Space Clash The Last Frontier Download |VERIFIED|


Space Clash: The Last Frontier: A Review of the 1999 RTS Game

If you are a fan of sci-fi and strategy games, you might have heard of Space Clash: The Last Frontier, a 1999 real-time strategy game for Windows. Developed by Enigma Software Productions and published by Dinamic Multimedia internationally (and by Russobit-M in Russia), Space Clash is a game that lets you take control of one of four galactic empires and fight for domination of a distant star system.

In this article, we will review Space Clash: The Last Frontier and give you some information on what it is, how to play it, where to download it, what are its system requirements, and what are its reviews. We will also provide some tips and tricks for both beginners and advanced players who want to improve their skills in this challenging game.

What is Space Clash: The Last Frontier?

Space Clash: The Last Frontier is a real-time strategy game that combines elements of exploration, trading, diplomacy, and combat. The game is set in a futuristic scenario where four rival factions compete for resources and territory in a star system called Carinae.

The game has two main modes: a space campaign and a linear campaign. In the space campaign

you can choose one of the four factions and explore the star system, build bases, trade with other factions, conduct diplomacy, and fight against your enemies. The space campaign is open-ended and dynamic, meaning that you can play as long as you want and the game will react to your actions. You can also switch between the factions at any time and see the game from different perspectives.

In the linear campaign, you follow a fixed storyline that involves all four factions. The linear campaign consists of 16 missions that are divided into four chapters, each focusing on one faction. The linear campaign is more scripted and challenging, requiring you to complete specific objectives and face different scenarios.

In addition to the space campaign and the linear campaign, the game also offers a multiplayer mode, a skirmish mode, and some special missions. The multiplayer mode allows you to play with up to seven other players online or on a local network. The skirmish mode lets you customize your own single-player or multiplayer battles with various options. The special missions are bonus missions that are unlocked after completing certain achievements in the game.

The Four Galactic Empires

Space Clash: The Last Frontier features four playable factions, each with its own background, culture, and style. They are:

  • The Terran Federation: The human faction that represents the Earth’s government and military. They are the most balanced and versatile faction, with a mix of offensive and defensive units and technologies. They have access to nuclear weapons, stealth technology, and advanced fighters.
  • The Kariak Empire: The alien faction that consists of insectoid creatures that live in a hive mind. They are the most aggressive and expansionist faction, with a focus on swarm tactics and biological warfare. They have access to organic units, acid weapons, and psionic abilities.
  • The Zeyss Alliance: The alien faction that is composed of reptilian beings that value honor and tradition. They are the most defensive and resilient faction, with a preference for heavy armor and firepower. They have access to shield generators, plasma cannons, and teleportation devices.
  • The Nahir Republic: The human faction that is formed by rebels and outcasts who oppose the Terran Federation. They are the most innovative and adaptable faction, with an emphasis on speed and mobility. They have access to energy weapons, cloaking devices, and hacking tools.

Each faction has its own strengths and weaknesses, as well as its own unique units and technologies. For example, the Terran Federation has the best fighters in the game, but they are vulnerable to psionic attacks. The Kariak Empire has the fastest units in the game, but they are weak against shields. The Zeyss Alliance has the strongest shields in the game, but they are slow and expensive. The Nahir Republic has the best hackers in the game, but they have limited resources.

The Game Modes

Space Clash: The Last Frontier offers different game modes for different tastes and preferences. They are:

  • The Space Campaign: The main mode of the game where you can choose one of the four factions and explore the star system, build bases, trade with other factions, conduct diplomacy, and fight against your enemies. You can switch between the factions at any time and see the game from different perspectives. The space campaign is open-ended and dynamic, meaning that you can play as long as you want and the game will react to your actions.
  • The Linear Campaign: The secondary mode of the game where you follow a fixed storyline that involves all four factions. The linear campaign consists of 16 missions that are divided into four chapters, each focusing on one faction. The linear campaign is more scripted and challenging, requiring you to complete specific objectives and face different scenarios.
  • The Multiplayer Mode: The online mode of the game where you can play with up to seven other players over the internet or on a local network. You can choose from various maps and settings, such as team or free-for-all mode, victory conditions, starting resources, etc. You can also create your own custom maps using the map editor.
  • The Skirmish Mode: The offline mode of the game where you can customize your own single-player or multiplayer battles with various options. You can choose from different maps, factions, difficulty levels, etc. You can also create your own custom maps using the map editor.
  • The Special Missions: The bonus mode of the game where you can play some extra missions that are unlocked after completing certain achievements in the game. These missions are more varied and creative than the regular ones, featuring different challenges and surprises.

