Mouse-A-Thone Crack Activation For Windows

Mouse-A-Thone is a fun widget that will enable you to:
■ Record each pixel movement
■ Convert the pixel movement to km and display on the Widget screen
■ Show the current pixel per second value on the Widget screen
■ Record the fastest mouse movement, pixel per second, and display on the Widget screen
■ Yahoo! Widget Engine


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Mouse-A-Thone Free For Windows (Latest)

The need for a “Mouse A Thon” application is open to interpretation. It will act as any other widget would. In addition, as the mouse moves over the course of the pixels being recorded, the pixel value will increase. The application will be interactive. If the user decides to use it as a trackpad, the mouse movement will be used to show a running total. It will increase as you move the mouse. If the user decides to use it as a page counter, the total pixel count will be shown as the mouse moves across the screen. The best use would be for having the mouse
The necessity for such an application may be open to interpretation. It will act as any other widget would. In addition, it will record each pixel movement. It will be interactive. If the user decides to use it as a trackpad, the mouse movement will be used to show a running total. It will increase as you move the mouse. If the user decides to use it as a page counter, the total pixel count will be shown as the mouse moves across the screen. The best use would be for having the mouse moved over the pixels that show the current value, the fastest mouse movement, the pixel per second value, and the pixel per second value as well. The widget is for Windows only at this point.
■ Yahoo! Widget Engine
■ It’s Not a Need
The need for such an application may be open to interpretation. It will act as any other widget would. In addition, it will record each pixel movement. It will be interactive. If the user decides to use it as a trackpad, the mouse movement will be used to show a running total. It will increase as you move the mouse. If the user decides to use it as a page counter, the total pixel count will be shown as the mouse moves across the screen. The best use would be for having the mouse moved over the pixels that show the current value, the fastest mouse movement, the pixel per second value, and the pixel per second value as well. The widget is for Windows only at this point.
■ It’s Not a Need in Everyone’s Widgets
The need for such an application may be open to interpretation. It will act as any other widget would. In addition, it will record each pixel movement. It will be interactive. If the user decides to use it as a trackpad, the mouse movement will be used to show a

Mouse-A-Thone Product Key Free Download

Create the ultimate pixel tracker!
Mouse-A-Thone Crack For Windows (MATh) is a free, powerful, and easy to use widget that will enable you to record each pixel movement. You can record a single pixel movement (or multiple pixels) and convert the pixel movement to km. You can also show the current pixel per second value on the Widget screen.
You can also record the fastest mouse movement. When you press the mouse button, the current pixel per second value will be recorded on the Widget screen. It will appear as a streak on the Widget screen. The time when you pressed the mouse button appears on the Widget screen.
At last, you can record the highest pixel per second value for yourself and display it on the Widget screen.
MATh is a perfect way to track and record movement of your mouse. It will keep you motivated to achieve your fitness goals.
Features of Mouse-A-Thone Crack Keygen:
■ Can record mouse movement, pixel per second value, pixel per km value, fastest mouse movement and HighScore
■ Your HighScore can be displayed on the Widget screen and you can click on it to go to the HighScore page
■ You can set your HighScore value in the widget configuration file. There are various colors for HighScore value. The color of HighScore value changes when the HighScore value exceeds 20.
■ You can edit the configuration file. By editing the configuration file you can change the details of the widget.
■ Display the current pixel per second value when you press the mouse button.
■ You can record the Pixel per second value when you press the mouse button.
■ You can record the fastest mouse movement when you press the mouse button.
■ You can record the amount of pixel you moved, per second, when you press the mouse button.
■ You can record the amount of km you moved, per second, when you press the mouse button.
■ You can display the amount of pixel, per second, you moved, per km, when you press the mouse button.
■ You can record the pixel per second value and fastest mouse movement in a log file.
■ You can show the amount of pixel you moved, per second, per km you moved, fastest mouse movement and average pixel per second value in a log file.
■ You can disable or enable the Log

Mouse-A-Thone With License Code

1. When the widget is activated, use the mouse to move the mouse around the screen.
2. At a point when you stop moving the mouse, record the points at that position.
3. Convert the points to KM.
4. Display the points and the current pixel per second value on the Widget screen.
5. If the widget is activated again, the slowest mouse movement, and the fastest
mouse movement, for the last 5 minutes, are displayed on the Widget screen.
6. If the widget is activated, the position of the mouse, the amount of pixel
movement, and the current pixel per second value are displayed on the Widget screen.
If you need a very small version of your screen, you can have it on a table-top
and control it with your mouse.
Mouse-A-Thone features:
1. Two modes of operation: Normal and Fast.
2. Measures the speed of the mouse, in pixel per second, in both the Normal and
Fast modes.
3. Shows the measured speed in frames per second, in the normal mode.
4. Displays the fastest move, in pixel per second, in both the Normal and Fast
5. Shows the total distance, in KM, that the mouse travels in a single press of the
mouse button.
6. The total time displayed, in a single press of the mouse button, is in seconds.
Need Help?
* If you have questions or problems with your product, please use the Yahoo!
Help Forum:
* If you want to contact the programmer, you can e-mail him to:
Mouse-A-Thone [at] Gmail [dot] com
* You can download the source code for this application from:

“name”: “NewTab”,
“version”: “0.5.7”,
“description”: “Provides a new-tab page with icon and toggles.”,
“icons”: {
“16”: “icon16.png”,
“24”: “icon24.png”,
“32”: “icon32.png”,
“48”: “icon48.png”

What’s New in the Mouse-A-Thone?

With Mouse-A-Thone you can convert mouse movements into distance in kilometers using an online formula. This feature will display the mouse movement in kilometers per second on your Widget screen. The Widget screen will also show the current mouse pixel per second value. So if you wish to record the fastest mouse movement, simply increase the mouse movement size. Mouse-A-Thone has an option to record the fastest mouse movement, pixel per second movement and display on your Widget screen.
■Any Widget Engine which is compliant with the Yahoo! Widget Engine ( standards
■Your server should be running in the Unix operating system.
How to setup your Widget – See the Yahoo! Widget Developer Help for more information.
Useful Links:

To View the widget visit:

Below are the following authorization settings which should be entered at the Yahoo! Widget Developer Interface:
Client ID:
Auth Key:
To Read Account Info:
Client Secret Key:
Please note:
The widget will function after you authorize the widget from the console.
Developer Instructions:
When you authorize a widget, a token is placed in your developer application dashboard. After you have created a widget, the token you wish to use to authorize it will appear in your dashboard under “widget access”. Select “YAHOO WIDGET DEVELOPERS – AUTOMATIC INIT” in the widget access section and add the token you obtained when you originally authorized the widget. Remember, you will need to authorize your widget from the console, then click on “View access token” and enter the token you received.
Web Widget Set Up Instructions:
The widget can be set up by clicking on the “Set up Widget” link in the Developers area, then follow the instructions.
To Reproduce this Widget:
(and to use this widget)
1. The Widget must be authorized by the user or widget administrator. The widget authorization key must be obtained from the dashboard of the user who set it up.
2. For

System Requirements:

PENTIUM M 1.8 GHZ or faster CPU
320×200 | 640×480 | 720×400
…or VGA
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