TVideoGrabber CSharp And VB.NET ✋🏿

How to Use TVideoGrabber CSharp and VB.NET for Video Capture and Processing

TVideoGrabber is a video capture/media player SDK for development of C#, VB, C++, Delphi, C++Builder, and ActiveX-compatible applications. TVideoGrabber can capture audio and video from live recording devices such as webcams, usb video recording gadgets, PCI HD cards as well as a collection of bitmap images as video sources. This software allows you to capture video in various video formats without the need for additional programs with the help of built-in codecs. It is possible to directly stream video streams to other programs through the network and media servers, you can merge several different clips into one clip and break a large clip into a number of smaller clips, each of which can be stored and processed in different formats. In this article, we will show you how to use TVideoGrabber CSharp and VB.NET for video capture and processing.

Installing TVideoGrabber CSharp and VB.NET

To install TVideoGrabber CSharp and VB.NET, you need to download the package from the official website or from other sources . The package includes demo projects showing how to implement the simplest as well as the most advanced features, with only a few lines of code. You can also find the documentation and the reference manual on the website. After downloading the package, you need to unzip it and run the setup file. Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the installation.

Using TVideoGrabber CSharp and VB.NET for Video Capture

To use TVideoGrabber CSharp and VB.NET for video capture, you need to add a reference to the TVideoGrabber.dll assembly in your project. You can do this by right-clicking on your project in the Solution Explorer, selecting Add Reference, browsing to the folder where you installed TVideoGrabber, and selecting the TVideoGrabber.dll file. Then, you need to add a using statement at the top of your code file:

using Datastead.TVideoGrabber;

Next, you need to create an instance of the TVideoGrabber class and set its properties according to your needs. For example, you can set the VideoSource property to select the device or file that you want to capture from, the VideoFormat property to select the resolution and frame rate of the video, the RecordingFileName property to specify where to save the captured video, etc. You can also use various events and methods to control and monitor the capture process, such as OnFrameCaptureCompleted, StartRecording, PauseRecording, StopRecording, etc.

Here is an example of how to use TVideoGrabber CSharp and VB.NET for video capture from a webcam:

// create an instance of TVideoGrabber
TVideoGrabber videoGrabber = new TVideoGrabber();

// set the video source to webcam
videoGrabber.VideoSource = VideoSource.vs_VideoCaptureDevice;

// set the device name
videoGrabber.VideoDevice = "USB Webcam";

// set the video format
videoGrabber.VideoFormat = "RGB24 (640x480)";

// set the recording file name
videoGrabber.RecordingFileName = "C:\\Temp\\Video.avi";

// subscribe to the OnFrameCaptureCompleted event
videoGrabber.OnFrameCaptureCompleted += new FrameCaptureCompletedEventHandler(videoGrabber_OnFrameCaptureCompleted);

// start recording

The OnFrameCaptureCompleted event handler can be used to perform some actions after each frame is captured, such as displaying it on a picture box or saving it as an image file:

void videoGrabber_OnFrameCaptureCompleted(object sender, FrameCaptureCompletedEventArgs e)
// display the captured frame on a picture box
pictureBox1.Image = e.FrameBitmap;

// save the captured frame as an image file
e.FrameBitmap.Save("C:\\Temp\\Frame" + e.FrameNumber + ".bmp");

To stop recording, you can use the StopRecording method:

// stop recording

Using TVideoGrabber CSharp and VB.NET for Media Playback

TVideoGrabber CSharp and VB.NET can also be used for media playback, such as playing audio and video files or streams. You can use the same TVideoGrabber class and set its properties accordingly. For example, you can set the VideoSource property to select the file or stream that you want to play, the PlaybackSpeed property to adjust the playback speed, the Volume property to adjust the volume, etc. You can also use various events and methods to control and monitor the playback process, such as OnPlayerOpened, OnPlayerClosed, OnPlayerEndOfStream, Play, Pause, Stop, SeekToTime, SeekToFrame, etc.

Here is an example of how to use TVideoGrabber CSharp and VB.NET for media playback from a local file:

// create an instance of TVideoGrabber
TVideoGrabber videoGrabber = new TVideoGrabber();

// set the video source to file
videoGrabber.VideoSource = VideoSource.vs_FileOrURL;

// set the file name
videoGrabber.PlayerFileName = "C:\\Temp\\Video.avi";

// subscribe to the OnPlayerOpened event
videoGrabber.OnPlayerOpened += new PlayerOpenedEventHandler(videoGrabber_OnPlayerOpened);

// open the file

The OnPlayerOpened event handler can be used to perform some actions after the file is opened, such as displaying its duration and frame rate or starting the playback:

void videoGrabber_OnPlayerOpened(object sender, EventArgs e)
// display the file duration and frame rate
label1.Text = "Duration: " + videoGrabber.PlayerDuration + " seconds";
label2.Text = "Frame rate: " + videoGrabber.FrameRate + " fps";

// start playing

To pause or resume the playback, you can use the Pause method:

// pause or resume playing

To stop the playback and close the file, you can use the Stop method:

// stop playing and close the file

Using TVideoGrabber CSharp and VB.NET for Video Processing

TVideoGrabber CSharp and VB.NET can also be used for video processing, such as applying filters, effects, overlays, rotations, cropping and more. You can use the same TVideoGrabber class and set its properties accordingly. For example, you can set the VideoProcessing property to enable or disable video processing, the AdjustBrightness property to adjust the brightness of the video, the TextOverlay property to add text over the video, etc. You can also use various events and methods to perform custom video processing, such as OnFrameBitmapPrepared, OnFrameOverlayUsingDC, OnFrameOverlayUsingGDIPlus, etc.

