The Big Book Of Clubbell Training Pdf Pdf Downloads Torrent !!BETTER!!

The Big Book of Clubbell Training PDF: How to Download and Use the Ultimate Guide to Swing, Snatch, and Squat with Clubbells

Do you want to learn how to use clubbells, the ancient weapons turned modern fitness tools, to improve your strength, stamina, mobility, and health? Do you want to access the most comprehensive and authoritative resource on clubbell training ever created? Do you want to download it for free as a PDF file? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this article is for you.

In this article, we will show you how to download and use The Big Book of Clubbell Training PDF, the second edition of the best-selling book by Scott Sonnon, the creator of the patented Clubbell® and the Circular Strength Training® (CST) system. We will also give you a brief overview of what clubbell training is, what are its benefits and drawbacks, and how to get started with it.

What is Clubbell Training?

Clubbell training is a form of exercise that involves swinging, snatching, and squatting with clubbells, which are weighted clubs that resemble baseball bats or bowling pins. Clubbells come in various sizes and weights, ranging from 5 lbs to 45 lbs. They are designed to provide a unique blend of functional, full-range, three-dimensional muscular development that stands in stark contrast to the problematic limitations of conventional two-dimensional linear training.

Clubbell training is based on the principles of Circular Strength Training (CST), which is a system of physical development created by Scott Sonnon, a world-renowned martial artist, coach, and fitness expert. CST aims to achieve optimal fitness by developing six attributes: strength, endurance, mobility, structure, breath, and intuition. CST also incorporates elements of flow psychology, which is the state of optimal performance and enjoyment.

Clubbell training has its roots in ancient history, as club-like weapons have been used for combat and fitness by various cultures around the world, such as Egypt, Persia, India, Britain, and Russia. Scott Sonnon has resurrected this ancient discipline through his own extensive research, experimentation, and personal practice. He has successfully integrated, evolved, and refined the club into one of the most “simply sophisticated” exercise approaches ever created.

What are the Benefits and Drawbacks of Clubbell Training?

Clubbell training has many benefits for users who want to improve their physical and mental fitness. Some of the benefits are:

  • It increases metabolism for a day-long fat burn.
  • It breaks up restrictive adhesions and calcium deposits around the joints.
  • It releases bound tension and restores natural range of motion.
  • It generates tremendous energy and vitality.
  • It increases bone density and prevents osteoporosis.
  • It reduces the risk of injury and enhances recovery.
  • It promotes significant gains in strength, power, stamina, endurance, and general health and longevity.
  • It improves coordination, balance, agility, accuracy, timing, and rhythm.
  • It enhances mental focus, concentration, awareness, creativity, and flow.
  • It is fun and challenging.

However, clubbell training also has some drawbacks that users should be aware of. Some of the drawbacks are:

  • It requires proper instruction and guidance from a qualified coach or trainer.
  • It may not be suitable for some people with certain medical conditions or injuries.
  • It may cause some discomfort or soreness during or after the training session.
  • It may require a lot of space and equipment.
  • It may be difficult to find or afford quality clubbells.

You should weigh the pros and cons of clubbell training before deciding to try it. You should also consult your doctor before starting any new exercise program. You should also learn from a certified CST coach or trainer or follow a reputable online course or program.

How to Download The Big Book of Clubbell Training PDF?

If you want to download The Big Book of Clubbell Training PDF for free as a torrent file

, you can visit the following link:

This link will take you to a website where you can view and download the PDF file of the book. You will need a PDF reader such as Adobe Acrobat Reader or Foxit Reader to open the file.

Please note that downloading copyrighted material may be illegal in some countries and may expose your computer to viruses or malware. We do not recommend or endorse downloading pirated content. Use it at your own risk.

How to Use The Big Book of Clubbell Training PDF?

Once you have downloaded and opened The Big Book of Clubbell Training PDF, you can use it as a reference guide or a training manual for clubbell training. The book contains 273 pages of information, illustrations, and instructions on how to use clubbells for fitness and health. The book is divided into six parts:

  • Part 1: Introduction – This part gives an overview of what clubbell training is, what are its benefits and drawbacks, and how it fits into the CST system.
  • Part 2: History – This part traces the origins and evolution of clubbell training from ancient times to modern days.
  • Part 3: Principles – This part explains the principles and concepts behind clubbell training, such as flow, intuition, diagnostics, assessment, and programming.
  • Part 4: Mechanics – This part covers the basic mechanics and techniques of clubbell training, such as safety strap, grip, alignment, approach, and swing.
  • Part 5: Exercises – This part contains a collection of nearly 100 proprietary clubbell exercises, organized by categories such as pendulum series, mill series, shield series, etc.
  • Part 6: Programs – This part provides several sample programs and workouts for different levels and goals of clubbell training.

