Keylink 1.3.3 Crack Free Download

The last steps of an installation process usually consist of the choice of shortcuts, which can be in the Start Menu, desktop, and more. However, to avoid spending a lot of time to look for a program of interest, you can use specialized applications like Keylink to read existing entries and create an intuitive, alternative launch method.
Quick configuration through a wizard
At first the application offers to run a wizard so you can easily scan a specific folder and automatically map it out. Within a few steps you get to choose not only a location, but also narrow down results with filters to include, or exclude different types of formats, or even look for items based on text strings.
You’re not forced to go through with the wizard configuration, so you can first check out the set of features. Sadly, adding files later on isn’t done through drag and drop. On the other hand, there’s quite a variety of input options, such as files, folders, directory content, custom type of entry, URL, and even Windows command.
Visual tweaking and hotkey support
All items you add are initially shown in a rather compact window, but there’s the possibility to have it resized by simply dragging the borders around. A scrollbar is automatically included, while visual tweaking makes it possible to change the skin, and adjust the transparency level to make it blend with your desktop.
The application can be set to automatically run with Windows so that it’s ready by the time you reach the desktop. This option shows up on initial launch, and can also be manually toggled from the options menu. For more flexibility, hotkey support makes it easy to bring the launcher up from the tray area, or even launch specific elements this way.
To sum it up
All things considered, we can safely state that Keylink can help you create a neat, custom launcher for programs, games, websites, and even special commands you frequently use. Hotkey support greatly extends flexibility, while the initial wizard configurator helps you configure the entire list with little effort.







Keylink 1.3.3 Crack + Free [Mac/Win] 2022 [New]

Visual Tweaker
Add Files
Add Directories
Add Options
Add Hotkeys
Add Shell Commands
Direct Add to Desktop
Download Extra Features

Version 3.4



Installation Location:


Full review:

Download key



Note: This demo version of the application is available for download from HERE.
Demo version also includes the installer and one shortcut file, allowing you to quickly test the feature set.

The author created this website with tools provided by WPMUDEV.

AppWizard is a registered trademark of the DevLabs team.
All other product names, logos, and trademarks used are property of their respective owners.You are here


Revocation is an unusually shocking book because of its familiarity and its resistance to shock. But given its equally solid construction and its thorough research, Revocation is less of a squirm-fest than some reviewers might think. It seems that, unlike many so-called popular histories, Daniel T. Rodgers does not want to “inform” the reader with all the details of why and how the American Revolution happened, but rather he wants to teach us by allowing us to learn. This is a good thing.

Everyone can relate to the latter two key ideas, so the introductory chapter on “The Reason for Revoking the Massachusetts Charter” (pp. 1-20) is especially welcome. It’s less helpful to be told why the British Crown revoked the charter in 1775, though the author does include a short summary of the legal processes, even if that process doesn’t explain everything.

Rodgers seems to think that the American Revolution could not have happened without the London Declaration of Colonial Rights of May 1776. And while I’m sure this declaration and the response to it did make the war possible, it certainly did not create the necessary public support, so I thought it was time to revise the author’s long-standing conclusion that the colonies revolted “over the arrogance of Parliament and the king.” There were many reasons, but a primary one was British military failure.

If you’re going to read Revocation, it’s a good idea to buy the book first so you’re not reading about things you already know. It�

Keylink 1.3.3

KEYMACRO is a Mac OS X application that allows you to record your keyboard and mouse actions and save them as macros for instant use. In other words, it turns your OS into a working accelerator key. It can record either press of a specific key, command, or even combination of keys, mouse actions, and time intervals. Macros can be saved to a file or directly copied to the Clipboard and pasted as you wish.
How do macros work?
You record actions in KEYMACRO by pressing the keyboard or mouse key. The application will record every action you perform while pressing the designated key, then save it to a file. The created macro can be started at any time with a single keyboard click and resume automatically from where it left off. Thus you can perform all tasks you normally perform in a single click and save the whole procedure as a single macro.
Feature list:
– Manual and Auto macros recording
– Recordings can be recorded to files
– Load recordings from files
– Auto-replay
– Macro’s can be activated by keys on keyboard or buttons on the mouse
– Macro’s can be saved as a file
– Autosave
– Re-recordings from files
– Quick replay
– Reload
– Exporting to other programs
– Importing to other programs
– WIndows Key Commands
– Macros can be configured with profiles
– Saving of profiles
– Load and export of profiles
– Importing and deleting of profiles
– Creating and editing of profiles
– Quick replay
– Exporting to other programs
– Importing to other programs
– WIndows Key Commands
– Macros can be configured with profiles
– Saving of profiles
– Load and export of profiles
– Importing and deleting of profiles
– Creating and editing of profiles
– Hotkey
– Macro’s can be imported
– Macros can be exported
– Macro’s can be deleted
– Macro’s can be loaded
– Macro’s can be edited
– Macro’s can be configured
– Macro’s can be exported
– Macro’s can be imported
– Macro’s can be deleted
– Macro’s can be loaded
– Macro’s can be edited
– Macro’s can be configured
– Hotkey
– Macro’s can be configured
– Macro’s can be exported
– Macro’s can be imported
– Macro’s can be deleted
– Macro’s can be loaded
– Macro’s can be edited
– Macro