The Game Features

Space Clash: The Last Frontier has many features that make it stand out from other RTS games of its time. Some of these features are:

  • The Real-Time Physics: The game uses a realistic physics engine that simulates the effects of gravity, inertia, collisions, and explosions. This means that the units and projectiles in the game behave according to the laws of physics, creating more immersive and dynamic gameplay. For example, you can use gravity to slingshot your ships around planets, or you can use asteroids as cover or weapons.
  • The Trading and Diplomacy System: The game allows you to interact with other factions in various ways, such as trading, forming alliances, declaring war, or spying. You can also influence the relations between other factions by using propaganda, sabotage, or bribery. The trading and diplomacy system adds more depth and strategy to the game, as you have to balance your economic and military interests.
  • The Resource Management: The game requires you to manage three types of resources: energy, metal, and population. Energy is used to power your buildings and units, metal is used to construct and repair your units and structures, and population is used to recruit and maintain your troops. You have to collect these resources from different sources, such as planets, asteroids, or trade routes. You also have to protect your resources from enemy attacks or theft.
  • The Space Mode: The game features a unique space mode that lets you zoom out and see the entire star system in a 3D map. You can use this mode to plan your moves, scout your enemies, or launch attacks from a distance. You can also switch between the space mode and the normal mode at any time during the game.

How to Play Space Clash: The Last Frontier?

Space Clash: The Last Frontier is a game that was released in 1999 for Windows 95 or 98. This means that it might not run properly on modern systems without some tweaks and tools. Here are some steps on how to install and run the game on your computer:

Tips and Tricks for Beginners

If you are new to Space Clash: The Last Frontier, you might find the game a bit overwhelming or confusing at first. Here are some tips and tricks that can help you get started:

  • Read the manual: The game comes with a detailed manual that explains the basics of the game, such as the interface, the controls, the units, the technologies, the factions, etc. You can find the manual in PDF format on or Junub Games. Reading the manual can give you a lot of useful information and tips that can improve your gameplay.
  • Play the tutorial: The game has a tutorial mode that teaches you how to play the game step by step. The tutorial covers topics such as how to build a base, how to collect resources, how to conduct diplomacy, how to fight battles, etc. Playing the tutorial can help you learn the ropes of the game and prepare you for the real challenges.
  • Play the linear campaign: The game has a linear campaign that follows a fixed storyline that involves all four factions. The linear campaign is more structured and guided than the space campaign, as it gives you specific objectives and scenarios to complete. Playing the linear campaign can help you get familiar with the game’s mechanics and features, as well as its story and characters.
  • Save often: The game does not have an autosave feature, so you have to manually save your progress frequently. You can save up to 10 games at a time using different slots. Saving often can prevent you from losing your progress in case of a crash or a mistake.
  • Adjust the difficulty: The game has three difficulty levels: easy, normal, and hard. You can choose the difficulty level before starting a new game or change it during the game using the options menu. Adjusting the difficulty can make the game more suitable for your skill level and preference.

Tips and Tricks for Advanced Players

If you are an experienced player of Space Clash: The Last Frontier, you might want to challenge yourself with some advanced strategies and tactics. Here are some tips and tricks that can help you improve your skills:

  • Optimize your economy: The game requires you to manage three types of resources: energy, metal, and population. You have to collect these resources from different sources, such as planets, asteroids, or trade routes. You also have to protect your resources from enemy attacks or theft. To optimize your economy , you have to balance your production and consumption of each resource, as well as your trade and diplomacy with other factions. You have to build and upgrade your resource buildings, such as power plants, mines, or farms, and assign workers to them. You also have to build and maintain your trade routes, such as spaceports, cargo ships, or satellites, and negotiate with other factions for favorable deals. You also have to monitor your resource levels and avoid shortages or surpluses that can affect your economy.
  • Use your special weapons: The game features a variety of special weapons that can give you an edge in combat. Each faction has its own unique special weapon that can be unlocked by researching a certain technology. For example, the Terran Federation has the nuclear missile, the Kariak Empire has the acid bomb, the Zeyss Alliance has the plasma storm, and the Nahir Republic has the EMP blast. These special weapons can cause massive damage to enemy units and structures, but they also have drawbacks, such as high cost, long cooldown, or collateral damage. You have to use your special weapons wisely and strategically, as they can turn the tide of a battle or backfire on you.
  • Exploit your faction’s advantages: The game features four playable factions, each with its own strengths and weaknesses, as well as its own unique units and technologies. You have to exploit your faction’s advantages and minimize its disadvantages to gain an advantage over your enemies. For example, the Terran Federation has the best fighters in the game, so you should use them to dominate the air and space battles. The Kariak Empire has the fastest units in the game, so you should use them to harass and flank your enemies. The Zeyss Alliance has the strongest shields in the game, so you should use them to protect your units and structures from enemy fire. The Nahir Republic has the best hackers in the game, so you should use them to disrupt and sabotage your enemies’ systems.
  • Counter your enemies’ strategies: The game features four playable factions, each with its own strengths and weaknesses, as well as its own unique units and technologies. You have to counter your enemies’ strategies and exploit their weaknesses to gain an advantage over them. For example, the Terran Federation is vulnerable to psionic attacks, so you should use the Kariak Empire’s psionic abilities to weaken their morale and control their units. The Kariak Empire is weak against shields, so you should use the Zeyss Alliance’s shield generators to block their acid weapons and organic units. The Zeyss Alliance is slow and expensive, so you should use the Nahir Republic’s energy weapons and cloaking devices to outmaneuver and outsmart them. The Nahir Republic has limited resources, so you should use the Terran Federation’s nuclear weapons and stealth technology to destroy their bases and units.

