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How to Download Sampoorna Ramayan Hindi Movie in HD Quality

Sampoorna Ramayan is a 1961 Hindi movie that depicts the story of Lord Ram and his years spent in exile with his wife Sita and brother Lakshman. It also chronicles the end of the demon king Ravan and his family. The movie is a classic adaptation of the Ramayana, one of the most revered epics in Hinduism. If you are a fan of this movie and want to watch it online or download it in HD quality, then this article is for you.

Where to Watch Sampoorna Ramayan Hindi Movie Online for Free

One of the easiest ways to watch Sampoorna Ramayan Hindi movie online for free is to visit the Internet Archive website. This website hosts a collection of public domain and open source media, including movies, books, music, and more. You can find all the episodes of Sampoorna Ramayan Hindi movie on this website, along with subtitles and audio options. You can stream the movie online or download it to your device for offline viewing. The quality of the video is decent, but not HD.

How to Download Sampoorna Ramayan Hindi Movie in HD Quality

If you want to download Sampoorna Ramayan Hindi movie in HD quality, then you will need to use a third-party website that offers this service. However, you should be careful when using such websites, as they may contain malware, viruses, or illegal content. You should also respect the copyright laws and only download the movie for personal use.

One of the websites that claims to offer Sampoorna Ramayan Hindi movie in HD quality is This website has a large collection of Bollywood movies, TV shows, web series, and more. You can find Sampoorna Ramayan Hindi movie on this website by searching for it in the search bar or browsing through the categories. You can choose from different formats and resolutions, such as 480p, 720p, or 1080p. You can also select the server and download speed that suits you best.

To download Sampoorna Ramayan Hindi movie from, follow these steps:

  1. Visit and search for Sampoorna Ramayan Hindi movie.
  2. Select the movie from the results and click on it.
  3. Scroll down and choose the format and resolution that you want.
  4. Click on the download button and wait for the link to be generated.
  5. Click on the link and follow the instructions to download the movie.

Note: This website may redirect you to other pages or ask you to complete surveys or captcha verification before downloading. You may also encounter pop-up ads or notifications that may be annoying or harmful. Use this website at your own risk and discretion.

Who are the Cast and Crew of Sampoorna Ramayan Hindi Movie

Sampoorna Ramayan Hindi movie was directed by Babubhai Mistry, who was known for his special effects throughout his career. He made extensive use of effects to enhance the dramatics of the movie. The screenplay was written by Vishwanath Pande, based on the story by Narottam Vyas Madhur. The dialogue was written by C.K. Mast. The music was composed by Vasant Desai, with lyrics by Bharat Vyas. The movie was produced by Homi Wadia under the banner of Basant Pictures, which was owned by the Wadia Brothers.

The movie starred Mahipal as Rama, the prince of Ayodhya and the avatar of Lord Vishnu. Mahipal was a popular actor who played many mythological and historical roles in Hindi cinema. He was known for his expressive eyes and graceful movements. Anita Guha played Sita, the princess of Mithila and the consort of Rama. Anita Guha became a household name after this movie, as she portrayed the ideal woman with dignity and devotion. She also played many other roles in Hindu mythology, such as Parvati, Radha, and Draupadi.

The movie also featured B.M. Vyas as Ravana, the king of Lanka and the main antagonist of the story. B.M. Vyas was a versatile actor who played both positive and negative roles in Hindi cinema. He was known for his powerful voice and commanding presence. Sulochana Latkar played Kaikeyi, the second wife of Dashrath and the mother of Bharat. Sulochana Latkar was a veteran actress who played many motherly roles in Hindi cinema. She was known for her emotional expressions and natural acting.

Other actors who played important roles in the movie were Lalita Pawar as Manthara, the maid who instigated Kaikeyi to ask for Rama’s exile; Helen as Surpanakha, the sister of Ravana who fell in love with Rama and Lakshman; Pal Sharma as Hanuman, the monkey god and the loyal devotee of Rama; Achala Sachdev as Kaushalya, the first wife of Dashrath and the mother of Rama; Krishna Kumari as Urmila, the wife of Lakshman; Raj Kumar as Lakshman, the younger brother of Rama; Anand Kumar as Bharat, the younger brother of Rama; Uma Dutt as Dashrath, the king of Ayodhya and the father of Rama; Badri Prasad as Vishwamitra, the sage who trained Rama and Lakshman; Paul Sharma as Sugriva, the king of monkeys and the ally of Rama; Sushil Kumar as Angad, the son of Sugriva and the messenger of Rama; Gopi Krishna as a dancer who performed in Ravana’s court.