Keylink 1.3.3 Crack + (LifeTime) Activation Code (Final 2022)

Take advantage of smart features, and let Windows handle your file association. Download Keylink and discover a new way to reach your favorite programs and games. It’s easier and more flexible than ever before. Create and apply keyboard shortcuts, and be ahead of the game. An alternative way to run apps.
Key Features:
User-friendly wizard configurator, as well as a comprehensive “Advanced” section.
Hassle-free file association, plus the possibility to search for files, directories, and even raw text.
Access in seconds any computer file through the Quicklaunch window.
Apply keyboard shortcuts to launch apps, games, websites, and custom commands.
Set custom hotkeys, and set shortcuts to open specific elements within the launcher.
A flexible, easy-to-use interface, with the ability to resize the window to match your desktop.
The program itself works flawlessly on any machine, any time of day.
Manual and automatic modes to select the launcher.
In addition, the program lets you use other features like drag and drop, which can easily add/remove items later on.
Major Requirements:
Windows 7/8, Windows 10, Windows XP (32/64-bit)

Program Requirements:
Windows 7/8, Windows 10, Windows XP (32/64-bit)

48.2 MB

User rating


My Opinion:



Take advantage of smart features, and let Windows handle your file association. Download Keylink and discover a new way to reach your favorite programs and games. It’s easier and more flexible than ever before. Create and apply keyboard shortcuts, and be ahead of the game. An alternative way to run apps.

Take advantage of smart features, and let Windows handle your file association. Download Keylink and discover a new way to reach your favorite programs and games. It’s easier and more flexible than ever before. Create and apply keyboard shortcuts, and be ahead of the game. An alternative way to run apps.

Key Features:

User-friendly wizard configurator, as well as a comprehensive “Advanced” section.

Hassle-free file association, plus the possibility to search for files, directories, and even raw text.

Access in seconds any computer file through the Quicklaunch window.

Apply keyboard

What’s New In Keylink?

Keylink is a small application that allows you to customize the "Start" menu for Windows. You can put shortcuts to all of your favorite programs, open websites, directories and even any text string. All of these shortcuts can be customized to be on the desktop, in the Start menu, even in any folder you choose.

Keylink 0.5.0 Beta 3

Keylink 0.5.0 Beta 3Requirements:Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10Overview:Keylink is a small application that allows you to customize the "Start" menu for Windows. You can put shortcuts to all of your favorite programs, open websites, directories and even any text string. All of these shortcuts can be customized to be on the desktop, in the Start menu, even in any folder you choose.

Description:Keylink is a small application that allows you to customize the "Start" menu for Windows. You can put shortcuts to all of your favorite programs, open websites, directories and even any text string. All of these shortcuts can be customized to be on the desktop, in the Start menu, even in any folder you choose.

Keylink is a small application that allows you to customize the "Start" menu for Windows. You can put shortcuts to all of your favorite programs, open websites, directories and even any text string. All of these shortcuts can be customized to be on the desktop, in the Start menu, even in any folder you choose.

* Keylink is a small application that allows you to customize the "Start" menu for Windows. You can put shortcuts to all of your favorite programs, open websites, directories and even any text string. All of these shortcuts can be customized to be on the desktop, in the Start menu, even in any folder you choose.

* Keylink is a small application that allows you to customize the "Start" menu for Windows. You can put shortcuts to all of your favorite programs, open websites, directories and even any text string. All of these shortcuts can be customized to be on the desktop, in the Start menu, even in any folder you choose.

* Keylink is a small application that allows you to customize the "Start" menu for Windows. You can put shortcuts to all of your favorite programs, open websites, directories and even any text string. All of these shortcuts can be customized to be on the desktop, in the Start menu, even in any folder you choose.

* Keylink is a small application that allows you to customize the "Start" menu for Windows. You can put shortcuts to all of your favorite programs

System Requirements:

Please be sure to use a current version of Windows (10 or later).
The installation of the program requires a Windows License (Purchase, Donation, etc.) from the Microsoft Store.
For information on obtaining a license from the Microsoft Store, refer to this link:
The version of SQL Server Management Studio in use for this version of the trial must be SQL Server Management Studio