Reset Data Usage Crack Serial Key Free Download [Mac/Win] (April-2022)

As a lot of Internet service providers set data caps, unlimited internet data is a privilege most people can't afford or even access. Therefore, being restricted to a certain amount of data led developers to create bandwidth monitors in the early days of Windows operating systems.
Nowadays, Microsoft is offering some basic usage information inside Windows 10: by accessing the Network module inside Settings, a "Data usage" tab is made available on the left. Here, you'll be able to view data usage stats for your last 30 days.
A tiny, portable app with a very friendly and easy-to-use user interface
However, that's not very useful if your ISP resets the data counter on a specific date and, since there's no way of doing that from Windows, you can reset the operating system's counter using Reset Data Usage.
The application is very small and doesn't require any other software in order to be used, so, as soon as you download and extract it, you're good to go. Running the program will open a small window displaying three buttons: the "Reset Data Usage" button, the "Data Usage" button and finally the "Menu" button.
All of the program's functions are available from its one and only window
The "Reset Data Usage" button, of course, provides access to the program's main feature and, as soon as you press it, a message window will pop-up informing you the operation was completed successfully. The process, as mentioned before, is very fast, you will not be waiting around for the result and during our tests the application completed its task without any errors.
The "Data Usage" button was a welcomed addition to the app's interface, as it allows you to access with a single click the operating system's usage stats without navigating through all those areas of Settings. Last, but not least, the "Menu" button will not only help you contact or donate to the developer, but also find out how to use Reset Data Usage from the command line.
The app's lack of more advanced features is almost impossible to ignore
Unfortunately, the program doesn't also include a way to automatically run the program on specific dates, to make sure your data counter is reset on time. Since the app can be launched from the command line, you can create scheduled tasks that run the program silently in the background on those specific dates and perhaps work your way around this issue.
Furthermore, Reset Data Usage isn't able to read/import any usage data offered by Windows. It would have been great if it could sit in the system tray and display that info in a tooltip. Since Windows also includes usage details, the app could have also imported/saved those stats before resetting the counter, providing for reference a history of app data usage from recent months.
As we draw the line, it becomes obvious that Reset Data Usage was designed with a single purpose in mind and, while it achieves its purpose flawlessly, we do hope that future iterations of this small utility will bring at least a few more useful features that would help it offer its users the complete experience they surely expect.







Reset Data Usage Crack + PC/Windows (April-2022)

• 1.40 MB

Visual program for viewing IP addresses, time zones and locations on the planet.
The program is very easy to use and provides a convenient visual way of gathering a lot of information from the Internet, easily accessible from a system tray icon.
It should be noted that the program is compatible with Windows 95, 98, ME, 2000, XP and Vista and can be used in both 32-bit and 64-bit operating systems.
After launching the application, you should open the time/locations tab to view a lot of information about time zones, countries, cities and other geographical data.
For example, you can check which time zones are available for each continent or which countries have their own time zones.
Additionally, the list can be sorted by clicking on the column headers.
Although the program only offers data for the latest five years, we decided to include it in our review because it’s a very nice way of knowing more about the world we live in.
It should be noted that the program’s interface is very simple and easy-to-use, it only requires you to click on the button which displays a list of locations, time zones and IP addresses, separated by category.
Nevertheless, it’s a little bit odd that it only displays IP addresses, when it could have also shown DNS records and whois information.
However, we can’t ignore the program’s ease of use and it will be a pleasure for everyone who likes to know a bit more about the places we live in, even if only for a few minutes each day.
IP Geolocation Description:
• 3.27 MB

Yet another tool to help you find out the IP address of a specific website.
If you’re looking for the IP address of a website, you can use the IP Address Changer, an alternative to the popular sites like and other similar websites.
The application is very easy to use, you need only to select the IP address you want to know and the application will provide you with the website’s location.
The program will also help you find the IP address of a URL. It’s a useful tool if you need to change the URL of a link that you already have on your computer.
The application will find the IP address of any website that you’re trying to reach from your computer or device.
The program allows you to find the IP address from different categories,

Reset Data Usage Latest

Allows to control hardware/software/CPU/GPU’s keyboard macro.
The software supports most of the Microsoft Windows’s keyboard shortcuts and let you define your own. It also provides support for a few external software/hardware devices that can be used to create macros (Bodcomus, Dragon Macros, oisMacro, USB Macro Recorder).
You can create macros with a specific keyboard modifier, (Ctrl, Alt, etc.) and when defined, the macro will be triggered by pressing the corresponding keys on your keyboard (as many times as you want). You can also set a custom keyboard layout, so you can use for example your own keyboard layout. The software works in the following keymap modes:
– Win32 keymap – Modern keyboard layout with US and international keys.
– Dvorak keymap – Modern keyboard layout with Dvorak layout.
– Colemak keymap – Modern keyboard layout with Colemak layout.
– Dvorak and Colemak mixed keymap – mixed layout.
– Spanish keymap – Spanish keyboard layout with US and international keys.
– German keyboard map – German keyboard layout with US and international keys.
You can assign custom keyboard shortcuts to buttons, hotkeys, mouse buttons, etc.
KEYMACRO features:
– Create, edit and delete macros.
– Define keyboard modifiers.
– Define custom keyboard layouts.
– Run macros.
– The software supports most of the Microsoft Windows’s keyboard shortcuts.
– Allows to define custom keyboard shortcuts.
– You can assign keyboard shortcuts to buttons, hotkeys, mouse buttons, etc.
– Can record macros to external devices.
– You can also record to external devices directly from the software.
– The software supports the following external devices:
– Bodcomus.
– USB Macro Recorder.
– OIS Macro.
– Dragon Macros.
– Any external device that is capable of recording macros.
– Run macros directly from any external device, for example, record a macro on your computer and then launch it from your external device.
– Supports macro recording via any external device (Bodcomus, USB Macro Recorder, oisMacro, Dragon Macros, etc.).
– You can define macros with a specific keyboard modifier, (Ctrl, Alt, etc.) and when defined, the macro will be triggered by pressing the corresponding keys on your keyboard (as many times as you want).
– You

