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Magnificence by Estrella Alfon PDF: A Review of the Classic Filipino Short Story

If you are looking for a short story that will challenge your views on morality, culture, and gender, you might want to read Magnificence by Estrella Alfon PDF. This story, written by one of the most prominent Filipino writers of the 20th century, explores the themes of child abuse, parental protection, and predatory behavior in a realistic and compelling way.

What is Magnificence by Estrella Alfon PDF about?

Magnificence by Estrella Alfon PDF is a short story that tells the story of a young girl and her brother who are tutored by a bus conductor named Vicente. Vicente seems to be a kind and generous man who helps the children with their math and English assignments and gives them pencils as gifts. However, his true intentions are revealed when he tries to molest the girl one night while her brother is out of the room. The mother arrives in time to stop him and drives him out of the house with slaps and curses. The story ends with the mother comforting her daughter and throwing away the pencils that Vicente gave them.

What are the main themes of Magnificence by Estrella Alfon PDF?

Magnificence by Estrella Alfon PDF touches on several themes that are relevant to Filipino society and culture. Some of these themes are:

  • Child abuse: The story exposes the reality of child abuse and how it can happen even in seemingly innocent situations. Vicente uses his position of authority and trust to manipulate and harm the girl. He also exploits the children’s innocence and curiosity by giving them pencils that they desire.
  • Parental protection: The story also shows the importance of parental protection and intervention in cases of child abuse. The mother is the hero of the story who saves her daughter from Vicente’s clutches. She is alert, courageous, and decisive in confronting and punishing Vicente. She also shows compassion and care for her daughter by bathing her, tucking her in bed, and throwing away the tainted pencils.
  • Predatory behavior: The story also illustrates how predators can disguise themselves as benevolent and friendly people who offer help and gifts. Vicente is a master of deception who pretends to be a good tutor and a generous friend to the children. He uses his charm and kindness to gain their trust and affection. He also uses his physical strength and size to overpower and intimidate the girl.
  • Gender roles: The story also reflects the traditional gender roles in Filipino families where the mother is often the one who takes care of the children while the father is busy working or reading. The mother is more involved and attentive to the children’s needs and activities while the father is more distant and detached. The mother is also more assertive and vocal while the father is more passive and silent.

Why should you read Magnificence by Estrella Alfon PDF?

Magnificence by Estrella Alfon PDF is a short story that will make you think and feel deeply about the issues of child abuse, parental protection, predatory behavior, and gender roles. It will also introduce you to the rich and diverse Filipino literature that showcases the talent and creativity of Filipino writers. It will also give you a glimpse of the Filipino culture and society that is shaped by history, geography, religion, and politics.

If you want to read Magnificence by Estrella Alfon PDF, you can download it for free from this link:


Magnificence by Estrella Alfon PDF is a short story that will leave a lasting impression on you. It is a story that tackles the serious and sensitive topics of child abuse, parental protection, predatory behavior, and gender roles in a realistic and captivating way. It is also a story that celebrates the magnificence of the mother who bravely and lovingly defends her daughter from the evil of Vicente. It is a story that you should not miss reading.

What are the literary devices used in Magnificence by Estrella Alfon PDF?

Magnificence by Estrella Alfon PDF is a short story that uses various literary devices to enhance its meaning and impact. Some of these literary devices are:

  • Symbolism: The story uses symbols to represent abstract ideas or concepts. For example, the pencils that Vicente gives to the children symbolize his manipulation and corruption of their innocence. The mother’s slaps and curses symbolize her anger and justice. The fire that the mother tells the girl to throw the pencils into symbolizes the purification and cleansing of the girl’s trauma.
  • Irony: The story uses irony to create contrast or contradiction between what is expected and what actually happens. For example, the title of the story is ironic because it suggests something positive and glorious, but the story itself is dark and tragic. Another example is when Vicente tells the boy that boys don’t kiss boys, but he himself tries to kiss the girl who is much younger than him.
  • Foreshadowing: The story uses foreshadowing to hint at what will happen later in the story. For example, when Vicente gives three pencils to the girl and two to the boy, it foreshadows his preference and intention for the girl. Another example is when Vicente tells the girl that she is heavy, it foreshadows his sexual attraction and desire for her.
  • Imagery: The story uses imagery to create vivid pictures in the reader’s mind using sensory details. For example, when Vicente molests the girl, the story describes his perspiration, his strange eyes, his hairy legs, and his rough hands. These images create a sense of disgust and horror in the reader.

