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Tropical Cuties Adry 8228

. e878091efe. 5. 055. e878091efe. afd.— abstract: ‘The longstanding hypothesis that star formation is regulated by the accretion of gas onto galactic disks has been challenged by recent observational and theoretical results. In particular, the key element that is missing in the standard scenario is the existence of an efficient feedback mechanism capable of redistributing gas in the interstellar medium (ISM) and hence quenching the star formation. Here we present a suite of simulations in which we implement such a mechanism, which we refer to as [*photo-driven*]{}, that includes a physically-motivated model of radiative feedback and that specifically addresses the phase of star formation that takes place in molecular clouds. The basic idea is that radiation emitted by massive stars at short wavelengths can heat and compress surrounding gas, driving up its density and so facilitating its collapse to form stars. Using three-dimensional hydrodynamic simulations, we follow the evolution of isolated molecular clouds, which evolve into star-forming clusters, as a result of the introduction of a photo-feedback mechanism. Our work demonstrates that, compared to standard ‘isolated’ clouds, clouds in photo-feedback simulations are significantly more massive, compact, and have greater total masses of gas and stars, and that the mass of stars produced is higher. We also show that the star-forming clouds that arise in our simulations tend to form clusters with a significantly greater stellar density than the clouds in the standard isolated cloud model. Photo-feedback therefore naturally produces a situation where a higher proportion of the gas in the ISM is in a collapsed and star-forming state. Finally, we show that, in photo-feedback simulations, the gas fraction of a star-forming cloud (gas that has formed stars) is typically 30% lower than in the isolated cloud model, and that the gas fractions of star-forming clouds tend to decrease with time as star formation progresses. Taken together, these results provide significant support for the importance of photo-feedback as a feedback mechanism that operates during the early phase of star formation in galactic disks.’ author: – | A. M. Hopkins$^{1}$[^1], R. J. Haworth$^{1}$[^2] and J. A. Goodman$^{2}$[^3]\ $^{1}$Department of Physics, Oxford University, Denys Wilkinson

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