Oberon Calendar Wizard Corel X6 Serial 29 [EXCLUSIVE]

# Oberon Calendar Wizard Corel X6 Serial 29: A Powerful Tool for Calendar Creation and Printing If you are looking for a way to create professional quality calendar layouts of various styles and levels of complexity, you might want to check out Oberon Calendar Wizard Corel X6 Serial 29. This is a CorelDRAW/Corel DESIGNER add-on that offers unparalleled flexibility and power to the user. ## What is Oberon Calendar Wizard Corel X6 Serial 29? Oberon Calendar Wizard Corel X6 Serial 29 is a software application that works with CorelDRAW 10-X7 or Corel DESIGNER 10, 12 and requires Visual Basic for Applications (VBA). It allows you to create calendars in different languages, add public holidays, local events or personal special dates, indicate lunar phases and other events. You can choose from over 30 different layout types and over 500 parameters such as colors, fonts, etc. to customize your calendar design. ## How to Use Oberon Calendar Wizard Corel X6 Serial 29? Using Oberon Calendar Wizard Corel X6 Serial 29 is easy and fast. You can download a free trial version of the application from the official website and install it following the instructions. Once you launch the application, you will see a main dialog where you can select a preset calendar design or create your own from scratch. You can also access the application from the Tools menu in CorelDRAW/Corel DESIGNER. After you select a layout type, you can adjust various settings such as the calendar size, orientation, margins, language, date format, holidays, events, fonts, colors, borders, shadows, etc.. You can preview your changes in real time in the dialog or in a separate window. You can also save your settings as a custom style for future use. When you are satisfied with your design, you can click on the Create button to generate the calendar in a new document. You can then use standard CorelDRAW tools and features to enhance the design with clipart images, photos, artistic effects and then print or export the design in the format required for final output. ## Why Choose Oberon Calendar Wizard Corel X6 Serial 29? Oberon Calendar Wizard Corel X6 Serial 29 is a great tool for anyone who needs to create calendars for personal or professional purposes. It offers many benefits such as: – High quality output: The application produces vector graphics that are scalable and editable without losing quality. – Flexibility and customization: The application gives you full control over every aspect of your calendar design. You can create calendars of any size, shape, style and complexity. – Ease of use: The application has a user-friendly interface that guides you through the process of creating a calendar. You can also use presets and custom styles to save time and effort. – Compatibility: The application works with popular CorelDRAW/Corel DESIGNER versions and supports various languages and date formats. – Affordability: The application is available for a reasonable price of USD $19.95. You can also try it for free for 7 days before purchasing it. ## Conclusion Oberon Calendar Wizard Corel X6 Serial 29 is a powerful tool for calendar creation and printing. It allows you to create professional quality calendar layouts of various styles and levels of complexity with ease and flexibility. You can download a free trial version of the application from the official website and see for yourself how it works. If you like it, you can purchase it for a reasonable price and enjoy creating stunning calendars with Oberon Calendar Wizard Corel X6 Serial 29. ## How to Download and Install Oberon Calendar Wizard Corel X6 Serial 29? To download and install Oberon Calendar Wizard Corel X6 Serial 29, you need to follow these steps: 1. Go to the official website of Oberon Calendar Wizard and click on the Download link for your CorelDRAW/Corel DESIGNER version. 2. Save the file CalendarWizardSetup.exe to your computer and run it. 3. Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the installation. You may need to restart your CorelDRAW/Corel DESIGNER application for the changes to take effect. 4. To launch Oberon Calendar Wizard Corel X6 Serial 29, go to the Tools menu in CorelDRAW/Corel DESIGNER and select Oberon Calendar Wizard 4.2. ## How to Register Oberon Calendar Wizard Corel X6 Serial 29? Oberon Calendar Wizard Corel X6 Serial 29 is a shareware application that you can try for free for 7 days. After the trial period expires, you need to register the application to continue using it. To register Oberon Calendar Wizard Corel X6 Serial 29, you need to follow these steps: 1. Go to the official website of Oberon Calendar Wizard and click on the Purchase link. 2. Fill in the order form with your personal and payment details and click on the Submit button. 3. You will receive an email with your registration code and instructions on how to activate it. 4. To activate your registration code, launch Oberon Calendar Wizard Corel X6 Serial 29 and go to the Help menu. Select Register and enter your registration code in the dialog box. Click on OK to confirm. 5. You will see a message that your registration was successful and you can enjoy using Oberon Calendar Wizard Corel X6 Serial 29 without any limitations. ## How to Create a Calendar with Oberon Calendar Wizard Corel X6 Serial 29? To create a calendar with Oberon Calendar Wizard Corel X6 Serial 29, you need to follow these steps: 1. Launch Oberon Calendar Wizard Corel X6 Serial 29 from the Tools menu in CorelDRAW/Corel DESIGNER. 2. In the main dialog, select a preset calendar design from the list or click on the New button to create your own from scratch. 