Where to Download Space Clash: The Last Frontier?

Space Clash: The Last Frontier is a game that was released in 1999 for Windows 95 or 98. This means that it might not be easy to find a copy of the game in physical or digital form. However, there are some sources where you can download the game legally and safely, such as or Junub Games.

How to Download from is a website that preserves and provides access to various types of digital content, such as books, music, videos, software, etc. You can download Space Clash: The Last Frontier from by following these steps:

  1. Go to this page on
  2. Click on the “SpaceClash.iso” file under “Download Options”.
  3. Save the file on your computer.
  4. Mount the file using a virtual drive program, such as Daemon Tools or PowerISO.
  5. Run the setup.exe file from the virtual drive.
  6. Follow the instructions on the screen to install the game.

How to Download from Junub Games?

Junub Games is a website that offers free downloads of old games for Windows. You can download Space Clash: The Last Frontier from Junub Games by following these steps:

  1. Go to this page on Junub Games.
  2. Click on the “Download Now” button under “Space Clash: The Last Frontier”.
  3. Save the file on your computer.
  4. Extract the file using a program like WinRAR or 7-Zip.
  5. Run the setup.exe file from the extracted folder.
  6. Follow the instructions on the screen to install the game.

What are the System Requirements for Space Clash: The Last Frontier?

Space Clash: The Last Frontier is a game that was released in 1999 for Windows 95 or 98. This means that it has relatively low system requirements compared to modern games. However, it might still have some compatibility issues with newer systems, so you might need to use some tools or tweaks to run it smoothly. Here is a table of the minimum and recommended system requirements for the game:

Modem or LAN for multiplayer
Minimum Recommended
Windows 95 or 98 Windows 98 SE or ME
Pentium 166 MHz processor Pentium II 266 MHz processor
32 MB of RAM 64 MB of RAM
4x CD-ROM drive 8x CD-ROM drive
DirectX 6.1 compatible sound card DirectX 7.0 compatible sound card
DirectX 6.1 compatible video card with 2 MB of VRAM DirectX 7.0 compatible video card with 4 MB of VRAM
800 MB of hard disk space 1 GB of hard disk space
Keyboard and mouse Keyboard and mouse
Modem or LAN for multiplayer

If you have a newer system, you might need to use some tools or tweaks to run the game smoothly. Some of these tools are:

  • DgVoodoo 2: A wrapper that allows you to run old games that use DirectX or Glide on modern systems. You can download it from here and follow the instructions on how to use it with Space Clash: The Last Frontier.
  • DxWnd: A tool that allows you to run old games in windowed mode, adjust the resolution, and fix some graphical issues. You can download it from here and follow the instructions on how to use it with Space Clash: The Last Frontier.
  • WineVDM: A tool that allows you to run old 16-bit Windows games on 64-bit Windows systems. You can download it from here and follow the instructions on how to use it with Space Clash: The Last Frontier.

What are the Reviews for Space Clash: The Last Frontier?

Space Clash: The Last Frontier is a game that received mixed reviews from critics and players when it was released in 1999. Some praised the game’s features, gameplay, and graphics, while others criticized the game’s flaws, bugs, and design choices. Here is a summary of the critical reception of the game from various sources:

Positive Reviews

Some of the positive reviews for Space Clash: The Last Frontier are:

  • “Space Clash is a very good game that offers a lot of variety and challenge. The graphics are excellent, the sound is good, and the gameplay is addictive. The game has a lot of features that make it stand out from other RTS games, such as the real-time physics, the trading and diplomacy system, the resource management, and the space mode. The game also has a lot of replay value, as you can play as four different factions, each with its own units and technologies. The game is not perfect, as it has some bugs and balance issues, but it is still a very enjoyable and rewarding game.” – SPOnG
  • “Space Clash is a game that deserves more attention and recognition than it got. It is a game that combines elements of exploration, trading, diplomacy, and combat in a sci-fi setting. The game has a lot of depth and strategy, as you have to manage your resources, interact with other factions, and fight against your enemies. The game also has a lot of features that make it unique and innovative, such as the real-time physics, the space mode, and the special weapons. The game is not flawless, as it has some glitches and flaws, but it is still a very fun and engaging game.” – YouTube
  • “Space Clash is a game that offers a lot of fun and challenge for RTS fans. The game has a lot of content and variety, as you can play as four different factions with their own units and technologies. The game also has a lot of modes and options, such as the space campaign, the linear campaign, the multiplayer mode, the skirmish mode, and the special missions. The game also has a lot of features that make it different and original, such as the real-time physics, the trading and diplomacy system, the resource management, and the space mode. The game is not without problems, as it has some bugs and issues, but it is still a very impressive and enjoyable game.” – Metacritic

