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Peridot Free Download: How to Get the New AR Pet Game from Niantic

Do you love animals and games? Do you wish you could have a virtual pet that looks and behaves like a real one? Do you want to shop online with ease and convenience? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you should check out Peridot, the new AR pet game from Niantic that lets you do all of these things and more.

What is Peridot?

Peridot is a virtual pet game that uses augmented reality (AR) and artificial intelligence (AI) to create realistic and adorable creatures that you can raise, care for, and breed.

Peridot is not your typical pet game. It uses the latest technology to create lifelike and interactive pets that respond to your touch, voice, and gestures. You can see your Peridot in your real environment through your phone’s camera, and watch it move, play, and grow. You can also teach it new skills, such as fetching, rolling over, and dancing.

Peridot is developed by Niantic, the makers of Pokemon Go, and is available for free on Android and iOS devices.

Peridot is the latest project from Niantic, the company behind the popular AR game Pokemon Go. Niantic is known for its expertise in creating immersive and engaging AR experiences that blend the digital and physical worlds. Peridot is their newest venture into the realm of AR gaming, and it promises to be a hit among animal lovers and gamers alike.

Peridot is also a test vehicle for the future of AR, AI, and shopping, as it integrates Amazon Anywhere, a new service that allows you to buy products from Amazon using your phone’s camera.

Peridot is not just a game. It is also a platform for testing and showcasing the potential of AR, AI, and shopping in the future. Peridot features Amazon Anywhere, a new service that lets you shop from Amazon without leaving the app or opening a browser. You can simply scan any object in your real environment using your phone’s camera, and see a list of similar or related products from Amazon that you can buy with one tap. You can also use voice commands to search for products by saying “Hey Peridot” followed by what you want to buy. For example, if you see a nice pair of shoes on someone else’s feet, you can say “Hey Peridot, show me shoes like those” and get instant results.

How to Download Peridot?

To download Peridot, you need to have a compatible device that supports ARCore (for Android) or ARKit (for iOS).

Peridot requires a device that can run AR applications smoothly and accurately. For Android devices, this means having ARCore installed and enabled. For iOS devices, this means having ARKit supported. You can check if your device meets these requirements by visiting the following links:

– [ARCore supported devices] – [ARKit supported devices]

You can find Peridot on the Google Play Store or the App Store by searching for “Peridot” or following the links below:

[Peridot for Android]

[Peridot for iOS]

Once you find Peridot on your preferred app store, you can download and install it for free. The app size is about 200 MB, so make sure you have enough space on your device before downloading.

Once you download and install Peridot, you need to create an account using your email or Facebook login.

After launching Peridot for the first time, you will be asked to create an account using your email address or Facebook login. This will allow you to save your progress, access your Peridots across different devices, and connect with other players. You can also choose a username and a profile picture for your account.

How to Play Peridot?

To play Peridot, you need to hatch your first Peridot from an egg by tapping on it and waiting for a few seconds.

The first thing you need to do in Peridot is to hatch your first Peridot from an egg. You will be given a choice of three eggs with different colors: blue, pink, or green. Each color corresponds to a different type of Peridot: water, fire, or grass. You can tap on each egg to see a preview of what kind of Peridot it will hatch into. Once you decide on an egg, tap on it again and wait for a few seconds until it cracks open and reveals your new Peridot.

You can then name your Peridot, choose its gender, and customize its appearance by changing its color, pattern, eyes, ears, tail, and accessories.

After hatching your Peridot, you can give it a name and choose its gender. You can also customize its appearance by changing various aspects of its body and accessories. You can change its color, pattern, eyes, ears, tail, and accessories by using the sliders and buttons on the screen. You can also preview how your Peridot will look in different environments by tapping on the icons at the bottom of the screen. You can make your Peridot look as cute, cool, or unique as you want.

You can interact with your Peridot by petting it, feeding it, playing with it, teaching it tricks, taking photos and videos of it, and taking it on walks around your neighborhood.

Once you have your Peridot ready, you can start interacting with it in various ways. You can pet it by swiping your finger on the screen and see how it reacts. You can feed it by tapping on the food icon and choosing from different types of food. You can play with it by tapping on the toy icon and selecting from different toys. You can teach it tricks by tapping on the trick icon and following the instructions. You can take photos and videos of it by tapping on the camera icon and using the filters and stickers. You can also take it on walks around your neighborhood by tapping on the map icon and seeing where you can go.

You can also breed your Peridot with other players’ Peridots to create new generations of unique and diverse creatures that resemble different animals like cheetahs, unicorns, dragons, and more.

One of the most exciting features of Peridot is that you can breed your Peridot with other players’ Peridots to create new offspring that inherit traits from both parents. You can find other players’ Peridots by using the search function or browsing through the gallery. You can also join clubs and chat with other players who share your interests. Once you find a Peridot that you like, you can send a breeding request to its owner and wait for their response. If they accept, you will be able to see the result of the breeding in a few hours. You will then be able to keep one of the offspring and send the other one to the other player. You can breed your Peridot as many times as you want and create a diverse collection of creatures that resemble different animals like cheetahs, unicorns, dragons, and more.

How to Use Amazon Anywhere?

Amazon Anywhere is a new feature that allows you to buy products from Amazon using your phone’s camera and Peridot’s semantic understanding technology.

Amazon Anywhere is a new service that lets you shop from Amazon without leaving the app or opening a browser. It uses Peridot’s semantic understanding technology to analyze any object in your real environment and find similar or related products from Amazon that you can buy with one tap. It also uses voice recognition to allow you to search for products by saying “Hey Peridot” followed by what you want to buy.

