Lokicraft 1.17 Apk ((TOP)) Download Mediafıre ➝

Lokicraft 1.17 APK Download Mediafıre: A Free Alternative to Minecraft

If you are a fan of sandbox games, you have probably heard of Minecraft, the popular game that lets you create and explore infinite worlds. But did you know that there is a free alternative to Minecraft that you can play on your Android device? It’s called Lokicraft, and it’s a game inspired by Minecraft that offers similar gameplay and features. In this article, we will tell you everything you need to know about Lokicraft 1.17 APK download mediafıre, including what it is, how to download it, what are its features, how to play it, and how it compares with Minecraft.

What is Lokicraft?

Lokicraft is a sandbox game that allows you to build and destroy blocks, get resources, craft tools, weapons, and items, and survive or create in a vast world. It is inspired by Minecraft, but it has its own unique style and features.

A sandbox game inspired by Minecraft

Lokicraft is similar to Minecraft in many ways. It has pixelated graphics, a blocky world, and various animals and monsters. You can interact with the blocks in the game by breaking them down or placing them in different shapes and patterns. You can also craft various items from the materials you collect or find in chests.

Two game modes: Creative and Survival

Lokicraft offers two game modes for you to choose from: Creative and Survival. In Creative mode, you have unlimited resources and no enemies. You can build whatever you want without any restrictions or dangers. In Survival mode, you have to gather resources, craft tools, weapons, and armor, hunt for food, and fight against hostile mobs. You also have to monitor your hunger and health bars, and avoid falling or drowning.

Available for free on Android devices

Lokicraft is a free game that you can download and play on your Android device. You don’t need to pay anything to enjoy this game. However, there are some ads that pop up occasionally while playing. You can also buy some in-game items with real money if you want to support the developer or enhance your gameplay experience.

How to download Lokicraft 1.17 APK from Mediafıre?

If you want to play Lokicraft 1.17 on your Android device, you need to download the APK file from Mediafıre, a file hosting service that allows you to upload and share files online. Here are the steps to download Lokicraft 1.17 APK from Mediafıre:

Step 1: Go to the Mediafıre link

The first step is to go to the Mediafıre link where the Lokicraft 1.17 APK file is hosted. You can use this link:

Step 2: Click on the green download button

Lokicraft 1.17 has some new blocks and items that you can use to create more interesting and diverse structures and designs. Some of the new blocks and items are:

Block/Item Description
Concrete A solid block that comes in 16 different colors. It is made by placing concrete powder next to water.
Concrete Powder A block that behaves like sand or gravel. It can be dyed with different colors and turns into concrete when in contact with water.
Glazed Terracotta A decorative block that has a colorful pattern on it. It is made by smelting colored terracotta in a furnace.
Terracotta A block that has a slightly reddish-brown color. It can be dyed with different colors and smelted into glazed terracotta.
Shulker Box A block that acts like a chest, but can be moved by pistons and retain its contents. It is made by placing a shulker shell on top of a chest.
Shulker Shell An item that is dropped by shulkers, which are enemies that live in the End city. It can be used to craft shulker boxes.
Totem of Undying An item that can save you from death once. It is held in your off-hand and activates when you would otherwise die. It is dropped by evokers, which are enemies that spawn in woodland mansions.
Observer A block that detects changes in the block it is facing and emits a redstone signal. It can be used to create contraptions and circuits.

These are just some of the new blocks and items in Lokicraft 1.17. You can find more by exploring the game and experimenting with different combinations.

Improved graphics and performance

Lokicraft 1.17 also has some improvements in the graphics and performance of the game. The game now has more realistic lighting and shadows, smoother animations, and less lag and glitches. You can also adjust the graphics settings to suit your device and preference. You can choose between low, medium, high, or ultra graphics quality, and enable or disable anti-aliasing, fancy graphics, and view distance.

Bug fixes and stability improvements

Finally, Lokicraft 1.17 has some bug fixes and stability improvements that make the game more enjoyable and less frustrating. Some of the bugs that have been fixed are:

  • The game crashing or freezing randomly
  • The game not saving properly or losing progress
  • The game not loading or displaying correctly
  • The game having missing or corrupted textures or sounds
  • The game having incorrect or inconsistent behavior or logic

These are some of the bug fixes and stability improvements in Lokicraft 1.17. You can report any other bugs or issues you encounter to the developer through the feedback option in the game menu.

How to play Lokicraft 1.17?

Now that you have downloaded and installed Lokicraft 1.17, you may be wondering how to play it. Here are some tips and tricks for playing Lokicraft 1.17 in Creative and Survival modes:

Tips and tricks for Creative mode

In Creative mode, you have unlimited resources and no enemies. You can build whatever you want without any restrictions or dangers. Here are some tips and tricks for playing Creative mode:

  • Use the inventory menu to access all the blocks and items in the game. You can also search for specific items by typing their names in the search bar.
  • Use the fly mode to move around faster and easier. You can activate it by double-tapping the jump button, and deactivate it by double-tapping it again.
  • Use the copy and paste feature to duplicate or move your creations. You can activate it by long-pressing a block, then selecting the copy or cut option. You can then paste it by long-pressing another block, then selecting the paste option.
  • Use the undo and redo feature to fix your mistakes or change your mind. You can activate it by tapping the undo or redo button on the top right corner of the screen.
  • Use the world options to customize your world. You can change the world name, seed, size, biome, time, weather, difficulty, and game rules.