Reset Data Usage [Win/Mac]

Reset Data Usage is a tiny, portable app with a very friendly and easy-to-use user interface.
It can reset the system’s data counter to zero so you can monitor and calculate your usage stats more accurately.
There is no need for any other software.
It runs silently in the background so you can use your computer without being interrupted.
It is compatible with all versions of Windows, Windows Phone, Windows 10 and Windows Server.
The.NET Framework 4.0 or higher.
1. Run Reset Data Usage.exe
2. Choose “Reset Data Usage”
3. Choose your operating system
4. Choose a language and continue with “Next”
5. Click “Ok” to start the operation
6. Click “Ok” to start the operation
7. After the operation has finished, the program will close automatically
8. If you don’t have the.NET Framework installed, a message will pop-up so you can install the necessary component
9. Click “OK” to continue with the program
10. If you’ve downloaded the program from one of our mirrors, you can click “Done” to download the ZIP file to your computer.
11. If you have downloaded the program from one of our mirrors, click “Done” to download the ZIP file to your computer.
12. Extract the ZIP file to your computer’s desktop
13. Double-click Reset Data Usage.exe
14. Run the program from your desktop folder.
15. Click “Menu” to access the program’s controls
16. Click “Reset Data Usage” to reset the system’s data counter to zero
17. Click “Reset Data Usage” to reset the system’s data counter to zero
18. Click “Menu” to access the program’s controls
19. Click “Data Usage” to access the operating system’s data usage stats
20. Click “Data Usage” to access the operating system’s data usage stats
21. Click “Menu” to access the program’s controls
22. Click “Reset Data Usage” to reset the system’s data counter to zero
23. Click “Data Usage” to access the operating system’s data usage stats
24. Click “Menu” to access the program’s controls
25. Click “Reset Data Usage” to reset the system’s data counter to zero
26. Click “Data Usage” to access the operating system’s data usage

What’s New in the?

With Reset Data Usage, you can use it to reset the data usage for a specific date or to use the data usage counter as a way to download a previous data usage statistic and include it in your usage history. The app can be run from the command line with the “Reset Data Usage” command.
The “Reset Data Usage” command is not actually a command, it is a feature.
Here are some examples of the command line arguments that can be used with the “Reset Data Usage” command:
[cmd] [/s] [/d] [/p] [/f] [/h] [/n] [/a] [/p:n] [/t] [/m] [/t:n] [/o] [/r] [/b] [/c] [/f:x] [/c:x] [/f:y] [/c:y] [/f:z] [/c:z] [/o:x] [/o:y] [/o:z] [/i] [/d:] [/s:] [/u] [/s:x] [/s:y] [/s:z] [/u:] [/v] [/v:x] [/v:y] [/v:z] [/v:t] [/e:x] [/e:y] [/e:z] [/e:t] [/l:] [/l:x] [/l:y] [/l:z] [/l:t] [/w:x] [/w:y] [/w:z] [/w:t] [/r] [/b:x] [/b:y] [/b:z] [/b:t] [/n] [/p:x] [/p:y] [/p:z] [/p:t] [/m] [/t:x] [/t:y] [/t:z] [/o] [/r:x] [/r:y] [/r:z] [/r:t] [/f:x] [/c:x] [/f:y] [/c:y] [/f:z] [/c:z] [/o:x] [/o:y] [/o:z] [/o:t] [/i:x] [/e:x] [/e:y] [/e:z] [/e:t] [/s:x] [/u:] [/u:x] [/u:y] [/u:z] [/u:t] [/v:x] [/v:y] [/v:z] [/v:t] [/w:x] [/w:y] [/w:z] [/w:t] [/l:x] [/l:y] [/l:z] [/l:t] [/r] [/b:x] [/b:y] [/b:z] [/b:

System Requirements:

One of the best things about the game is the stellar selection of gamepads that you can use. I was quite happy with my Logitech Rumblepad 2, however there are now several options that are available for those looking for something a little different.

The best gamepad you can get for the game is the Logitech Rumblepad F310. It has a large and comfortable grip to it, similar to the one found in the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions of Dead Space 2. It has two large rocker pads as well as two shoulder buttons. It is the perfect game