Pixinsight 1 7 4 🎇

How to Use Pixinsight 1 7 4 for Astrophotography

Pixinsight is a powerful software for image processing and analysis, especially designed for astrophotography. It offers a comprehensive set of tools and algorithms to enhance, calibrate, align, stack, and process your astro images. In this article, we will show you how to use Pixinsight 1 7 4, the latest version of the software, to improve your astrophotography workflow.

What’s New in Pixinsight 1 7 4?

Pixinsight 1 7 4 was released in December 2019 and it introduced several new features and improvements. Some of the most notable ones are:

  • A new tool called LocalNormalization, which allows you to normalize the intensity and color of different images before combining them. This can reduce noise and artifacts and improve the quality of your final image.
  • A new script called ViewIdReplace, which allows you to replace the view identifiers of multiple images with a single click. This can be useful for organizing your images and avoiding confusion.
  • A new version of the BatchPreprocessing script, which has been optimized and enhanced with new options and features. This script can automate the entire preprocessing workflow, from calibration to registration and integration.
  • A new version of the PhotometricColorCalibration tool, which has been improved with a new algorithm for color balancing and a new option for magnitude adjustment. This tool can automatically calibrate the color of your image based on the stars in the field.
  • A new version of the HDRMultiscaleTransform tool, which has been improved with a new option for local contrast enhancement and a new algorithm for noise reduction. This tool can create high dynamic range images by combining different scales of detail.

How to Use Pixinsight 1 7 4 for Astrophotography?

Pixinsight 1 7 4 can be used for various types of astrophotography, such as deep-sky, planetary, lunar, or solar imaging. The workflow may vary depending on the type of image and the equipment used, but in general, it can be divided into four main steps:

  1. Preprocessing: This step involves calibrating your raw images with darks, flats, and bias frames, aligning them with subframe alignment or star alignment tools, and stacking them with image integration or drizzle integration tools.
  2. Linear Processing: This step involves applying linear adjustments to your stacked image, such as dynamic background extraction, histogram transformation, deconvolution, noise reduction, etc.
  3. Nonlinear Processing: This step involves applying nonlinear adjustments to your linear image, such as curves transformation, saturation enhancement, local contrast enhancement, star reduction, etc.
  4. Final Touches: This step involves applying final touches to your nonlinear image, such as cropping, resizing, sharpening, annotation, etc.

Pixinsight 1 7 4 offers a variety of tools and scripts to perform each of these steps. You can also create your own custom processes and save them as icons or process containers for future use. You can also use process icons or process containers created by other users and shared online.

Examples of Pixinsight 1 7 4 for Astrophotography

To illustrate the power and versatility of Pixinsight 1 7 4, we will show you some examples of astro images processed with this software. These images are taken from the Pixinsight website and forum, where you can find more details and explanations about the processing steps and techniques used.

Example 1: M31 Andromeda Galaxy

This image of the Andromeda Galaxy was taken by Vicent Peris with a Takahashi FSQ-106ED refractor and a FLI ProLine PL16803 CCD camera. The total exposure time was 14 hours and 40 minutes. The image was processed with Pixinsight 1 7 4 using tools such as LocalNormalization, ImageIntegration, DynamicCrop, DynamicBackgroundExtraction, HDRMultiscaleTransform, PhotometricColorCalibration, CurvesTransformation, etc. The result is a stunning image with rich colors and details.

M31 Andromeda Galaxy by Vicent Peris

Example 2: NGC 6992 Veil Nebula

This image of the Veil Nebula was taken by Rogelio Bernal Andreo with a Takahashi FSQ-106ED refractor and a QSI 583wsg CCD camera. The total exposure time was 10 hours and 30 minutes. The image was processed with Pixinsight 1 7 4 using tools such as LocalNormalization, ImageIntegration, DynamicCrop, DynamicBackgroundExtraction, HDRMultiscaleTransform, PhotometricColorCalibration, CurvesTransformation, etc. The result is a beautiful image with delicate colors and structures.

