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IssProc is an extension for Inno Setup that lists processes that are in use at the moment of your setup’s run time.
Most important feature is that you can use any non-generic-name EXE file as an installer’s EXE file.
IssProc will detect it with the reason that it was already in use ( you can check it on the Properties tab in issprocdlg )
IssProc supports wildcard file and folder matches.
IssProc can handle multiple file/folder search.
IssProc supports multiple file and folder detection.
IssProc supports multiple language files.
IssProc supports Process List sections.
IssProc supports PID value detection.
IssProc supports exact folder match.
IssProc supports wildcard file match.
IssProc supports wildcard folder match.
IssProc supports multiple versions.
IssProc supports exact version.
IssProc supports wildcard version.
IssProc supports language specific files.
IssProc supports file version specific files.
IssProc supports multiple languages.
IssProc supports multiple images.
IssProc supports multiple images (load plugin and start programs).
IssProc supports multiple updates.
IssProc supports multi patches.
IssProc supports multiple package sources.
IssProc supports multiple packages.
IssProc supports multiple “Setup Run” and “Setup Exit”.
IssProc supports multiple profiles.
IssProc supports multi-executables.
IssProc supports multiple states.
IssProc supports multiple components.
IssProc supports multiple virtual registry values.
IssProc supports multiple dialog images.
IssProc supports multiple services.
IssProc supports multiple services.
IssProc supports wildcard services.
IssProc supports multiple services groups.
IssProc supports multiple services providers.
IssProc supports wildcard services providers.
IssProc supports service name/description matching.
IssProc supports service priority detection.
IssProc supports service critical detection.
IssProc supports service auto start detection.
IssProc supports service min state detection.
IssProc supports service max state detection.
IssProc supports multi-registry.
IssProc supports multi-registry (read only).
IssProc supports multi-registry (write only).
IssProc supports multiple registry paths.


IS_IssProc Crack Free Download
■ Allows you to add or modify the language file
■ Can be used in multiple languages
IS_ISSPROC function
■ OnLine:
■ By default, ISSProc is set to “No” to allow usage for Inno Setup 5.x only. But if a person enable the “ByPassLocalized” option, it will use the language file that is defined in [Version] section in the Inno Setup, otherwise it will use the one defined in the [Languages] section in the Inno Setup.
If someone enable the “BypassLocalized” option in 5.x only, it will use the language file defined in [Languages] section in the Inno Setup and if no one is defined, it will use the language file defined in the [Version] section in the Inno Setup.
ISSProc behavior:
■ “No” (default) – Uses the language file that is defined in [Version] section of the Inno Setup
■ “ByPassLocalized” – Uses the language file that is defined in [Languages] section of the Inno Setup
■ “BypassLocalizedOrVersion” – Uses the language file that is defined in [Version] section of the Inno Setup OR language file that is defined in [Languages] section of the Inno Setup
■ “BypassLocalizedOrVersionAndLocalized” – Uses the language file that is defined in [Version] section of the Inno Setup OR language file that is defined in [Languages] section of the Inno Setup AND language file that is defined in [Languages] section of the Inno Setup
ISSProc behavior with version = vs or language =
■ “No” (default) – Uses the language file that is defined in [Version] section of the Inno Setup
■ “ByPassLocalized” – Uses the language file that is defined in [Languages] section of the Inno Setup
■ “BypassLocalizedOrVersion” – Uses the language file that is defined in [Version] section of the Inno Setup OR language file that is defined in [Languages] section of the Inno Setup
■ “BypassLocalizedOrVersionAndLocalized” – Uses the language file that is defined in [Version] section of the Inno Setup

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■ IssProc will add a tiny executable (in size of about 20KB) to your setup, which is then launched right after the setup is started. It will then search for the file(s) you specified and display a list with the in-use file(s).
■ You can modify the language file that is used to display the files for your setup.
■ You can specify multiple files to be displayed. In this case, you should specify a semicolon separated list, which in turn will be converted to wildcard matches. You can also use wildcards in the list of files.
■ You can specify that only files from a specific folder should be displayed (absolute or relative folder).
■ You can hide the files that you want to avoid displaying.
You can also pass a list of process names to this small executable, which can be used to view the in-use files for those processes.
IssProc -update {101db054-0e20-45f3-8c98-de9f3fe9e2c9}
Should be invoked right after the setup is started and will display the files that are in-use for the application with PID 101db054-0e20-45f3-8c98-de9f3fe9e2c9.
If no files are in-use (e.g. when the application is not installed yet), then a message will be displayed saying that nothing can be displayed.
IssProc will read the files that are in-use for the specified processes. The following files will be searched for by IssProc:
■ *.exe
■ *.dll
■ *.ocx
■ *.sfx
For a complete description of these files, you can refer to the following Microsoft article:
Troubleshooting MSI setups with Files In Use Extensions
IssProc : multi-language support
You can add a new language file to your setup ( you should modify the file “issp.iss” in the subfolder “Language” of the Inno Setup installation folder ) and then point to that file by adding a new line to your “myissp.iss” file in the subfolder “Language”.
IssProc for Windows Installer |
If you want to display more than just the description for a

What’s New In?

IssProc is an Inno Setup extension that allows the Inno Setup to detect the process that is holding on to a file that is being updated by the current installation. The process is identified by a PID.
You can then shut that process when the user doesn’t want to stop the install or when you have Inno Setup running in the background from a scheduled task or similar.
In order to detect if an installation process is holding on to a file that is going to be updated, IssProc allows the installation to add a registry key into HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall key with the name of the process holding on to a file that is going to be updated, and the value of the key should be the path to the file being held on by the process. For example:
You can then use IssProc to detect if that registry key exists and if so to get the path of the file being held on by the process.
IssProc also allows the installation to add a second registry key under HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall called [Process] that will store the PID of the process. You can then use IssProc to detect if that registry key exists and if so to get the PID of the process.
IssProc allows the installation to perform an exact file search under HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall for that process. You can then use the results of the search to look for the desired file that is being held on by the process.
IssProc allows the installation to find multiple files that are being held on by the process. The installation will use the wildcard file search operator when searching for a specific process file and will match any files that contain the same base name as the process but any extensions and path and return that base file name to the program. For example:
IssProc will also return any filenames that start with a wildcard character that exist anywhere in the path that is stored in the Registry.
IssProc allows the installation to list the applications exe files that are being held on by the process. If the application path contains an exe name or is a * then the application name will be returned as an output string. For example:

System Requirements:

OS: Windows 7 SP1 (32-bit) or newer
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo CPU E6850 (2.93 GHz) or AMD Athlon II X3 425 (2.4 GHz) or faster
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Hard Disk: 2 GB available space
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce 8600 or AMD Radeon HD 4670 or newer
OS: Windows 7 SP1 (64-bit) or newer
Processor: Intel Core 2 Quad