3. Adjust various settings such as the layout type, calendar size, orientation, margins, language, date format, holidays, events, fonts, colors, borders, shadows, etc. You can preview your changes in real time in the dialog or in a separate window. 4. When you are satisfied with your design, click on the Create button to generate the calendar in a new document. 5. Use standard CorelDRAW tools and features to enhance the design with clipart images, photos, artistic effects and then print or export the design in the format required for final output. ## Tips and Tricks for Using Oberon Calendar Wizard Corel X6 Serial 29 Here are some tips and tricks for using Oberon Calendar Wizard Corel X6 Serial 29: – You can save your custom settings as a style for future use by clicking on the Save button in the main dialog. You can also load a previously saved style by clicking on the Load button. – You can edit an existing calendar by opening it in CorelDRAW/Corel DESIGNER and selecting it with the Pick tool. Then go to the Tools menu and select Oberon Calendar Wizard 4.2. The main dialog will show you the current settings of the calendar and you can modify them as you wish. – You can add custom holidays or events to your calendar by clicking on the Holidays/Events button in the main dialog. You can enter a name, date and color for each holiday or event and choose whether to show it as text or symbol on the calendar. – You can indicate lunar phases or other events on your calendar by clicking on the Lunar Phases/Other Events button in the main dialog. You can select which phases or events to show and choose their color and symbol. – You can change the language of your calendar by clicking on the Language button in the main dialog. You can select from over 30 languages supported by Oberon Calendar Wizard Corel X6 Serial 29 or add your own language file if it is not available. ## How to Create a Custom Language File for Oberon Calendar Wizard Corel X6 Serial 29? If you want to create a calendar in a language that is not supported by Oberon Calendar Wizard Corel X6 Serial 29, you can create your own language file and add it to the application. To create a custom language file, you need to follow these steps: 1. Open a text editor such as Notepad and create a new file. 2. In the first line of the file, enter the name of your language in English and in your language, separated by a comma. For example: Spanish, Español 3. In the second line of the file, enter the date format for your language, using the symbols d, m and y for day, month and year respectively. For example: d/m/y 4. In the third line of the file, enter the names of the months in your language, separated by commas. For example: Enero, Febrero, Marzo, Abril, Mayo, Junio, Julio, Agosto, Septiembre, Octubre, Noviembre, Diciembre 5. In the fourth line of the file, enter the names of the days of the week in your language, separated by commas. For example: Lunes, Martes, Miércoles, Jueves, Viernes, Sábado, Domingo 6. Save the file with the extension .lng and copy it to the folder where Oberon Calendar Wizard Corel X6 Serial 29 is installed. 7. Launch Oberon Calendar Wizard Corel X6 Serial 29 and go to the Language dialog. You should see your custom language in the list. Select it and click on OK. ## How to Create a Custom Style for Oberon Calendar Wizard Corel X6 Serial 29? If you want to create a custom style for your calendar design that you can use again in the future, you can save your settings as a style file and load it whenever you need it. To create a custom style file, you need to follow these steps: 1. Launch Oberon Calendar Wizard Corel X6 Serial 29 and adjust various settings such as the layout type, calendar size, orientation, margins, language, date format, holidays, events, fonts, colors, borders, shadows, etc. 2. Click on the Save button in the main dialog and enter a name for your style file. The file will be saved with the extension .cws in the folder where Oberon Calendar Wizard Corel X6 Serial 29 is installed. 3. To load your custom style file in the future, click on the Load button in the main dialog and select your style file from the list. ## How to Add Images or Photos to Your Calendar with Oberon Calendar Wizard Corel X6 Serial 29? If you want to add images or photos to your calendar design to make it more attractive or personal, you can do so after you generate the calendar in a new document. To add images or photos to your calendar with Oberon Calendar Wizard Corel X6 Serial 29, you need to follow these steps: 1. Open the document that contains the calendar in CorelDRAW/Corel DESIGNER. 2. Go to the File menu and select Import or use Ctrl+I shortcut to import an image or photo from your computer or another source. 3. Place the image or photo on your document and resize or rotate it as needed. 4. Use standard CorelDRAW tools and features such as PowerClip or Transparency to fit the image or photo into your calendar design. 5. Repeat steps 2-4 for any other images or photos you want to add to your calendar. ## Conclusion Oberon Calendar Wizard Corel X6 Serial 29 is a powerful tool for calendar creation and printing. It allows you to create professional quality calendar layouts of various styles and levels of complexity with ease and flexibility. You can download a free trial version of the application from the official website and see for yourself how it works. If you like it, you can purchase it for a reasonable price and enjoy creating stunning calendars with Oberon Calendar Wizard Corel X6 Serial 29. You can also customize your calendar design with your own language, style, images and photos. Oberon Calendar Wizard Corel X6 Serial 29 is a must-have tool for anyone who needs to create calendars for personal or professional purposes.

