Krpano 1.0.8 License And Krpanotools License

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Krpano 1.0.8 and Krpanotools: The Ultimate Guide for Creating Stunning Virtual Tours

If you are looking for a powerful and versatile tool to create immersive and interactive web experiences, you should consider using krpano 1.0.8 and krpanotools. Krpano is a panorama viewer that supports a wide range of panoramic formats, such as spherical, cylindrical, cubical, cubestrip, and stereoscopic images. Krpanotools is a command-line tool that allows you to process images, generate HTML and XML files, encrypt and protect your files, and more.

In this article, we will show you how to use krpano 1.0.8 and krpanotools to create stunning virtual tours that can be viewed on any device and browser. We will cover the following topics:

  • How to get a krpano 1.0.8 license and a krpanotools license
  • How to prepare your images for optimal viewing performance
  • How to use templates and settings to customize your virtual tours
  • How to add interactivity and functionality to your virtual tours
  • How to publish and share your virtual tours online

How to get a krpano 1.0.8 license and a krpanotools license

To use krpano 1.0.8 and krpanotools, you need to purchase a license for each tool from the krpano website. The licenses are valid for all current and future versions of the tools. The licenses are also domain-based, which means you can use them on any number of websites that belong to the same domain name.

After purchasing the licenses, you will receive an email with a link to download the license files. The license files are named krpano.license, krpanotools.license, and krpanoiphone.license.js. You need to copy these files to the same folder where you have the krpano.swf and krpanotools.exe files. The license files must have the same name as the corresponding tool files. For example, if you rename the krpano.swf file to myviewer.swf, you also need to rename the krpano.license file to myviewer.license.

If you have any problems with the license files, such as getting a license error message or having an incorrect domain name registered, you can contact the krpano support team for assistance.

How to prepare your images for optimal viewing performance

Before you can use your images with krpano 1.0.8 and krpanotools, you need to prepare them for optimal viewing performance. This means converting them to the appropriate format, size, resolution, and quality for your desired output.

The easiest way to prepare your images is to use the makepano tool from krpanotools. This tool can automatically process your images based on a template or a config file that specifies how you want your virtual tour to look like. The makepano tool can do the following tasks:

  • Convert spherical, cylindrical, partial, or cubical images to cubical images with six separated image files (one image per cube side) or cubestrip images (one image with six cube sides arranged in a row or column).
  • Create tiled multi-resolution images that allow zooming in and out without losing quality or loading time.
  • Create smooth panoramic preview images that are displayed before the full-resolution images are loaded.
  • Create HTML and XML files that define the layout, settings, plugins, hotspots, maps, thumbnails, and other elements of your virtual tour.
  • Encrypt and protect your files with custom settings.

To use the makepano tool, you need to open a command-line window (e.g., cmd.exe on Windows or Terminal on Mac) and navigate to the folder where you have the krpanotools.exe file. Then you need to type the following syntax:

krpanotools makepano [-config=###] [OPTIONS] inputfiles ...

The config parameter specifies the path to a config file that contains the settings for processing your images. By default, the templates/vtour-multires.config file is used. You can also use other templates provided by krpano or create your own custom config file.

The options parameter allows you to set or overwrite any setting from the config file. You can use this parameter multiple times with different settings. The syntax is -nameofthesetting=value.

The inputfiles parameter specifies one or more image filenames that you want to process. You can use wildcards like *.jpg or *.tif to pass multiple images at once. The makepano tool supports various panoramic formats and projections, such as:

  • Spherical / Equirectangular / 360×180 images
  • Cylindrical images (360x*)
  • Partial spherical or cylindrical images with any field-of-view
  • Cubical images with six separated image files (one image per cube side)
  • Cubestrip images (the cube-face order and alignment will be auto-detected by image-content analyzing)
  • Stereoscopic images with side-by-side or top-bottom arrangement

The makepano tool will automatically detect the format and projection of your input images and convert them accordingly. For cubical images with separated files or stereoscopic images with separated sides, you need to make sure that they have suffixes or names that indicate their cube-side or side (e.g., _l , _f , _r , _b , _u , _d or left , front , right , back , up , down ).