NGC 6992 Veil Nebula by Rogelio Bernal Andreo

Example 3: Jupiter

This image of Jupiter was taken by Damian Peach with a Celestron C14 Edge HD telescope and a ZWO ASI290MM camera. The total exposure time was about 10 minutes. The image was processed with Pixinsight 1 7 4 using tools such as ImageRegistration, ImageIntegration, Deconvolution, MultiscaleLinearTransform, CurvesTransformation, etc. The result is a sharp and detailed image of the giant planet.

Jupiter by Damian Peach

What are the Benefits of Pixinsight 1 7 4?

Pixinsight 1 7 4 is a software that offers many benefits for astrophotographers of all levels and interests. Some of the main benefits are:

  • It is a software that is specifically designed for astrophotography, with tools and algorithms that are optimized for this type of image processing.
  • It is a software that is modular and open-architecture, which means that it can be extended and customized with new tools, processes, scripts, and modules created by the developers or the users.
  • It is a software that is portable and cross-platform, which means that it can run on different operating systems and devices, such as Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, and FreeBSD.
  • It is a software that is constantly updated and improved, with new versions and features released regularly.
  • It is a software that is supported by a large and active community of users and experts, who share their knowledge, experience, and feedback on the official website, forum, and social media.

What are the Challenges of Pixinsight 1 7 4?

Pixinsight 1 7 4 is a software that also poses some challenges for astrophotographers who want to use it effectively. Some of the main challenges are:

  • It is a software that has a steep learning curve, which means that it requires some time and effort to master its tools, processes, scripts, and concepts.
  • It is a software that has a high price tag, which means that it may not be affordable for everyone who wants to use it.
  • It is a software that has a complex user interface, which means that it may not be intuitive or user-friendly for everyone who wants to use it.
  • It is a software that has a high system requirements, which means that it may not run smoothly or efficiently on older or slower devices.
  • It is a software that has some bugs and glitches, which means that it may not work properly or reliably on some occasions.

How to Troubleshoot Pixinsight 1 7 4?

Pixinsight 1 7 4 is a software that may encounter some problems or errors while running or processing images. Some of the common problems or errors are:

  • The software crashes or freezes unexpectedly.
  • The software does not open or load images correctly.
  • The software does not perform some tools or processes correctly.
  • The software does not display some icons or menus correctly.
  • The software does not recognize some license keys or devices correctly.

To troubleshoot Pixinsight 1 7 4, you can try some of these solutions:

  1. Check if your system meets the minimum requirements for running the software.
  2. Check if your software is updated to the latest version and has all the necessary modules and scripts installed.
  3. Check if your images are in a compatible format and have the correct metadata and color space.
  4. Check if your tools and processes are configured with the correct parameters and options.
  5. Check if your license key and device are valid and activated.
  6. Check if your internet connection and firewall are working properly and allow the software to access online resources.
  7. Check if your antivirus or security software is not blocking or interfering with the software.
  8. Check if your system has enough disk space and memory available for the software.
  9. Check if your system has any corrupted or conflicting files or drivers that may affect the software.
  10. Check if your system has any hardware or software issues that may affect the software.

How to Contact Pixinsight Support?

If you have any questions, issues, or feedback about Pixinsight 1 7 4, you can contact Pixinsight support through various channels. Some of the main channels are:

  • The official website of Pixinsight, where you can find the contact information of Pleiades Astrophoto, the company that develops and distributes the software.
  • The official forum of Pixinsight, where you can post your questions, issues, or feedback and get answers and solutions from other users and experts.
  • The official email of Pixinsight, where you can send your questions, issues, or feedback and get replies from the support team.
  • The official social media accounts of Pixinsight, where you can follow the latest news and updates about the software and interact with other users and experts.


Pixinsight 1 7 4 is a software that can help you process and enhance your astro images with professional results. It offers a comprehensive and modular platform with tools and algorithms that are specifically designed for astrophotography. It also offers a variety of resources and tutorials to help you learn and master the software. However, it also has some challenges and limitations that you need to be aware of and overcome. If you are interested in Pixinsight 1 7 4, you can download and install it from the official website and try it for yourself. You can also contact Pixinsight support if you have any questions, issues, or feedback about the software.

