Mircea Vulcanescu Dimensiunea Romaneasca A Existentei Pdf Downloadl ♚

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Mircea Vulcanescu Dimensiunea Romaneasca A Existentei Pdf Downloadl

If you are interested in Romanian philosophy and culture, you might want to download the PDF of Mircea Vulcanescu’s Dimensiunea Romaneasca A Existentei (The Romanian Dimension of Existence), a classic work that explores the spiritual profile and identity of the Romanian people.

Who was Mircea Vulcanescu?

Mircea Vulcanescu (1904-1952) was a Romanian philosopher, sociologist, economist, and politician. He was a disciple of Nae Ionescu, the founder of the Romanian school of philosophy. He taught at the University of Bucharest and was involved in various cultural and political activities. He was also a subsecretary of state in the Ministry of Finance during the Antonescu regime, for which he was arrested and sentenced to death by the communist authorities after World War II. He died in prison under mysterious circumstances.

What is Dimensiunea Romaneasca A Existentei?

Dimensiunea Romaneasca A Existentei is a posthumous collection of Vulcanescu’s lectures and essays on various aspects of Romanian culture and spirituality. It was published in two volumes in 1991 and 1998 by Eikon Publishing House. The book covers topics such as the Romanian ethos, the Romanian mentality, the Romanian soul, the Romanian destiny, the Romanian morality, the Romanian law, the Romanian art, and the Romanian religion.

The main thesis of Vulcanescu’s work is that every nation has a specific dimension of existence, a unique way of seeing and reflecting the world, given by God. He argues that the Romanian dimension of existence is based on a mystical and organic relationship with nature, history, and God, expressed through symbols, myths, legends, rituals, customs, and traditions. He also analyzes the influences and challenges that have shaped and threatened the Romanian dimension of existence throughout history.

Why should you download the PDF of Dimensiunea Romaneasca A Existentei?

Downloading the PDF of Dimensiunea Romaneasca A Existentei is a great way to learn more about the essence of Romanian culture and spirituality from one of its most original and profound thinkers. You will discover how Mircea Vulcanescu interpreted and synthesized the rich and diverse sources of Romanian wisdom and creativity, from ancient Dacian and Roman roots to modern European influences.

You will also gain insight into the historical and existential dilemmas that have marked the Romanian destiny, such as the struggle for national unity and independence, the confrontation with totalitarian regimes, and the search for identity and meaning in a changing world.

Finally, you will be inspired by Vulcanescu’s vision of a humanistic and spiritual culture that values freedom, dignity, responsibility, solidarity, beauty, and transcendence.

How can you download the PDF of Dimensiunea Romaneasca A Existentei?

You can download the PDF of Dimensiunea Romaneasca A Existentei from various online sources. One of them is Internet Archive, where you can find both volumes of the book for free. Another option is Libris, where you can buy the book for 19.50 lei (about 4 euros) and get free delivery for orders over 135 lei (about 28 euros). You can also find other online bookstores that sell or offer Dimensiunea Romaneasca A Existentei in PDF format.

What are the main themes of Dimensiunea Romaneasca A Existentei?

Dimensiunea Romaneasca A Existentei is divided into two volumes, each containing several chapters that deal with different aspects of the Romanian dimension of existence. The first volume focuses on the theoretical and methodological foundations of Vulcanescu’s approach, as well as on the general characteristics of the Romanian ethos and mentality. The second volume explores the specific manifestations of the Romanian dimension of existence in various domains of culture and society.

Some of the main themes that Vulcanescu discusses in his work are:

  • The concept of “dimension” as a way of measuring and expressing the spiritual depth and richness of a nation.
  • The distinction between “existence” and “being”, and the importance of understanding the existential mode of a nation, rather than its ontological essence.
  • The idea of “soul” as the core and source of a nation’s dimension of existence, and the role of symbols, myths, legends, rituals, customs, and traditions in expressing and preserving the soul.
  • The notion of “destiny” as the historical and spiritual mission of a nation, and the challenges and opportunities that arise from it.
  • The analysis of the Romanian morality, law, art, and religion, and their relation to the Romanian dimension of existence.

What are the main contributions and criticisms of Dimensiunea Romaneasca A Existentei?

Dimensiunea Romaneasca A Existentei is widely regarded as one of the most original and profound works of Romanian philosophy and culture. It is praised for its depth, breadth, synthesis, creativity, and relevance. It is considered a valuable source of inspiration and reflection for anyone interested in understanding and appreciating the Romanian spirit and identity.

Some of the main contributions that Vulcanescu’s work has made are:

  • It offers a comprehensive and coherent framework for studying and interpreting the Romanian culture and spirituality, based on a rigorous and innovative methodology.
  • It reveals and highlights the unique and distinctive features of the Romanian dimension of existence, as well as its connections and influences with other cultures.
  • It provides a rich and diverse collection of sources and examples that illustrate and support Vulcanescu’s arguments.
  • It proposes a humanistic and spiritual vision of culture that values freedom, dignity, responsibility, solidarity, beauty, and transcendence.

However, Dimensiunea Romaneasca A Existentei is not without its critics. Some of the main criticisms that have been raised against Vulcanescu’s work are:

  • It is based on a subjective and idealized view of the Romanian culture and spirituality, that ignores or minimizes its flaws and contradictions.
  • It is influenced by a nationalist and conservative ideology that promotes a sense of superiority and exclusivity over other nations.
  • It is outdated and irrelevant for the contemporary challenges and realities that face Romania and the world.
  • It is incomplete and unfinished, as Vulcanescu did not have the chance to revise and publish his work before his death.

What are the main sources and influences of Dimensiunea Romaneasca A Existentei?

