Red Ball 4 Vol Nice Apk Fix

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Red Ball 4 Vol Nice APK: A Fun and Challenging Arcade Game

Do you love arcade games that test your skills and reflexes? Do you want to have a blast rolling, jumping, and bouncing through exciting levels full of adventure? If yes, then you should try Red Ball 4 Vol Nice APK, a modded version of the popular game Red Ball 4. In this article, we will tell you everything you need to know about this amazing game, including what it is, how to download and install it, and how to play and enjoy it.

What is Red Ball 4 Vol Nice APK?

Red Ball 4 Vol Nice APK is a modified version of the original game Red Ball 4, which is developed by FDG Entertainment GmbH & Co.KG. It is an arcade game that features a red ball as the main character, who has to save the world from evil minions who want to turn it into a square shape. The game has 75 levels, each with different challenges, traps, and enemies. The game also has epic boss battles, where you have to face giant robots, tanks, and other machines.

The story and gameplay of Red Ball 4

The story of Red Ball 4 is simple but engaging. You play as a red ball who notices that some black squares are invading his world. He decides to stop them and find out who is behind this evil plan. Along the way, he meets other balls who join him in his quest. The gameplay of Red Ball 4 is fun and addictive. You have to roll, jump, and bounce through the levels, avoiding obstacles and enemies. You can also collect stars, which are used to unlock new balls with different appearances and abilities. You can also use physics elements, such as springs, levers, and cannons, to help you overcome the challenges.

The features and benefits of Red Ball 4 Vol Nice APK

Red Ball 4 Vol Nice APK is a modded version of the original game that offers some extra features and benefits. Some of them are:

  • Unlimited lives: You don’t have to worry about dying or losing progress in the game. You can play as much as you want without any interruptions.
  • Unlocked balls: You can access all the balls in the game without having to collect stars or pay money. You can choose your favorite ball and customize its appearance.
  • No ads: You can enjoy the game without any annoying ads popping up on your screen.
  • No root required: You don’t need to root your device to install or play the game. It works on any Android device with version 6.0 or higher.

How to download and install Red Ball 4 Vol Nice APK on your Android device?

If you want to download and install Red Ball 4 Vol Nice APK on your Android device, you need to follow these steps:

The steps to download and install Red Ball 4 Vol Nice APK

  1. Go to [this link](^1^) and download the APK file of Red Ball 4 Vol Nice APK.
  2. Go to your device settings and enable the option “Unknown sources” under security settings. This will allow you to install apps from sources other than Google Play Store.
  3. Locate the downloaded APK file on your device storage and tap on it.
  4. Follow the instructions on the screen to install the app.
  5. Launch the app and enjoy playing Red Ball 4 Vol Nice APK

The precautions and tips to ensure a safe and smooth installation

Before you download and install Red Ball 4 Vol Nice APK, you should take some precautions and follow some tips to ensure a safe and smooth installation. Some of them are:

  • Make sure you have enough space on your device storage to install the app. The app size is about 70 MB.
  • Make sure you have a stable internet connection to download the app. The download speed may vary depending on your network quality.
  • Make sure you download the app from a trusted source, such as the link we provided above. Do not download the app from unknown or suspicious websites, as they may contain malware or viruses.
  • Make sure you scan the app with an antivirus or security app before installing it. This will help you detect and remove any potential threats or harmful files.
  • Make sure you backup your data and settings before installing the app. This will help you restore your device in case something goes wrong during the installation.

How to play and enjoy Red Ball 4 Vol Nice APK?

Now that you have downloaded and installed Red Ball 4 Vol Nice APK, you are ready to play and enjoy it. Here are some tips on how to play and enjoy the game:

The controls and mechanics of Red Ball 4

The controls and mechanics of Red Ball 4 are simple and intuitive. You can use the virtual buttons on the screen to move the ball left or right, and to jump. You can also tilt your device to control the ball’s movement. You can tap on the pause button to access the menu, where you can change the settings, view the map, or exit the game. The game has three modes: normal, hard, and time trial. You can choose the mode that suits your preference and skill level. The game also has achievements and leaderboards, where you can track your progress and compete with other players.

The tips and tricks to beat the levels and bosses of Red Ball 4

The levels and bosses of Red Ball 4 are challenging and fun. You have to use your skills and reflexes to overcome the obstacles and enemies. Here are some tips and tricks to help you beat the levels and bosses of Red Ball 4:

  • Explore the levels carefully and look for hidden stars, secrets, and shortcuts. They will help you unlock new balls, get extra points, and save time.
  • Use the physics elements wisely and creatively. You can use springs, levers, cannons, boxes, barrels, and other objects to help you reach higher places, cross gaps, or crush enemies.
  • Avoid falling into pits, spikes, lava, water, or other hazards. They will make you lose a life or restart the level.
  • Watch out for the enemies’ patterns and behaviors. You can avoid or defeat them by jumping on them, rolling over them, or pushing them into hazards.
  • Be prepared for the boss battles. They are more difficult and require more strategy than the regular levels. You have to find their weak spots, dodge their attacks, and hit them with objects or projectiles.


Red Ball 4 Vol Nice APK is a fun and challenging arcade game that will keep you entertained for hours. It has a simple but engaging story, a cute but brave character, a colorful but dangerous world, and a fun but addictive gameplay. It also has some extra features and benefits that make it more enjoyable than the original game. If you want to download and install Red Ball 4 Vol Nice APK on your Android device, just follow the steps we provided above. Then, you can play and enjoy the game with our tips and tricks. We hope you found this article helpful and informative. Thank you for reading!


Here are some frequently asked questions about Red Ball 4 Vol Nice APK:

Q: Is Red Ball 4 Vol Nice APK safe to download and install?

A: Yes, Red Ball 4 Vol Nice APK is safe to download and install, as long as you follow the precautions and tips we mentioned above. The app does not contain any malware or viruses that can harm your device or data.

Q: Is Red Ball 4 Vol Nice APK free to play?

A: Yes, Red Ball 4 Vol Nice APK is free to play. You don’t have to pay any money to download or play the game. However, you may see some in-app purchases or donations that are optional.

Q: What is the difference between Red Ball 4 Vol Nice APK and Red Ball 4 original game?

A: Red Ball 4 Vol Nice APK is a modified version of the original game that offers some extra features and benefits, such as unlimited lives, unlocked balls, no ads, and no root required. The original game does not have these features and benefits, and may require you to collect stars, pay money, or root your device to access them.

Q: How can I update Red Ball 4 Vol Nice APK?

A: Red Ball 4 Vol Nice APK is updated regularly to fix bugs, improve performance, and add new features. You can check for updates on the app itself or on the website where you downloaded it. You can also enable the auto-update option on your device settings to get the latest version automatically.

Q: Can I play Red Ball 4 Vol Nice APK offline?

A: Yes, you can play Red Ball 4 Vol Nice APK offline. You don’t need an internet connection to play the game. However, you may need an internet connection to download the app, access some features, or compete with other players.

Q: Can I play Red Ball 4 Vol Nice APK on other devices?

A: Red Ball 4 Vol Nice APK is designed for Android devices with version 6.0 or higher. You may not be able to play the game on other devices, such as iOS, Windows, or Mac. However, you may try using an emulator or a simulator to run the game on other devices.
