Hp Dmi Slp V 1.4d Rar EXCLUSIVE 🤟🏿

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HP DMI SLP v 1.4d RAR: A Handy Tool for HP Laptop Users

If you own an HP laptop, you may have heard of HP DMI SLP v 1.4d RAR, a tool that allows you to modify your BIOS settings. But what is it exactly and how can you use it? In this article, we will explain what HP DMI SLP v 1.4d RAR is, what it can do, and how to use it safely and effectively.

What is HP DMI SLP v 1.4d RAR?

HP DMI SLP v 1.4d RAR is a software tool that can be used to edit the DMI (Desktop Management Interface) data of your HP laptop. DMI data is a set of information that identifies your laptop model, serial number, product number, warranty status, and other details. This data is stored in the BIOS (Basic Input/Output System) of your laptop, which is a firmware that controls the basic functions of your hardware.

Why would you want to edit the DMI data of your laptop? There are several reasons why you may need to do so. For example:

  • You may want to change the serial number or product number of your laptop if you have replaced the motherboard or other components.
  • You may want to update the warranty status of your laptop if you have extended or renewed it.
  • You may want to customize the logo or splash screen that appears when you boot up your laptop.
  • You may want to unlock some hidden features or options in your BIOS settings.

However, editing the DMI data of your laptop is not a simple task. You need a special tool that can access and modify the BIOS data without damaging it. That’s where HP DMI SLP v 1.4d RAR comes in.

What can HP DMI SLP v 1.4d RAR do?

HP DMI SLP v 1.4d RAR is a tool that can read and write the DMI data of your HP laptop. It can also backup and restore your BIOS data in case something goes wrong. It supports various HP laptop models and BIOS versions.

With HP DMI SLP v 1.4d RAR, you can edit the following DMI data fields:

  • Serial Number
  • Product Number
  • SKU Number
  • Build ID
  • Feature Byte
  • Build Date
  • System Board CT Number
  • Chassis Serial Number
  • Miscellaneous Data

You can also change the logo or splash screen of your laptop by replacing the BMP file in the tool folder.

How to use HP DMI SLP v 1.4d RAR?

Before you use HP DMI SLP v 1.4d RAR, you need to prepare some things:

  • A USB flash drive with at least 256 MB of free space.
  • A copy of HP DMI SLP v 1.4d RAR tool, which you can download from here.
  • A copy of your original BIOS data, which you can backup using the tool or from the HP website.
  • A copy of the new DMI data that you want to write to your laptop.

Once you have everything ready, follow these steps:

  1. Format your USB flash drive as FAT32 and copy the HP DMI SLP v 1.4d RAR tool folder to it.
  2. Plug the USB flash drive into your laptop and boot from it by pressing F9 or ESC during startup.
  3. Select “HP_DMI_TOOLKIT” from the menu and press Enter.
  4. Select “Read” from the menu and press Enter to read your current DMI data and save it as “DMI.TXT” on the USB flash drive.
  5. Edit the “DMI.TXT” file on another computer using a text editor and change the fields that you want to modify.
  6. Save the file and copy it back to the USB flash drive.
  7. Select “Write” from the menu and press Enter to write the new DMI data to your laptop.
  8. Select “Exit” from the menu and press Enter to reboot your laptop.

Congratulations! You have successfully edited the DMI data of your HP laptop using HP DMI SLP v 1.4d RAR.

What are the risks and benefits of using HP DMI SLP v 1.4d RAR?

Using HP DMI SLP v 1.4d RAR can be very useful and beneficial for HP laptop users who want to customize their BIOS settings or fix some issues. However, it also comes with some risks and drawbacks that you should be aware of before using it.

Some of the benefits of using HP DMI SLP v 1.4d RAR are:

  • You can change the serial number or product number of your laptop if you have replaced the motherboard or other components.
  • You can update the warranty status of your laptop if you have extended or renewed it.
  • You can customize the logo or splash screen that appears when you boot up your laptop.
  • You can unlock some hidden features or options in your BIOS settings.

Some of the risks and drawbacks of using HP DMI SLP v 1.4d RAR are:

  • You may void the warranty of your laptop if you modify the DMI data without authorization from HP.
  • You may damage your laptop or make it unbootable if you write incorrect or incompatible DMI data to your BIOS.
  • You may lose some functionality or compatibility if you change the DMI data that is linked to your hardware or software.
  • You may expose your laptop to security risks if you use an outdated or untrusted version of the tool.

Therefore, you should use HP DMI SLP v 1.4d RAR with caution and at your own risk. You should always backup your original BIOS data before using the tool and restore it if something goes wrong. You should also check the compatibility and validity of the new DMI data that you want to write to your laptop. You should only use the latest and official version of the tool from a reliable source.

How to download and install HP DMI SLP v 1.4d RAR?