To use Amazon Anywhere, you need to enable it in the settings menu of Peridot and link your Amazon account.

To use Amazon Anywhere, you first need to enable it in the settings menu of Peridot. You will then be asked to link your Amazon account to Peridot by logging in with your email and password. This will allow you to access your shopping cart, wish list, order history, payment methods, and delivery addresses from within the app.

You can then scan any object in your real environment using your phone’s camera and see a list of similar or related products from Amazon that you can buy with one tap.

To use Amazon Anywhere, you just need to point your phone’s camera at any object in your real environment that you want to buy or learn more about. For example, if you see a book that you like on a shelf, you can scan it with your camera and see a list of similar or related books from Amazon that you can buy with one tap. You can also see details such as price, ratings, reviews, description, and availability. You can also add items to your cart or wish list for later purchase.

You can also use voice commands to search for products by saying “Hey Peridot” followed by what you want to buy.

If you don’t want to use your camera or type in keywords, you can also use voice commands to search for products using Amazon Anywhere. You just need to say “Hey Peridot” followed by what you want to buy or learn more about. For example, if you want to buy a new pair of headphones, you can say “Hey Per idot, show me headphones” and get a list of headphones from Amazon that you can buy with one tap. You can also see details such as price, ratings, reviews, description, and availability. You can also add items to your cart or wish list for later purchase.

What are the Benefits of Playing Peridot?

Playing Peridot has many benefits for your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Some of them are:

Benefit Description

It helps you stay active and explore new places by taking your Peridot on walks and discovering items and rewards along the way.

Peridot encourages you to get out of your house and walk around your neighborhood with your Peridot. You can see your Peridot in your real environment and interact with it as you walk. You can also find items and rewards hidden in different locations, such as coins, gems, eggs, food, toys, and more. You can use these items to enhance your Peridot or trade them with other players. Walking with your Peridot can help you burn calories, improve your cardiovascular health, and reduce stress.

It stimulates your creativity and imagination by allowing you to customize your Peridot and breed new ones with different traits and appearances.

Peridot lets you unleash your creativity and imagination by giving you the freedom to customize your Peridot and breed new ones with different traits and appearances. You can change various aspects of your Peridot’s body and accessories, such as color, pattern, eyes, ears, tail, and more. You can also breed your Peridot with other players’ Peridots to create new offspring that inherit traits from both parents. You can create a diverse collection of creatures that resemble different animals like cheetahs, unicorns, dragons, and more. Customizing and breeding your Peridot can help you express yourself, boost your self-esteem, and enhance your cognitive skills.

It fosters your emotional connection and empathy by making you care for your Peridot and bond with it over time.

Peridot makes you care for your Peridot and bond with it over time by making it realistic and interactive. Your Peridot has its own personality, mood, needs, and preferences. You need to feed it, play with it, teach it tricks, pet it, and take care of it. Your Peridot will also respond to your touch, voice, and gestures. It will show you affection, gratitude, happiness, sadness, anger, and more. Your Peridot will also grow and evolve as you interact with it. Caring for your Peridot can help you develop emotional connection and empathy for other living beings.

It enhances your social skills and network by enabling you to chat with other players, join clubs, participate in events, and trade items and Peridots.

Peridot enables you to chat with other players who share your passion for virtual pets. You can send messages to other players using text or voice chat. You can also join clubs based on different interests or themes. You can participate in events that offer challenges, rewards, and fun activities. You can also trade items and Peridots with other players to expand your collection or make new friends. Chatting, joining clubs, participating in events, and trading with other players can help you improve your social skills and network.

It saves you money and time by letting you shop from Amazon without leaving the app or browsing through multiple websites.

Peridot saves you money and time by letting you shop from Amazon without leaving the app or browsing through multiple websites. You can use Amazon Anywhere to scan any object in your real environment using your phone’s camera or use voice commands to search for products by saying “Hey Peridot” followed by what you want to buy. You can then see a list of similar or related products from Amazon that you can buy with one tap. You can also see details such as price, ratings, reviews, description, and availability. You can also add items to your cart or wish list for later purchase. Shopping from Amazon using Peridot can help you save money by finding the best deals, save time by avoiding browsing through multiple websites or apps.



Q: How can I get more coins and gems in Peridot?

A: You can get more coins and gems in Peridot by doing the following things:

  • Completing daily tasks and achievements.
  • Participating in events and challenges.
  • Finding items and rewards on your walks.
  • Watching ads and completing surveys.
  • Buying them with real money.

Q: How can I level up my Peridot?

A: You can level up your Peridot by doing the following things:

  • Feeding it regularly.
  • Playing with it frequently.
  • Teaching it new tricks.
  • Taking it on walks often.
  • Breeding it with other Peridots.

Q: How can I change the name or gender of my Peridot?

A: You can change the name or gender of your Peridot by doing the following things:

  • Tapping on the settings icon on the top right corner of the screen.
  • Tapping on the edit icon next to your Peridot’s name or gender.
  • Typing in a new name or choosing a new gender.
  • Tapping on the save icon to confirm your changes.

Q: How can I delete my Peridot or my account?

A: You can delete your Peridot or your account by doing the following things:

  • Tapping on the settings icon on the top right corner of the screen.
  • Tapping on the delete icon next to your Peridot or your account.
  • Confirming your decision by tapping on yes or no.

Q: How can I contact the support team or report a bug?

A: You can contact the support team or report a bug by doing the following things:

  • Tapping on the settings icon on the top right corner of the screen.
  • Tapping on the help icon on the bottom left corner of the screen.
  • Choosing from the options available, such as FAQ, feedback, bug report, or contact us.
  • Filling in the required information and submitting your request.
