Palm WebOS PDK Crack Free [Latest 2022] ⚡

The Plug-In Development Kit (PDK) is a new component of the webOS SDK that lets developers use C and C++ alongside the web technologies that power the SDK, and even mix them seamlessly within a single application. The PDK brings new functionality to webOS, including immersive 3D graphics, and gives developers who have built games for other platforms an easy way to bring their titles to the webOS platform.
The webOS PDK takes its name from the way that C / C++ components integrate into webOS applications. The webOS platform is built on standard web technologies, with an application environment built on the WebKit browser engine. Components built with the PDK plug in to webOS apps using the same mechanism that supports desktop browser plug-ins.
Palm has created the webOS Plug-in Development Kit with the following objectives:
· Easy porting of C/C++ applications to webOS, including those that use OpenGL ES 1.1 or 2.0
· Easy integration of C/C++ components to enhance the capabilities of webOS applications
All in all, this Palm PDK will offer you the possibility to develop and test your apps on your host computer as well as on the device itself.
The webOS Plug-In Development Kit is built on the following technologies:
· GCC for compiling C/C++ code to ARM native code. Palm devices use ARM (Advanced RISC Machine) processors running an embedded Linux OS.
· OpenGL ES 1.1 or 2.0 — A standard specification defining a cross-language, cross-platform API (> 250 functions) for writing applications producing 2D and 3D computer graphics.
· Simple DirectMedia Library (SDL) — A free, cross-platform, open source software multimedia library (written in C) designed to provide low-level access to audio, keyboard, mouse, joystick, 3D hardware via OpenGL ES, and a 2D video frame buffer.
In addition to the SDL core library, the following separate, but officially recognized and supported libraries, are also included:
* SDL_image — Support for multiple image formats
* SDL_mixer — Complex audio functions, mainly for sound mixing
* SDL_ttf — TrueType font rendering support
* SDL_net — Networking support
· Palm Development Library (PDL) — A library of functions that extend SDL capabilities specifically for Palm devices.
· SDL_cinema — Palm functions required for playing video on the device.
Desktop development
You can build and test applications using the code libraries that are installed with the PDK. For testing, desktop versions of all libraries are provided. This allows you to develop and debug your applications from within your preferred Integrated Development Environment (IDE) such as Visual Studio and Xcode. You can use your IDE as a preliminary development environment before testing on the device itself. Apps built in the IDE and launched on the desktop can do the following:
· Emulate input events using the keyboard or a joystick
· Receive single, multi-touch, and accelerometer events
· Access the network
· Play audio
Device development
The device webOS contains, for run-time, the same libraries that you can use in desktop development. The PDK contains tools you can use for packaging, installing, testing and debugging your app on the device.









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The Palm PDK contains the following:
· A development suite that includes a palm-specific build environment and build tools.
· Palmdoc development documentation, including API reference and sample code.
· Palmdoc tutorials and guides that show you how to build PDK components.
· Developer documentation that describes the general C / C++ programming environment.
· Libraries and tools for developing PDK applications for the webOS device.
A Palm OS Developer’s Guide (PDG) is available to provide general programming information about the platform. It does not contain specific information about the PDK, but it does provide links to webOS information.
Palm PDK Supported Versions:
Palm PDK currently supports building for the webOS 1.0 device platform.
Palm PDK on the webOS device:
PDK applications run inside the webOS web browser, on top of the webOS runtime. PDK code can communicate with the runtime by using the native webOS hooks that are available to webOS web pages. PDK applications have full access to the device hardware, including touch screens and cameras. A PDK application can:
· Display a full screen
· Set the device brightness
· Play audio
· Multitask between webOS applications and native applications
· Coordinate input events from native applications
· Process video
· Trigger native applications
· Receive native application inputs
· Connect to wireless networks
· Connect to web services
PDK Debugging
A common problem with device development is when you are unable to debug your application on the device. The PDK supports several tools that you can use to step into your application on the webOS device. You can use the tools to debug your app within the IDE or directly on the device, allowing you to pinpoint errors in your code. The PDK also includes several tools for debugging hardware-related issues.
Palm Developer Tools
The PDK includes the Palm Developer Tools, a developer’s environment that is intended to be used with the PDK. The Palm Developer Tools include a Palm Development Suite.
Palm Development Suite
Palm Development Suite is a standalone tool that can be used to perform various types of debugging on both webOS and desktop PDK applications.
Palm Development Suite:
· Includes debugging and profiling tools for applications and native OS code
· Supports webOS
· Supports desktop application development, including debugging, profiling, native event handling and cross-platform networking
Palm Profiling