What are the strengths and weaknesses of Magnificence by Estrella Alfon PDF?

Magnificence by Estrella Alfon PDF is a short story that has both strengths and weaknesses. Some of these are:

  • Strengths:
    • The story has a strong plot that keeps the reader engaged and curious.
    • The story has realistic and relatable characters that evoke sympathy and emotion.
    • The story has a powerful message that raises awareness and criticism of social issues.
    • The story has a simple and clear language that makes it easy to read and understand.
  • Weaknesses:
    • The story has a controversial and disturbing subject matter that might offend or trigger some readers.
    • The story has a lack of background information and development for some characters, such as Vicente and the father.
    • The story has a abrupt and open-ended conclusion that might leave some readers unsatisfied or confused.
    • The story has a limited scope and perspective that might not capture the complexity and diversity of Filipino culture and society.

How to download and enjoy Magnificence by Estrella Alfon PDF for free?

If you are interested in reading Magnificence by Estrella Alfon PDF, you might be wondering how to download and enjoy it for free. Here are some steps that you can follow:

  1. Go to this link:
  2. Click on the download button on the top right corner of the page.
  3. Choose the format that you prefer, such as PDF, TXT, or DOC.
  4. Save the file to your device or cloud storage.
  5. Open the file and enjoy reading Magnificence by Estrella Alfon PDF.

Note: You might need to create a free account on Scribd or sign in with your Facebook or Google account to access the download option.

What are some other works by Estrella Alfon that you can read?

If you liked Magnificence by Estrella Alfon PDF, you might want to read some other works by the same author. Estrella Alfon was a prolific and versatile writer who wrote novels, short stories, essays, plays, and poems. Some of her other works that you can read are:

  • Servant Girl: A short story that tells the life of a young maid named Rosa who works for a wealthy family. It shows the contrast between the rich and the poor and the exploitation and abuse that Rosa suffers.
  • The White Dress: A short story that narrates the experience of a young girl named Coring who wears a white dress for her first communion. It reveals the innocence and curiosity of Coring and the hypocrisy and cruelty of the adults around her.
  • Fairy Tale for the City: A short story that depicts the fantasy and reality of a young girl named Nena who lives in a slum area. It shows how Nena escapes from her harsh environment through her imagination and dreams.
  • The House on Zapote Street: A short story that chronicles the tragic fate of a married couple who live under the tyranny of the husband’s father. It exposes the patriarchal and feudal culture of Filipino families and the violence and oppression that result from it.
  • River of Life: A novel that follows the journey of a woman named Mila who struggles to find her identity and happiness in a changing society. It explores the themes of love, marriage, family, religion, politics, and feminism.

What are some questions that you can ask yourself after reading Magnificence by Estrella Alfon PDF?

Reading Magnificence by Estrella Alfon PDF can be a stimulating and enlightening experience. It can also provoke you to think critically and reflectively about the story and its implications. Here are some questions that you can ask yourself after reading Magnificence by Estrella Alfon PDF:

  • How did you feel while reading the story? What emotions did it evoke in you?
  • What did you learn from the story? What message or lesson did it convey to you?
  • How did you relate to the characters in the story? Who did you sympathize with or dislike and why?
  • How did the story challenge your views or assumptions on morality, culture, and gender?
  • How did the story reflect the Filipino society and culture? What aspects of it did you find familiar or unfamiliar?
  • How did the author use literary devices to enhance the meaning and impact of the story? What examples of symbolism, irony, foreshadowing, and imagery did you notice?
  • How did the author use language to create a realistic and captivating tone and atmosphere? What words or phrases did you find striking or memorable?
  • How did the story end? Were you satisfied or unsatisfied with the conclusion? Why or why not?
  • What are some questions that you still have after reading the story? What are some topics that you want to explore further?


Magnificence by Estrella Alfon PDF is a short story that will leave a lasting impression on you. It is a story that tackles the serious and sensitive topics of child abuse, parental protection, predatory behavior, and gender roles in a realistic and captivating way. It is also a story that celebrates the magnificence of the mother who bravely and lovingly defends her daughter from the evil of Vicente. It is a story that you should not miss reading.[2021].md
