFA Mobile APK safe to download and install?

Yes, FIFA Mobile APK is safe to download and install as long as you use a trusted website that offers verified download links. However, you should always be careful when downloading files from unknown sources and scan them with an antivirus software before installing them.

Is FIFA Mobile APK free to play?

Yes, FIFA Mobile APK is free to play, but it contains in-app purchases that allow you to buy coins, gems, players, kits, and other items. You can also watch ads or complete offers to earn free rewards.

Can I play FIFA Mobile APK offline?

No, FIFA Mobile APK requires an internet connection to play. You need to connect to a Wi-Fi or mobile data network to access all the modes, events, and features of the game.

Can I play FIFA Mobile APK with my friends?

Yes, you can play FIFA Mobile APK with your friends by joining a league or creating your own league. You can also invite your friends to play Head-to-Head matches or VS Attack matches with you.

Can I transfer my FIFA Mobile APK data to another device or PC?

Yes, you can transfer your FIFA Mobile APK data to another device or PC by linking your account to a cloud service such as Google Play Games or Facebook. You can do this by going to Settings > Account > Link Account and choosing a service. Then, you can sign in with your linked account on another device or PC and restore your data.
