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Speakychat Unban


Speakychat Unban

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MORE Info: Introduction of a Conceptual System: Pierre Lories. “Designers have always dreamt of a system that encompasses everything necessary in architecture. A system that provides a way of relating forms and shapes without resorting to the application of technical and mathematical disciplines, which engender an extraordinary range of technical uncertainty. Towards this end, the Architectural Laboratory in Toulouse, which was founded in 1970 by Pierre Lories, a modernist architect and a superb humanist, started research into architectural problems and basic principles. Our work began with two outstanding contributions, The Architectural Systems I and The Reversible Architectural System (TARS)”. Soundbites: Frère: “Social life [is now] in the service of a new organisation of commodities: the consumer society.” Professeur: “I think we are now about to enter a new period in the history of consumer society. We see the coming together of new forms of concentration of capital, through the new technologies. Precisely, the new technology is part of a new transformation in the organisation of productive forces and their place in the social organisation and the social roles of human beings. Indeed, this new human being, says [the] philosopher [Hannah] Arendt, is he who is fully capable of being free to do what he wants only if he is alone. He is the one who develops himself by himself. The sociality of man may no longer be based on interdependence, mutual aid or love. The new man must be a new human being, capable of keeping himself company”. Frère: “How do you imagine this new human being, a human being whose sociality would now be based on a new balance, where the individual’s needs are satisfied?” Professeur: “This new man, or new human being, is also the’superman’. This is the one who achieves an exceptional degree of performance. This is the one who can gratify all his desires. And, precisely, our whole technological society is developing in a way that is in accord with this new conception of man, as a consumer rather than as an active agent. This new consumer is the individual who enjoys whatever he wants. He has a dozen of super-phones, super-toys, super-tractors; an individual who is able to manage all his needs by himself. Our whole society is organised in such c6a93da74d