If you want to use HP DMI SLP v 1.4d RAR, you need to download and install it on your USB flash drive. Here are the steps to do so:

  1. Go to this link and download the HP DMI SLP v 1.4d RAR tool.
  2. Extract the ZIP file and copy the HP_DMI_TOOLKIT folder to your USB flash drive.
  3. Plug the USB flash drive into your laptop and boot from it by pressing F9 or ESC during startup.
  4. Select “HP_DMI_TOOLKIT” from the menu and press Enter.
  5. You are now ready to use HP DMI SLP v 1.4d RAR.

Note: You should only download and install HP DMI SLP v 1.4d RAR from the official source. Do not use any other versions or sources that may be outdated or infected with malware.

How to backup and restore your BIOS data using HP DMI SLP v 1.4d RAR?

Before you use HP DMI SLP v 1.4d RAR to edit your DMI data, you should always backup your original BIOS data. This way, you can restore it if something goes wrong or if you want to revert to the default settings. Here are the steps to backup and restore your BIOS data using HP DMI SLP v 1.4d RAR:

  1. Plug the USB flash drive with the HP DMI SLP v 1.4d RAR tool into your laptop and boot from it by pressing F9 or ESC during startup.
  2. Select “HP_DMI_TOOLKIT” from the menu and press Enter.
  3. Select “Backup” from the menu and press Enter to backup your current BIOS data and save it as “BIOS.BIN” on the USB flash drive.
  4. Copy the “BIOS.BIN” file to another safe location for future use.
  5. If you want to restore your original BIOS data, select “Restore” from the menu and press Enter to load the “BIOS.BIN” file from the USB flash drive and write it to your laptop.
  6. Select “Exit” from the menu and press Enter to reboot your laptop.

Note: You should only use the “BIOS.BIN” file that matches your laptop model and BIOS version. Do not use any other files that may be incompatible or corrupted.

How to change the logo or splash screen of your laptop using HP DMI SLP v 1.4d RAR?

If you want to customize the logo or splash screen that appears when you boot up your laptop, you can use HP DMI SLP v 1.4d RAR to replace it with your own image. Here are the steps to do so:

  1. Create a BMP image file with the size of 640 x 480 pixels and the color depth of 16 bits.
  2. Name the file as “LOGO.BMP” and copy it to the HP_DMI_TOOLKIT folder on your USB flash drive.
  3. Plug the USB flash drive with the HP DMI SLP v 1.4d RAR tool and the new logo image into your laptop and boot from it by pressing F9 or ESC during startup.
  4. Select “HP_DMI_TOOLKIT” from the menu and press Enter.
  5. Select “Logo” from the menu and press Enter to replace the logo or splash screen of your laptop with the new image.
  6. Select “Exit” from the menu and press Enter to reboot your laptop.

Note: You should only use a BMP image file that is compatible with your laptop model and BIOS version. Do not use any other formats or sizes that may cause errors or glitches.

How to unlock hidden features or options in your BIOS settings using HP DMI SLP v 1.4d RAR?

Some HP laptops may have some hidden features or options in their BIOS settings that are not accessible by default. These features or options may include advanced settings, overclocking options, fan control, power management, and more. If you want to unlock these hidden features or options, you can use HP DMI SLP v 1.4d RAR to modify the feature byte of your DMI data. Here are the steps to do so:

  1. Plug the USB flash drive with the HP DMI SLP v 1.4d RAR tool into your laptop and boot from it by pressing F9 or ESC during startup.
  2. Select “HP_DMI_TOOLKIT” from the menu and press Enter.
  3. Select “Read” from the menu and press Enter to read your current DMI data and save it as “DMI.TXT” on the USB flash drive.
  4. Edit the “DMI.TXT” file on another computer using a text editor and change the feature byte field according to your desired features or options.
  5. Save the file and copy it back to the USB flash drive.
  6. Select “Write” from the menu and press Enter to write the new DMI data to your laptop.
  7. Select “Exit” from the menu and press Enter to reboot your laptop.

Note: You should only modify the feature byte field if you know what you are doing and what features or options you want to unlock. Do not change any other fields that may affect the functionality or compatibility of your laptop. You should also backup your original DMI data before using the tool and restore it if something goes wrong.


HP DMI SLP v 1.4d RAR is a powerful and useful tool that can help you edit the DMI data of your HP laptop. It can help you change the serial number, product number, warranty status, logo, and other details of your laptop. It can also help you unlock some hidden features or options in your BIOS settings. However, it also comes with some risks and drawbacks that you should be aware of before using it. You should always backup your original BIOS data before using the tool and restore it if something goes wrong. You should also check the compatibility and validity of the new DMI data that you want to write to your laptop. You should only use the latest and official version of the tool from a reliable source.

We hope this article has helped you understand what HP DMI SLP v 1.4d RAR is and how to use it safely and effectively. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to leave a comment below.

