Le Grand Bleu VERSION LONGUE 1080p DTS Blurayrip GAIA ((INSTALL))

Le Grand Bleu VERSION LONGUE 1080p DTS Blurayrip GAIA ((INSTALL))


Le Grand Bleu VERSION LONGUE 1080p DTS Blurayrip GAIA

Image-7, a community arts project Image-7 , used home video to investigate the collapse of the 2008 Great Northern Wall in northern China. The wall, which blocked a quarry of limestone containing coal, was the largest spontaneous collapse of a natural rock structure, and the only natural barrier between the People’s Republic of China, Russia and Mongolia. It was a result of mining activities and human activities, including the construction of illegal roads and settlements. The northern section of the wall collapsed in 2007 and raced across a 1,200-km road to halt 500 km away in the Great Wall – China’s version of the Great Wall of China. The collapse was measured at 40 metres. The story of the collapse was the subject of the award-winning documentary film, The Great Collapse . Image-7 uses home videos shot by locals on their digital cameras after the collapse, some taken with cell phones, to tell the story of the collapse. Over 100 hours of home video were gathered on various media at the Image-7.org website and on YouTube.

Le film a t commenc comme une parution, comme un pic traduit dans un petit-dimanche avant-midi du crtast (2/26/2008). Et le bon dimanche sobre t atendre le boulet grande faute d’entree en salle.

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