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Macros enable you to easily execute code in specific circumstances, allowing you to streamline application code and allow for more concise and readable code.
Macro(type [syntax] parameter_list): expression
macro_name [argument [argument…]]
Macro names are one or more letters or digits, followed by a colon (:), followed by some text.
Macro arguments can be of one of the following types:
Parameter list is a comma-separated list of the parameters of the macro.
Arguments are enclosed within parentheses, separated by commas.
int main() {
/* We define the macro “count” with 2 parameters. */
#define count(x, y) (x + y)
/* If we wanted to call the macro and pass in the arguments “5” and “6”, we would write:
printf(“The total number of apples is %d
“, count(5, 6));
/* An expression is defined by two components. The first component is the expression, and the second is the name of the macro.
An expression is enclosed within parentheses.
return 0; }
Macros are one of the many convenient features of C and C++, which enable you to easily perform complex operations without having to write large sections of code, but also for use in text editors.

int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) {
SDL_Surface *screen;
screen = SDL_SetVideoMode( 640, 480, 32, SDL_OPENGL );
if(!screen ) {
printf( “Failed to set up SDL display: %s
“, SDL_GetError() );
return 1;
printf( “Initialized!
” );
/* This is a simple example of a one-dimensional sprite. */
SDL_Surface *sprite;
sprite = SDL_LoadBMP( “images/chess.bmp” );
if(!sprite ) {
printf( “Failed to load image: %s
“, SDL_GetError() );

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This document explains how to develop your apps for the webOS platform.
The webOS Plug-In Development Kit (PDK) provides an easy-to-use,
C / C++ development environment for the WebOS platform.
With the PDK, you can use your desktop development tools for coding,
build, and testing your applications.
In addition, the PDK provides a way to package your applications and to
install, update, and test them on the device webOS.
The webOS Plug-In Development Kit contains the following:
· A cross-platform development environment that consists of a
collection of libraries and tools that support C and C++
· Tools for packaging your applications and the PDK itself
to install and update them on the device webOS
· A desktop simulator that runs on Windows and Mac OS X to
emulate the touch and input capabilities of the device
· Simulator for running your applications on the emulator
If you have used desktop development tools for developing apps for the Palm platform, you can find the PDK’s code libraries (libpalm.a) and tools ( in the following directories:
The PDK also includes simulator apps for running your applications on the emulator, and packages your apps to install and update them on the device. The emulators available in the PDK include emulators for the Palm Tungsten and Cliq. The simulator apps and scripts run on the host machine to emulate the touch and input capabilities of the device.
Depending on the operating system you are using, you can choose to run the emulators in two ways:
· In native mode, the simulator can run on top of the host operating system to offer a consistent experience for the device emulator.
· In embedded mode, the simulator and the emulator app run in user space to provide better performance.
The simulator apps are located in the following directory:
A directory of tools is included to help you work with the PDK. For
example, a directory of makefiles is included to help you easily
compile your application.
This document describes how to use the PDK. It assumes you have some familiarity with the basic uses of development environments.
Installing the PDK
To install the PDK, you will need to have the following packages installed on your host system:
· SDL_image

What’s New in the?

To change the way in which a page responds to keyboard shortcuts and mouse click, in addition to using the properties of the page, you can use the page APIs to trigger the actions in response to the keyboard shortcuts and mouse events. Use this function in the same way you use the Page API.

· Send page actions by manually-entered keyboard shortcuts
· Send page actions by programmatically-entered mouse events
· Detect page actions by mouse events

The following code example sends a mouse event to a page:

bool sendEvent(PageRef page, MouseType type, int x, int y)
return page.sendEvent(type, x, y);

The following code example sends a page action by keyboard shortcut:

bool sendEvent(PageRef page, KeyboardShortcut key)
return page.sendEvent(key);

The following code example sends a page action by mouse event:

bool sendEvent(PageRef page, MouseEvent type)
return page.sendEvent(type);

The following code example detects a page action by mouse event:

bool mouseEvent(PageRef page, MouseEventType type)
return page.mouseEvent(type);

User agent

Desktop or webOS 2.0 or later (may be backward compatible)



bool mouseEvent(PageRef page, MouseEventType type)
return page.mouseEvent(type);


Does a given mouse event match the type of event that the page is
listening for? If the page wants to handle a certain type of mouse
event but has not yet registered with the system to receive that
event, then this method will return true until the page has
registered. If a page wants to receive mouse events from the system
but has not yet registered, this method will return false.


return page.mouseEvent(type)

Create an event object representing the given mouse event, send it to the page, and return its return value.


sendEvent(type, x, y)

Sends the given mouse event, using the specified coordinates as the argument.


sendEvent(type, key)

Sends the given key event, using the specified key as the argument.


sendEvent(type, x, y)

Sends the given mouse event, using the specified coordinates as the argument.


sendEvent(type, key)

Sends the given key event, using the specified

System Requirements For Palm WebOS PDK:

Supported Minimum System Requirements:
System Requirements: