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Q: python dictionary comprehension nested inside another comprehension I have a list A, and a list of dictionaries B. Now I want to generate a list of dictionaries from the list of dictionaries which contain elements from the list A. The format of the list of dictionaries is like this: B = [{‘parameter’: 5}, {‘anotherparameter’: 6}, {‘yetanotherparameter’: 7}] A = [‘foo’, ‘bar’, ‘baz’] My “best” attempt to generate this list is this: result = [{“parameter”: x, “yetanotherparameter”: y} for x, y in zip(A, B)] Which gives me [{‘parameter’: ‘foo’, ‘yetanotherparameter’: 5}, {‘parameter’: ‘bar’, ‘yetanotherparameter’: 6}, {‘parameter’: ‘baz’, ‘yetanotherparameter’: 7}] But there are 2 problems with this solution: 1.) It seems a bit over complicated to have to use zip on the list A in order to get access to the list B 2.) If the list of dictionaries can be generated without first requiring access to the list A I would like to know how. I’m not looking for a list comprehension or filter, I’m actually looking for a dict comprehension. Any thoughts? A: You can use a list comprehension with iteritems [{**d, “parameter”:x} for d, x in zip(B, A)] [Psycho-oncology: cognitive and behavioral approaches]. The cognitive and behavioral approach to the treatment of cancer patients was launched at the end of the 70’s in order to broaden the psychotherapeutic repertoire, which was previously focused only on psychoanalytic and solution oriented approaches. Some years later, it was made clear that the model was rather unsatisfactory, and a more specific behavioral approach became the preferred model. This review article examines the cognitive approach to the treatment of cancer patients, describing the cognitive model that orientates the intervention and its empirical support.Q: How to find the threshold of a binary classifier using the derivative? I would like to know how to find the threshold of the classifier $f(x) = 1 – e^{ -b(x – \mu)}$ I have found the derivative of $ 79a2804d6b