Negative Reviews

Some of the negative reviews for Space Clash: The Last Frontier are:

  • “Space Clash is a game that fails to deliver on its promises. It is a game that tries to be too many things at once and ends up being none of them well. The game has a lot of flaws and bugs that ruin the gameplay experience. The graphics are dated and ugly, the sound is annoying and repetitive, and the gameplay is boring and frustrating. The game has a lot of features that sound good on paper but are poorly implemented or executed in reality. The game also has a lot of balance issues that make some factions or units overpowered or useless. The game is not worth your time or money.” – GameSpot
  • “Space Clash is a game that disappoints on every level. It is a game that has a lot of potential but wastes it on poor design choices and technical problems. The graphics are bland and pixelated, the sound is dull and generic, and the gameplay is tedious and unbalanced. The game has a lot of features that are either broken or useless in the game. The game also has a lot of modes and options that are either boring or confusing. The game is a waste of space and time.” – IGN
  • “Space Clash is a game that tries to be a StarCraft clone but fails miserably. It is a game that has a lot of bugs and glitches that make the game unplayable and unenjoyable. The graphics are low-quality and glitchy, the sound is noisy and irritating, and the gameplay is slow and dull. The game has a lot of features that are either poorly designed or poorly executed, such as the real-time physics, the trading and diplomacy system, the resource management, and the space mode. The game also has a lot of balance issues that make the game unfair and frustrating. The game is a disaster and a rip-off.” – Amazon


Space Clash: The Last Frontier is a 1999 real-time strategy game for Windows that lets you take control of one of four galactic empires and fight for domination of a distant star system. The game has a lot of features that make it unique and innovative, such as the real-time physics, the trading and diplomacy system, the resource management, and the space mode. The game also has a lot of modes and options that make it varied and replayable, such as the space campaign, the linear campaign, the multiplayer mode, the skirmish mode, and the special missions.

However, the game also has a lot of flaws and bugs that make it problematic and disappointing. The graphics are dated and ugly, the sound is annoying and repetitive, and the gameplay is boring and frustrating. The game also has a lot of balance issues that make some factions or units overpowered or useless. The game also has some compatibility issues with newer systems, so you might need to use some tools or tweaks to run it smoothly.

In conclusion, Space Clash: The Last Frontier is a game that has some potential but fails to deliver on its promises. It is a game that might appeal to some hardcore RTS fans who are looking for a challenge and a change of pace, but it is not a game that we would recommend to most gamers who are looking for a fun and enjoyable experience. If you are interested in playing Space Clash: The Last Frontier, you can download it from or Junub Games, but be prepared to face some difficulties and frustrations along the way.


Here are some frequently asked questions about Space Clash: The Last Frontier:

  • Q: How do I switch between factions in the space campaign?
    A: You can switch between factions in the space campaign by clicking on the faction icon on the top left corner of the screen. You can also press F1, F2, F3, or F4 to switch to the Terran Federation, the Kariak Empire, the Zeyss Alliance, or the Nahir Republic respectively.
  • Q: How do I unlock the special missions?
    A: You can unlock the special missions by completing certain achievements in the game. For example, you can unlock the “The Last Stand” mission by destroying all enemy bases in any mission. You can check your achievements by clicking on the trophy icon on the top right corner of the screen.
  • Q: How do I use my special weapons?
    A: You can use your special weapons by researching them first in your research center. Then you can select your special weapon from your command center and click on your target area on the map. You can only use your special weapon once per mission, so use it wisely.
  • Q: How do I trade with other factions?
    A: You can trade with other factions by building trade routes between your bases and theirs. You can build trade routes by using your cargo ships or satellites. You can also negotiate with other factions by using your diplomats or spies. You can access your trade and diplomacy menu by clicking on the dollar sign icon on the top right corner of the screen.
  • Q: How do I play multiplayer?
    A: You can play multiplayer by choosing the multiplayer mode from the main menu. You can either join an existing game or create your own game. You can choose from various maps and settings, such as team or free-for-all mode, victory conditions, starting resources, etc. You can also create your own custom maps using the map editor.
