Plugin Greebler Cinema 4d Serial Number



Plugin Greebler Cinema 4d Serial Number

So, what is the explanation for the mistakes people have made in their not understanding the name of the beast? Let’s be clear about this – we will not have 666, the Antichrist, come in to force over the planet. We should be concerned that a man-made object like a computer chip that a person can have on their person, be this a hidden tattoo, marked on their hand, etc., that is in the name of 666, and has a name of the beast. Revelation 13:11-15, and 17.

If you feel that this is getting a little confusing, let me give you another example. Satan likes to get followers. That is a fact. Satan can get followers by whatever means. Satan will come to you in many ways. So when he does come, if you are one of his followers, then you will be ripe for the picking. We all know this. New Testament followers are God’s selected ones to be Satan’s followers. Any other would be a disaster for their existence. Romans 12:1-2; Galatians 6:10; Proverbs 6:16-20.

Your mark on your hand will not prevent you from being mocked, but when someone mocks you, Satan will be holding court with them (this is what happens in Revelation 13:10), being responsible for them. Satan is the prince of the power of the air. These are attributed to the weapons given to him to use against his enemies. We can see wicked men in the Old Testament carrying on, all mangled, and Satan is handled in the name of the beast. Therefore, this is the testimony of truth.

In this chapter we are seeing people looking for the power of God to throw off the mark of the beast; and actually they are looking for ways to identify such people, because if they know you, you are a potential threat on Satan’s team. And if you are such a threat, then you can be identified today, because you are identified with the number of your beast. So, this is the testimony of truth.
