Quizzland Quiz Intelligent Apk [2021] &#



QuizzLand Quiz Intelligent APK: A Fun and Educational Trivia Game

Do you love trivia games? Do you want to test your IQ and general knowledge? Do you want to learn new facts and have fun at the same time? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you should try QuizzLand Quiz Intelligent APK. This is a trivia game that offers unlimited questions, interesting explanations, various categories, and different difficulty levels. In this article, we will tell you what QuizzLand Quiz Intelligent APK is, how to download and install it, how to play it, and why you should play it.

What is QuizzLand Quiz Intelligent APK?

QuizzLand Quiz Intelligent APK is an entertainment trivia game where you get unlimited questions that can’t be found anywhere else. You can install QuizzLand Quiz Intelligent APK and answer trivia questions, read interesting explanations, educate yourself, and have fun. This stress-relieving trivia game will take your mind off daily troubles and help you relax. Just your brain and our quizzes.

A trivia game with unlimited questions and explanations

QuizzLand Quiz Intelligent APK has a huge database of questions from different fields of knowledge. You can find questions about science, technology, history, art, film and TV, etc. All these categories are easy to recognize by the icons that represent them. Every question has four options and only one is correct. The best thing about this game is that after answering the question you can read a small explanation of the right answer. This means you can learn facts about science, history, or Hollywood.

A game with three difficulty levels and various categories

QuizzLand Quiz Intelligent APK has three difficulty levels: easy, medium, and hard. Before you start you can pick the one that’s best adapted to your level of knowledge. In the various rounds you’ll find questions from different fields of knowledge. You can choose to play a specific category or a mix of all categories. The difficulty of a question is indicated by white scales under each question. You get more points for difficult questions.

A game with coins, lives, hints, and achievements

QuizzLand Quiz Intelligent APK uses coins as the in-game currency. You can use coins to buy lives, hints, and other useful options. You can earn coins by answering questions correctly, watching videos, playing mini-games, or buying them in the store. You also have lives that indicate how many times you can answer wrong before losing the game. You can use hints to reveal one of the wrong options or skip a question. You can also collect achievements for answering questions correctly, completing levels, or inviting friends.

How to download and install QuizzLand Quiz Intelligent APK?

QuizzLand Quiz Intelligent APK is not available on Google Play Store, so you need to download it from a trusted source like Uptodown or APKCombo. Here are the steps to download and install QuizzLand Quiz Intelligent APK on your Android device:

Download the APK file from a trusted source

^) . You can also scan the QR code below to download the APK file directly to your device.

QR code for QuizzLand Quiz Intelligent APK

Enable unknown sources on your device

Before you can install QuizzLand Quiz Intelligent APK, you need to enable unknown sources on your device. This will allow you to install apps from sources other than Google Play Store. To do this, go to Settings > Security > Unknown sources and toggle it on. You may see a warning message, but don’t worry, QuizzLand Quiz Intelligent APK is safe and virus-free.

Install the APK file and launch the game

After you have downloaded the APK file and enabled unknown sources, you can install QuizzLand Quiz Intelligent APK on your device. To do this, locate the APK file in your file manager and tap on it. You may see a pop-up asking for permissions, just tap on Install and wait for the installation to finish. Once the installation is done, you can launch the game by tapping on Open or by finding the game icon on your home screen or app drawer.

How to play QuizzLand Quiz Intelligent APK?

QuizzLand Quiz Intelligent APK is easy to play and fun to learn. Here are the basic steps to play QuizzLand Quiz Intelligent APK:

Choose your difficulty level and start the game

When you launch the game, you can choose your difficulty level from easy, medium, or hard. You can also choose to play a specific category or a mix of all categories. Then, you can start the game by tapping on Play. You will see a trivia maze with different questions and exits. Your goal is to find the exit in each level by answering questions correctly.

Answer questions, read descriptions, and learn new facts

Each question has four options and only one is correct. You can tap on the option you think is right or swipe left or right to move to another question. If you answer correctly, you will move forward in the maze and earn points. If you answer wrong, you will lose a life and stay in the same place. After answering each question, you can read a short description of the right answer and learn new facts.

Find the exit in the trivia maze and earn points

To complete a level, you need to find the exit in the trivia maze. The exit is marked by a green arrow. You can use hints to reveal one of the wrong options or skip a question if you are stuck. You can also use coins to buy more lives, hints, or other options. You will earn points for each correct answer and bonus points for finding the exit. You can also collect achievements for answering questions correctly, completing levels, or inviting friends.

Why should you play QuizzLand Quiz Intelligent APK?

QuizzLand Quiz Intelligent APK is not just a trivia game, it is also a learning tool that can improve your IQ and general knowledge. Here are some reasons why you should play QuizzLand Quiz Intelligent APK:

It tests your IQ and general knowledge

QuizzLand Quiz Intelligent APK has questions from different fields of knowledge that can challenge your IQ and general knowledge. You can test your knowledge of science, technology, history, art, film and TV, etc. You can also compare your results with other players and see how smart you are.

It relieves your stress and relaxes your mind

QuizzLand Quiz Intelligent APK is a stress-relieving trivia game that can take your mind off daily troubles and help you relax. You can play this game anytime and anywhere without any time limit or pressure. You can enjoy answering questions, reading explanations, and learning new facts at your own pace.

It educates you and entertains you at the same time

QuizzLand Quiz Intelligent APK is a fun and educational trivia game that can educate you and entertain you at the same time. You can learn facts about science, history, or Hollywood while having fun answering questions. You can also discover new things that you didn’t know before and expand your horizons.


APKCombo and install it on your Android device. You can play QuizzLand Quiz Intelligent APK and answer trivia questions, read interesting explanations, educate yourself, and have fun. This stress-relieving trivia game will test your IQ and general knowledge, relieve your stress and relax your mind, and educate you and entertain you at the same time. So, what are you waiting for? Download QuizzLand Quiz Intelligent APK now and enjoy the trivia game of your dreams.


Here are some frequently asked questions about QuizzLand Quiz Intelligent APK:

Question Answer
Is QuizzLand Quiz Intelligent APK free? Yes, QuizzLand Quiz Intelligent APK is free to download and play. However, it contains ads and in-app purchases that can enhance your gaming experience.
Is QuizzLand Quiz Intelligent APK safe? Yes, QuizzLand Quiz Intelligent APK is safe and virus-free. However, you should always download it from a trusted source like Uptodown or APKCombo and enable unknown sources on your device before installing it.
Is QuizzLand Quiz Intelligent APK offline? No, QuizzLand Quiz Intelligent APK requires an internet connection to play. You need to be online to access the questions, explanations, and other features of the game.
Can I play QuizzLand Quiz Intelligent APK with friends? Yes, you can play QuizzLand Quiz Intelligent APK with friends by inviting them to join the game. You can also compare your results with other players and see who is smarter.
Can I change the language of QuizzLand Quiz Intelligent APK? Yes, you can change the language of QuizzLand Quiz Intelligent APK by tapping on the settings icon in the main menu. You can choose from English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Turkish, Arabic, or Indonesian.