You can use The Big Book of Clubbell Training PDF as a self-study guide or as a supplement to your online or offline coaching or training. You can also use it as a source of inspiration and motivation for your clubbell training journey.

How to Get Started with Clubbell Training?

If you are interested in trying clubbell training, you may wonder how to get started with it. Here are some tips and suggestions for beginners:

  • Get a pair of clubbells that suit your level and goal. You can buy them from the official website of RMAX International or from other online or offline retailers. You can also make your own clubbells from PVC pipes or other materials. The recommended weight for beginners is 5 lbs to 15 lbs.
  • Learn the basics of clubbell training from a certified CST coach or trainer or from a reputable online course or program. You can also use The Big Book of Clubbell Training PDF as a reference guide. Make sure you understand the principles, mechanics, and techniques of clubbell training before attempting any exercises.
  • Start with simple and easy exercises and gradually progress to more complex and challenging ones. Follow a structured program or workout that matches your level and goal. Do not overdo it or rush it. Listen to your body and adjust accordingly.
  • Practice regularly and consistently. Aim for at least three sessions per week, with at least one day of rest between sessions. Vary your exercises, intensity, duration, and frequency to avoid boredom and plateaus.
  • Have fun and enjoy the process. Clubbell training is not only a physical exercise but also a mental and emotional one. It can help you develop your focus, concentration, awareness, creativity, and flow. It can also make you feel energized, refreshed, and empowered.

Clubbell training is a rewarding and fulfilling activity that can improve your fitness and health in many ways. It can also be a lot of fun and challenge. If you want to learn more about clubbell training, you can download The Big Book of Clubbell Training PDF for free as a torrent file from the link provided in this article. However, please note that downloading copyrighted material may be illegal in some countries and may expose your computer to viruses or malware. We do not recommend or endorse downloading pirated content. Use it at your own risk.

How to Improve Your Clubbell Training?

If you are already familiar with clubbell training and want to take it to the next level, you may wonder how to improve your clubbell training. Here are some tips and suggestions for advanced users:

  • Get a pair of heavier or larger clubbells that challenge your strength and endurance. You can buy them from the official website of RMAX International or from other online or offline retailers. You can also use other types of clubs or maces that have different shapes and sizes. The recommended weight for advanced users is 15 lbs to 45 lbs.
  • Learn more advanced clubbell exercises and variations from a certified CST coach or trainer or from a reputable online course or program. You can also use The Big Book of Clubbell Training PDF as a reference guide. Make sure you master the basics before moving on to more advanced exercises.
  • Combine clubbell training with other modalities and methods of CST, such as bodyweight training, joint mobility training, breathwork training, flow state training, etc. You can also mix clubbell training with other forms of exercise, such as martial arts, yoga, kettlebells, etc. This will enhance your overall fitness and performance.
  • Compete in clubbell sport events or challenges. Clubbell sport is a form of competitive fitness that involves performing various clubbell exercises for time, reps, or points. It has attracted athletes from around the world who want to test their skills and abilities with clubbells. You can find more information about clubbell sport on the official website of RMAX International or on social media platforms.
  • Share your clubbell training experience and knowledge with others. You can join online or offline communities of clubbell enthusiasts who share your passion and interest in clubbell training. You can also teach or coach others who want to learn clubbell training. This will help you grow as a clubbell practitioner and as a person.

Clubbell training is a lifelong journey that can keep you fit and healthy in body, mind, and spirit. It can also be a source of joy and satisfaction. If you want to learn more about clubbell training, you can download The Big Book of Clubbell Training PDF for free as a torrent file from the link provided in this article. However, please note that downloading copyrighted material may be illegal in some countries and may expose your computer to viruses or malware. We do not recommend or endorse downloading pirated content. Use it at your own risk.


Clubbell training is a form of exercise that involves swinging, snatching, and squatting with clubbells, which are weighted clubs that resemble baseball bats or bowling pins. Clubbell training is based on the principles of Circular Strength Training (CST), which is a system of physical development created by Scott Sonnon, the creator of the patented Clubbell®. Clubbell training has many benefits for users who want to improve their strength, stamina, mobility, and health. It also has some drawbacks that users should be aware of.

If you want to learn more about clubbell training, you can download The Big Book of Clubbell Training PDF, the second edition of the best-selling book by Scott Sonnon, for free as a torrent file from the link provided in this article. The book contains 273 pages of information, illustrations, and instructions on how to use clubbells for fitness and health. The book is divided into six parts: introduction, history, principles, mechanics, exercises, and programs. You can use the book as a reference guide or a training manual for clubbell training.

However, please note that downloading copyrighted material may be illegal in some countries and may expose your computer to viruses or malware. We do not recommend or endorse downloading pirated content. Use it at your own risk.

We hope this article has been helpful for you. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to leave a comment below. Thank you for reading!