How to use templates and settings to customize your virtual tours

One of the advantages of using krpano 1.0.8 and krpanotools is that you can customize your virtual tours with various templates and settings. Templates are predefined HTML and XML files that determine the layout, appearance, and functionality of your virtual tours. Settings are parameters that control the behavior, options, and features of your virtual tours.

When you use the makepano tool to process your images, it will automatically generate HTML and XML files based on a template or a config file that you specify. By default, the makepano tool uses the templates/vtour-multires.config file, which creates a virtual tour with a standard layout and features. You can also use other templates provided by krpano or create your own custom templates.

The HTML and XML files generated by the makepano tool are fully editable and customizable. You can open them with any text editor and modify them according to your preferences. You can also use the krpano Testing Server or the krpano Viewer to preview and test your changes.

The HTML file defines the basic structure and elements of your web page, such as the title, meta tags, style sheets, scripts, and div containers. The XML file defines the settings and content of your virtual tour, such as the viewer size, skin, plugins, hotspots, maps, thumbnails, scenes, and actions. The XML file also references the image files and folders that are used by your virtual tour.

The XML file uses a hierarchical structure with tags and attributes to organize the settings and content of your virtual tour. Tags are elements that enclose a name and a value (e.g., value). Attributes are modifiers that specify additional information for a tag (e.g., value). Some tags can have subtags or child tags that define more details for their parent tag (e.g., value).

The XML file has a root tag named that contains all other tags. The root tag has several attributes that define the global settings for your virtual tour, such as the version, license, debug mode, showerrors mode, logkey mode, etc.. You can modify these attributes to change the behavior of your virtual tour.

The root tag also contains several subtags that define the components and content of your virtual tour. Some of the most common subtags are:

  • – This tag allows you to include external XML files or code snippets into your main XML file. This is useful for reusing code or separating different parts of your virtual tour into different files.
  • – This tag allows you to customize the appearance and functionality of the skin or user interface of your virtual tour. You can change the colors, sizes, positions, icons, tooltips, buttons, menus, etc. of the skin elements.
  • – This tag allows you to add external SWF or HTML5 files or code snippets that provide additional features or functionality to your virtual tour. You can use plugins for displaying maps, thumbnails, menus, logos, sounds, videos, etc..
  • – This tag allows you to add interactive areas or objects to your virtual tour that can trigger actions or events when clicked or hovered over. You can use hotspots for displaying text, images, videos, sounds, links, etc..
  • – This tag allows you to add graphical elements or objects to your virtual tour that are displayed on top of the panorama image. You can use layers for displaying text, images, videos, sounds, links, etc..
  • – This tag allows you to define custom scripts or commands that can be executed by events or triggers in your virtual tour. You can use actions for creating animations, transitions, logic, calculations, variables, etc..
  • – This tag allows you to define a single panorama image or scene in your virtual tour. You can use scenes for creating multiple panoramas or locations in your virtual tour.
  • – This tag allows you to define the initial view settings for each scene in your virtual tour. You can change the field-of-view (fov), horizontal angle (hlookat), vertical angle (vlookat), distortion (fisheye), projection (spherical/cylindrical/flat), etc..
  • – This tag allows you to define the image files and folders that are used by each scene in your virtual tour. You can specify the type (sphere/cube/cubestrip), multiresolution (level/tilesize), preview (url/quality), etc..

You can modify these subtags and their attributes to customize your virtual tour according to your preferences. You can also add more subtags or attributes as needed. For a complete reference of all tags and attributes available in krpano 1.0.8 , please refer to the krpano XML documentation.


Krpano 1.0.8 and krpanotools are powerful and versatile tools that allow you to create stunning virtual tours that can be viewed on any device and browser. To use these tools, you need to purchase a license for each tool from the krpano website and copy the license files to the same folder where you have the tool files. You also need to prepare your images for optimal viewing performance by using the makepano tool from krpanotools. This tool can automatically process your images and generate HTML and XML files based on a template or a config file that you specify. You can then customize your virtual tours with various templates and settings by editing the HTML and XML files. You can also add interactivity and functionality to your virtual tours by using plugins, hotspots, layers, actions, and scenes. Finally, you can publish and share your virtual tours online by uploading them to your web server or using the krpano Testing Server.

We hope this article has helped you understand how to use krpano 1.0.8 and krpanotools to create stunning virtual tours. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to contact us or visit the krpano forum. Thank you for reading!