What is the Plot of Sampoorna Ramayan Hindi Movie

Sampoorna Ramayan Hindi movie follows the plot of the Ramayana, the ancient Hindu epic that narrates the life and adventures of Rama, the seventh incarnation of Lord Vishnu. The movie covers the major events and episodes of the epic, such as:

  • The birth of Rama and his three brothers, Lakshman, Bharat, and Shatrughan, in the royal family of Ayodhya.
  • The childhood and education of Rama and his brothers under the guidance of sage Vishwamitra.
  • The marriage of Rama and Sita, the daughter of King Janak of Mithila, after Rama breaks the divine bow of Lord Shiva in a contest.
  • The exile of Rama for 14 years by his father Dashrath, who was bound by a promise he made to his second wife Kaikeyi, who wanted her son Bharat to be the king instead of Rama.
  • The journey of Rama, Sita, and Lakshman in the forest, where they encounter many sages, demons, and animals.
  • The abduction of Sita by Ravana, the ten-headed king of Lanka, who was enamored by her beauty and wanted to marry her.
  • The search for Sita by Rama and Lakshman, with the help of Hanuman, the monkey god, and Sugriva, the king of monkeys.
  • The building of a bridge across the ocean by the monkey army to reach Lanka.
  • The epic war between Rama and Ravana, in which Rama kills Ravana with his divine arrow.
  • The return of Rama, Sita, and Lakshman to Ayodhya after completing their exile.
  • The coronation of Rama as the king of Ayodhya and the establishment of Ram Rajya, a golden age of peace and prosperity.

The movie depicts the various characters and themes of the Ramayana in a faithful and respectful manner. It showcases the virtues of Rama as an ideal son, husband, brother, friend, and ruler. It also portrays the love and devotion of Sita as an ideal wife, who follows her husband in all circumstances. It highlights the loyalty and courage of Lakshman as an ideal brother, who protects his brother and sister-in-law. It celebrates the service and devotion of Hanuman as an ideal devotee, who performs miraculous feats for his lord. It also depicts the evil and arrogance of Ravana as an ideal villain, who defies God and causes misery to others.

What are the Reviews of Sampoorna Ramayan Hindi Movie

Sampoorna Ramayan Hindi movie received positive reviews from critics and audiences alike. The movie was praised for its faithful and respectful adaptation of the Ramayana, its impressive cast and performances, its melodious music and songs, and its spectacular special effects and visuals. The movie was a box office hit and became a milestone in the history of Hindu mythology. It also inspired many other movies and TV shows based on the Ramayana.

Some of the reviews of Sampoorna Ramayan Hindi movie are:

“Sampoorna Ramayana is a classic example of how a mythological film should be made. It captures the essence and spirit of the epic in a captivating and convincing manner. The director, Babubhai Mistry, has done a commendable job of bringing the story to life on the screen. The actors, especially Mahipal and Anita Guha, have given memorable performances as Rama and Sita. The music by Vasant Desai is soothing and soulful. The special effects are remarkable for their time and add to the grandeur of the film. Sampoorna Ramayana is a must-watch for all lovers of Indian culture and heritage.” – Filmfare

“Sampoorna Ramayana is a magnificent film that showcases the glory and beauty of the Ramayana. It is a faithful and respectful rendition of the epic that appeals to both the young and old. The film has a stellar cast that includes some of the finest actors of Hindi cinema. Mahipal and Anita Guha are perfect as Rama and Sita, embodying their virtues and emotions. B.M. Vyas is menacing as Ravana, while Pal Sharma is endearing as Hanuman. The film also has some of the best songs ever composed for a mythological film, sung by Lata Mangeshkar, Mohammed Rafi, Manna Dey, and others. The film also boasts of some amazing special effects that create a realistic and awe-inspiring world of gods, demons, and animals. Sampoorna Ramayana is a film that deserves to be seen and appreciated by all.” – The Times of India

“Sampoorna Ramayana is a masterpiece of Indian cinema that transcends its genre and time. It is a film that tells the story of Rama and Sita with utmost devotion and dignity. It is a film that showcases the talent and vision of Babubhai Mistry, who directed the film with passion and skill. It is a film that features an ensemble cast that delivers powerful and nuanced performances. Mahipal and Anita Guha are sublime as Rama and Sita, while B.M. Vyas, Sulochana Latkar, Lalita Pawar, Helen, Achala Sachdev, Krishna Kumari, Raj Kumar, Anand Kumar, Uma Dutt, Badri Prasad, Paul Sharma, Sushil Kumar, Gopi Krishna, and others are equally impressive in their respective roles. It is a film that has a rich and melodious music by Vasant Desai, with lyrics by Bharat Vyas. It is a film that has stunning special effects that create a magical and mythical world on the screen. Sampoorna Ramayana is a film that is not only entertaining but also enlightening. It is a film that celebrates the values and ideals of the Ramayana in a splendid and spectacular way.” – Hindustan Times


Sampoorna Ramayan Hindi movie is a classic and timeless film that presents the story of Rama and Sita in a beautiful and respectful way. It is a film that has everything that a mythological film should have: a captivating plot, a brilliant cast, a melodious music, and a spectacular visual effects. It is a film that appeals to all generations and cultures. It is a film that reflects the values and ideals of the Ramayana, such as truth, righteousness, loyalty, courage, and love. It is a film that deserves to be watched and cherished by everyone.

If you want to download Sampoorna Ramayan Hindi movie in HD quality, you can follow the steps mentioned in this article. However, you should be careful of the risks and legalities involved in using third-party websites. You should also respect the hard work and creativity of the filmmakers and actors who made this film possible. You should only download the movie for personal use and not for any commercial or illegal purposes.

Sampoorna Ramayan Hindi movie is a gem of Indian cinema that will never lose its charm and relevance. It is a film that will inspire and enrich you with its message and beauty. It is a film that will make you proud of your heritage and culture. It is a film that you should not miss.[How%20to%20Write%20Title%20Tags%20for%20SEO%205%20Best%20Practices](5).md