Tips and tricks for Survival mode

In Survival mode, you have to gather resources, craft tools, weapons, and armor, hunt for food, and fight against hostile mobs. You also have to monitor your hunger and health bars, and avoid falling or drowning. Here are some tips and tricks for playing Survival mode:

  • Use the crafting menu to make useful items from the resources you collect. You can also use a crafting table to access more recipes.
  • Use a bed to sleep through the night and set your spawn point. You can make a bed by placing three wool blocks and three wood planks in a row on a crafting table.
  • Use a furnace to smelt ores into ingots, cook food into edible items, or make other items that require heat. You can make a furnace by placing eight cobblestone blocks in a square on a crafting table.
  • Use a chest to store your items and keep them safe. You can make a chest by placing eight wood planks in a square on a crafting table.
  • Use a map to navigate your world and mark your location. You can make a map by placing a compass in the center and eight paper around it on a crafting table.

How does Lokicraft compare with Minecraft?

Lokicraft is inspired by Minecraft, but it is not an exact copy of it. It has its own unique style and features that make it different from Minecraft. Here are some of the similarities and differences between Lokicraft and Minecraft:


Lokicraft and Minecraft have some similarities that make them both enjoyable sandbox games. Some of the similarities are:

  • They both have pixelated graphics, a blocky world, and various animals and monsters.
  • They both have two game modes: Creative and Survival.
  • They both have similar gameplay mechanics: breaking and placing blocks, crafting items, exploring worlds, etc.
  • They both They both have a large and active community of players and creators who share their creations and experiences online.


Lokicraft and Minecraft also have some differences that make them distinct from each other. Some of the differences are:

  • Lokicraft is a free game that you can download and play on your Android device, while Minecraft is a paid game that you can buy and play on various platforms, such as PC, console, mobile, etc.
  • Lokicraft has its own unique blocks and items that are not found in Minecraft, such as concrete, glazed terracotta, shulker boxes, totems of undying, etc.
  • Lokicraft has some features that are not available in Minecraft, such as the copy and paste feature, the undo and redo feature, the world options, etc.
  • Lokicraft has some limitations that are not present in Minecraft, such as the smaller world size, the lower graphics quality, the fewer game modes, the less frequent updates, etc.

Pros and cons of each game

Based on the similarities and differences between Lokicraft and Minecraft, here are some of the pros and cons of each game:

Game Pros Cons
Lokicraft – Free to play
– Easy to download and install
– Has some unique features and items
– Suitable for casual players
– Has ads and in-app purchases
– Has lower graphics and performance
– Has fewer game modes and options
– Has less content and updates
Minecraft – Has more content and updates
– Has higher graphics and performance
– Has more game modes and options
– Has a larger and more diverse community
– Costs money to buy and play
– Requires more storage space and device compatibility
– Has some complex features and mechanics
– Suitable for hardcore players


Lokicraft 1.17 APK download mediafıre is a free alternative to Minecraft that you can play on your Android device. It is a sandbox game that lets you create and explore infinite worlds. It has two game modes: Creative and Survival. It has some new features and improvements in the latest version. It also has some similarities and differences with Minecraft. You can download Lokicraft 1.17 APK from Mediafıre by following the steps we provided. You can also use our tips and tricks to play Lokicraft 1.17 better. We hope you enjoy playing Lokicraft 1.17 as much as we do.


Here are some of the frequently asked questions about Lokicraft 1.17 APK download mediafıre:

Q: Is Lokicraft 1.17 APK safe to download?

A: Yes, Lokicraft 1.17 APK is safe to download from Mediafıre. However, you should always be careful when downloading files from unknown sources. You should scan the file with an antivirus software before installing it. You should also backup your data before installing it.

Q: Is Lokicraft 1.17 APK compatible with my device?

A: Lokicraft 1.17 APK is compatible with most Android devices that have Android 4.4 or higher. However, some devices may have issues with running the game smoothly or displaying it correctly. You can check the device requirements on the game’s official website or Google Play Store page.

Q: How can I update Lokicraft 1.17 APK?

A: You can update Lokicraft 1.17 APK by downloading the latest version from Mediafıre or other sources. You can also check for updates within the game by tapping on the settings icon on the top left corner of the screen, then tapping on the update button.

Q: How can I contact the developer of Lokicraft 1.17 APK?

A: You can contact the developer of Lokicraft 1.17 APK by sending an email to lokicraftgame@gmail.com. You can also visit their website at https://lokicraftgame.com/ or follow them on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/LokicraftGame/.

Q: How can I share my creations and feedback with other players?

A: You can share your creations and feedback with other players by using the social media features in the game. You can take screenshots or videos of your creations and share them on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or YouTube. You can also rate and review the game on Google Play Store or leave a comment on the game’s official website or Facebook page.
