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Lego Soccer Mania Downloadl !!HOT!!



Lego Soccer Mania Downloadl

“The Halo Franchise is an incredibly successful game franchise that offers a rich, deep experience for our Xbox 360 library of games” said Chris Charla, Halo Brand Manager for Microsoft. “We are pleased to bring the essential game play elements from the Halo universe to our global gaming community via a fun FF Action game that reinforces the value of being part of the Halo universe and is accessible for all gamers.” The “Halo Franchise” will also be available soon on the PlayStation 2 console with “Halo 2” scheduled for holiday 2004.

“We are very excited to introduce “Shadowrun: Hong Kong”, a sci-fi roleplaying game in the “Shadowrun” universe,” said David Sears, Executive Producer of the “Shadowrun: Hong Kong” project. “Microsoft Game Studios is one of the leading partners in bringing the world of Shadowrun to life with electronic games. The “Shadowrun” universe is a tremendously rich and unpredictable world that has been elevated to new levels of game play.”

“”What excited our fans more than anything,” Koen Vanmechelen, President of Paradox Entertainment, told the press in Paris, “were the sales figures generated by the “Paperboy” games actually. When we saw that people were actually playing the game, we were really excited about it because we wanted to take that kind of gameplay and put it in a larger package.”

“There will be a new form of multiplayer gaming opportunity available with “Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes”. Gamers can team up in a battle to defend the Rebel Alliance or battle alien invaders alone. Players have to band together to make it through the game.”

The venerable LEGO SCRATCH series from the company has endured for several years as one of the best-selling franchises in the LEGO product line. The series began with the release of LEGO SCRATCH in Poland in May, 2001. It quickly became a best-selling game in Poland and in 10 other markets.
