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How to Download and Install IBM Security AppScan Standard for Free

IBM Security AppScan Standard is a program that helps organizations decrease the likelihood of web application attacks and costly data breaches by automating application security vulnerability testing. It provides broad coverage to scan and test a wide range of application security vulnerabilities.

If you want to try this powerful tool for free, you can download a trial version from the IBM website. In this article, we will show you how to download and install IBM Security AppScan Standard for free on your Windows PC.

Step 1: Download IBM Security AppScan Standard

To download IBM Security AppScan Standard, you need to visit the IBM Security AppScan Standard V9.0.3.12 documentation page and click on the “” link under “Getting started”. This will take you to a page where you can choose your preferred language and accept the license agreement.

After that, you will see a list of files that you need to download. The main file is “”, which is about 1 GB in size. You also need to download the “AppScan_Standard_9.0.3.12_Windows_ML_Readme.pdf” file, which contains important information about the installation and usage of the program.

You can use any download manager or browser to download these files to your PC. Make sure you have enough disk space and a stable internet connection.

Step 2: Install IBM Security AppScan Standard

Once you have downloaded the files, you need to extract the zip file to a folder on your PC. You can use any unzip tool or Windows Explorer to do this.

After extracting the zip file, you will see a folder called “AppScan_Standard_9.0.3.12_Windows_ML”. Inside this folder, you will find an executable file called “AppScan.exe”. This is the installer for IBM Security AppScan Standard.

To start the installation, double-click on the “AppScan.exe” file and follow the instructions on the screen. You will need to accept the license agreement, choose a destination folder, and select the components that you want to install.

The installation process may take several minutes, depending on your system configuration and speed. When the installation is complete, you will see a message saying “IBM Security AppScan Standard has been successfully installed”.

Step 3: Launch IBM Security AppScan Standard

After installing IBM Security AppScan Standard, you can launch it from the Start menu or the desktop shortcut. You will see a welcome screen that gives you some options to start a new scan, open an existing scan, or access some resources.

To start a new scan, you can click on the “New Scan” button or select “File > New Scan” from the menu bar. This will open the Scan Configuration Wizard, which will guide you through the steps of configuring and running a scan.

Step 4: Configure and Run a Scan

The Scan Configuration Wizard consists of several pages that allow you to specify various settings for your scan, such as the URL of the web application or web service that you want to test, the login credentials and methods, the test policy and optimization options, and the scan expert level.

You can use the default settings or customize them according to your needs and preferences. You can also save your scan configuration as a template for future use. For more details on each page of the wizard, you can refer to the IBM Security AppScan Standard documentation.

After completing the wizard, you can click on the “Finish” button to start the scan. You will see a progress bar and some statistics on the scan status. You can also view the scan log and pause or stop the scan at any time.

Step 5: Review and Analyze Scan Results

When the scan is finished, you will see a summary of the scan results, including the number of issues found, their severity levels, and their categories. You can also view the detailed results in different views, such as Application Tree, Result List, and Detail Pane.

The Application Tree view shows the structure of the web application or web service that was scanned, along with the issues found in each node. The Result List view shows a list of all issues found, along with their severity levels, categories, and descriptions. The Detail Pane view shows more information about a selected issue, such as its name, type, URL, request and response data, impact, remediation advice, and references.

You can use various filters and sorting options to narrow down and organize the results. You can also perform some actions on the results, such as marking them as false positives or negatives, assigning them to users or groups, adding comments or notes, or exporting them to other formats.

Step 6: Communicate and Manage Scan Results

After reviewing and analyzing the scan results, you may want to communicate and manage them with other stakeholders, such as developers, testers, managers, or auditors. IBM Security AppScan Standard provides various options to help you do that.

One option is to generate reports from the scan results. You can choose from different report templates, such as Executive Summary, Developer Report, Compliance Report, or Custom Report. You can also customize the report content, format, and layout according to your needs. You can export the reports to different formats, such as PDF, HTML, XML, or CSV.

Another option is to integrate IBM Security AppScan Standard with other tools or systems, such as IBM Security AppScan Enterprise, IBM Security AppScan Source Edition, IBM Rational Team Concert, IBM Rational ClearQuest, or IBM QRadar. This way, you can leverage the benefits of these tools or systems to manage the scan results more effectively and efficiently.

For example, you can use IBM Security AppScan Enterprise to centralize and consolidate the scan results from multiple IBM Security AppScan Standard instances. You can also use IBM Security AppScan Source Edition to perform static analysis on the source code of the web applications or web services that you scanned with IBM Security AppScan Standard. You can use IBM Rational Team Concert or IBM Rational ClearQuest to track and resolve the issues found by IBM Security AppScan Standard. You can use IBM QRadar to import the scan results from IBM Security AppScan Standard and generate offenses for your security team.

Benefits of Using IBM Security AppScan Standard

IBM Security AppScan Standard is a powerful and versatile tool that can help you improve the security and quality of your web applications and web services. By using this tool, you can enjoy the following benefits:

  • Reduce the risk of web application attacks and data breaches by identifying and eliminating security vulnerabilities early in the development lifecycle.
  • Save time and money by automating the application security vulnerability testing process and reducing the need for manual testing.
  • Increase the coverage and accuracy of your security testing by scanning and testing a wide range of application security vulnerabilities with advanced testing methods.
  • Enhance the visibility and awareness of your application security posture by generating comprehensive and customizable reports that highlight the issues found and provide remediation advice.
  • Facilitate the collaboration and communication among different stakeholders by integrating IBM Security AppScan Standard with other tools or systems that support your application development and security management processes.


In this article, we have shown you how to download and install IBM Security AppScan Standard for free on your Windows PC. We have also explained how to configure and run a scan, review and analyze the scan results, communicate and manage the scan results, and the benefits of using IBM Security AppScan Standard.

IBM Security AppScan Standard is a great tool that can help you improve the security and quality of your web applications and web services by automating application security vulnerability testing. It can help you reduce the risk of web application attacks and data breaches, save time and money, increase the coverage and accuracy of your security testing, enhance the visibility and awareness of your application security posture, and facilitate the collaboration and communication among different stakeholders.

If you want to try IBM Security AppScan Standard for free, you can download a trial version from the IBM website. You can also learn more about the product features, supported technologies, documentation, support, and resources from the IBM Security AppScan Standard V9.0.3.12 documentation page.

We hope you have found this article useful and informative. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to contact us or leave a comment below. Thank you for reading![Tutorial]%20Como%20ativar%20o%20Microsoft%20Office%202010%20permanentemente%20%20Todas%20as%20Versoes!