Dimensiunea Romaneasca A Existentei is based on a wide and diverse range of sources and influences that Vulcanescu used to support and illustrate his arguments. He drew from various fields of knowledge, such as philosophy, sociology, psychology, history, law, art, religion, folklore, and linguistics. He also consulted various types of documents, such as books, articles, essays, speeches, letters, memoirs, and testimonies.

Some of the main sources and influences that Vulcanescu acknowledged and referenced in his work are:

  • The Romanian school of philosophy, especially Nae Ionescu, Constantin Noica, Emil Cioran, Lucian Blaga, and Mircea Eliade.
  • The Romanian school of sociology, especially Dimitrie Gusti, Henri H. Stahl, Traian Herseni, and Anton Golopentia.
  • The Romanian school of law, especially Nicolae Titulescu, Ion N. Angelescu, Constantin Hamangiu, and Vintila Dongoroz.
  • The Romanian school of art, especially George Enescu, Constantin Brancusi, Nicolae Grigorescu, Stefan Luchian, and Mihai Eminescu.
  • The Romanian school of religion, especially Nicolae Steinhardt, Dumitru Staniloae, Vasile Voiculescu, and Arsenie Boca.
  • The Romanian folklore and oral tradition, especially the popular songs, ballads, proverbs, riddles, legends, myths, fairy tales, and rituals.
  • The Romanian history and culture, especially the ancient Dacian and Roman roots, the medieval Moldavian and Wallachian states, the modern national movement and unification, the interwar cultural flourishing and political turmoil, the World War II tragedy and resistance.
  • The European and universal philosophy and culture, especially Plato, Aristotle, Kant Hegel Nietzsche Heidegger Husserl Bergson Scheler Weber Durkheim Simmel Freud Jung Marx Weber Spengler Toynbee Eliot Ortega y Gasset Unamuno Kierkegaard Sartre Camus Jaspers Buber Levinas etc.

What are the main challenges and opportunities for Dimensiunea Romaneasca A Existentei?

Dimensiunea Romaneasca A Existentei is a work that reflects the historical and existential context in which it was written. Vulcanescu wrote his lectures and essays in the 1930s and 1940s a period marked by political instability social unrest economic crisis cultural decadence ideological conflicts totalitarian regimes war violence oppression and genocide. He witnessed firsthand the rise and fall of fascism communism nationalism democracy monarchy republic dictatorship revolution resistance collaboration exile imprisonment torture death. He also experienced the joy and sorrow of love friendship family faith hope despair doubt courage sacrifice martyrdom.

In this context Vulcanescu tried to offer a positive and constructive response to the challenges and opportunities that faced Romania and the world. He tried to affirm the value and dignity of the human person the freedom and responsibility of the human action the solidarity and diversity of the human community the beauty and transcendence of the human culture. He tried to defend and promote the Romanian dimension of existence as a contribution to the universal dimension of existence. He tried to inspire and encourage his readers to discover and fulfill their destiny as individuals nations and humanity.

Today Dimensiunea Romaneasca A Existentei still faces many challenges and opportunities. Some of them are:

  • The challenge of preserving and updating Vulcanescu’s work in a digital age where information is abundant but attention is scarce where access is easy but quality is questionable where communication is fast but understanding is slow.
  • The challenge of interpreting and applying Vulcanescu’s work in a global age where cultures are interconnected but conflicts are frequent where diversity is celebrated but identity is threatened where cooperation is needed but competition is fierce.
  • The challenge of evaluating and criticizing Vulcanescu’s work in a critical age where values are relative but judgments are absolute where opinions are diverse but arguments are scarce where dialogue is desired but polarization is common.
  • The opportunity of learning and appreciating Vulcanescu’s work in an educational age where knowledge is available but wisdom is rare where skills are taught but virtues are forgotten where curiosity is stimulated but creativity is stifled.
  • The opportunity of sharing and spreading Vulcanescu’s work in a cultural age where expressions are varied but meanings are lost where forms are innovative but contents are superficial where audiences are large but impacts are small.
  • The opportunity of living and embodying Vulcanescu’s work in a spiritual age where quests are personal but answers are impersonal where experiences are diverse but traditions are neglected where faiths are plural but truths are singular.


Dimensiunea Romaneasca A Existentei is a remarkable work of Romanian philosophy and culture that deserves to be read and appreciated by anyone who wants to understand and enjoy the Romanian spirit and identity. It is a work that offers a comprehensive and coherent framework for studying and interpreting the Romanian culture and spirituality, based on a rigorous and innovative methodology. It is a work that reveals and highlights the unique and distinctive features of the Romanian dimension of existence, as well as its connections and influences with other cultures. It is a work that provides a rich and diverse collection of sources and examples that illustrate and support Vulcanescu’s arguments. It is a work that proposes a humanistic and spiritual vision of culture that values freedom, dignity, responsibility, solidarity, beauty, and transcendence.

However, Dimensiunea Romaneasca A Existentei is also a work that faces many challenges and opportunities in the present and future. It is a work that needs to be preserved and updated in a digital age, interpreted and applied in a global age, evaluated and criticized in a critical age, learned and appreciated in an educational age, shared and spread in a cultural age, and lived and embodied in a spiritual age. It is a work that invites us to reflect and act on our own dimension of existence, as individuals, nations, and humanity.

If you are interested in downloading the PDF of Dimensiunea Romaneasca A Existentei, you can find it online from various sources, such as Internet Archive or Libris. You can also find other online bookstores that sell or offer Dimensiunea Romaneasca A Existentei in PDF format. We hope you enjoy reading this classic work of Romanian philosophy and culture.