Here is an example of how to use TVideoGrabber CSharp and VB.NET for video processing from a webcam:

// create an instance of TVideoGrabber
TVideoGrabber videoGrabber = new TVideoGrabber();

// set the video source to webcam
videoGrabber.VideoSource = VideoSource.vs_VideoCaptureDevice;

// set the device name
videoGrabber.VideoDevice = "USB Webcam";

// enable video processing
videoGrabber.VideoProcessing = true;

// adjust brightness
videoGrabber.AdjustBrightness = true;
videoGrabber.Brightness = 50;

// add text overlay
videoGrabber.TextOverlay = true;
videoGrabber.TextOverlay_Left = 10;
videoGrabber.TextOverlay_Top = 10;
videoGrabber.TextOverlay_String = "Hello World!";

// start previewing

The OnFrameBitmapPrepared event handler can be used to perform some custom video processing on each frame bitmap before it is displayed or recorded:

void videoGrabber_OnFrameBitmapPrepared(object sender, FrameBitmapPreparedEventArgs e)
// get the frame bitmap
Bitmap bitmap = e.FrameBitmap;

// perform some custom processing on the bitmap
// e.g. invert colors
for (int x = 0; x < bitmap.Width; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < bitmap.Height; y++)
Color color = bitmap.GetPixel(x,y);
color = Color.FromArgb(255 - color.R, 255 - color.G, 255 - color.B);

// set the modified bitmap back to the event args
e.FrameBitmap = bitmap;

Using TVideoGrabber CSharp and VB.NET for Streaming

TVideoGrabber CSharp and VB.NET can also be used for streaming, such as sending or receiving audio and video streams over the network or through media servers. You can use the same TVideoGrabber class and set its properties accordingly. For example, you can set the VideoSource property to select the stream that you want to play or record, the NetworkStreaming property to enable or disable network streaming, the NetworkStreamingType property to select the streaming protocol, the NetworkStreamingURL property to specify the streaming URL, etc. You can also use various events and methods to control and monitor the streaming process, such as OnNetworkStreamingStarted, OnNetworkStreamingStopped, OnNetworkStreamingError, StartNetworkStreaming, StopNetworkStreaming, etc.

Here is an example of how to use TVideoGrabber CSharp and VB.NET for streaming from a webcam to a media server:

// create an instance of TVideoGrabber
TVideoGrabber videoGrabber = new TVideoGrabber();

// set the video source to webcam
videoGrabber.VideoSource = VideoSource.vs_VideoCaptureDevice;

// set the device name
videoGrabber.VideoDevice = "USB Webcam";

// enable network streaming
videoGrabber.NetworkStreaming = true;

// set the network streaming type to RTMP
videoGrabber.NetworkStreamingType = NetworkStreamingType.nst_RTMP;

// set the network streaming URL
videoGrabber.NetworkStreamingURL = "rtmp://";

// subscribe to the OnNetworkStreamingStarted event
videoGrabber.OnNetworkStreamingStarted += new NetworkStreamingStartedEventHandler(videoGrabber_OnNetworkStreamingStarted);

// start network streaming

The OnNetworkStreamingStarted event handler can be used to perform some actions after the network streaming is started, such as displaying a message or opening a web browser:

void videoGrabber_OnNetworkStreamingStarted(object sender, EventArgs e)
// display a message
MessageBox.Show("Network streaming started.");

// open a web browser to view the stream

To stop network streaming, you can use the StopNetworkStreaming method:

// stop network streaming

Using TVideoGrabber CSharp and VB.NET for Merging and Splitting Clips

TVideoGrabber CSharp and VB.NET can also be used for merging and splitting clips, such as combining several clips into a single one or breaking a clip into smaller ones. You can use the same TVideoGrabber class and set its properties accordingly. For example, you can set the MergeType property to select the merge mode, the MergeSourceFileNames property to specify the source files to merge, the MergeTargetFileName property to specify the target file name for merging, etc. You can also use various events and methods to control and monitor the merging process, such as OnMergeCompleted, OnMergeProgress, StartMerge, CancelMerge, etc.

Here is an example of how to use TVideoGrabber CSharp and VB.NET for merging two clips into one:

// create an instance of TVideoGrabber
TVideoGrabber videoGrabber = new TVideoGrabber();

// set the merge type to append mode
videoGrabber.MergeType = MergeType.mt_Append;

// set the source file names to merge
videoGrabber.MergeSourceFileNames = new string[] {"C:\\Temp\\Video1.avi", "C:\\Temp\\Video2.avi"};

// set the target file name for merging
videoGrabber.MergeTargetFileName = "C:\\Temp\\MergedVideo.avi";

// subscribe to the OnMergeCompleted event
videoGrabber.OnMergeCompleted += new MergeCompletedEventHandler(videoGrabber_OnMergeCompleted);

// start merging

The OnMergeCompleted event handler can be used to perform some actions after the merging is completed, such as displaying a message or playing the merged file:

void videoGrabber_OnMergeCompleted(object sender, EventArgs e)
// display a message
MessageBox.Show("Merging completed.");

// play the merged file
videoGrabber.VideoSource = VideoSource.vs_FileOrURL;
videoGrabber.PlayerFileName = "C:\\Temp\\MergedVideo.avi";

To split a clip into smaller ones, you can use the Split method:

// split a clip into smaller ones
videoGrabber.Split("C:\\Temp\\Video.avi", "C:\\Temp\\Split", 10);

This will split the clip into 10-second segments and save them as Split_0000.avi, Split_0001.avi, etc.


TVideoGrabber CSharp and VB.NET is a versatile and powerful SDK for video capture, playback, processing, streaming, merging and splitting. It supports various video sources, formats, codecs, protocols and devices. It provides a simple and comprehensive interface for developers to implement the most common as well as the most advanced features with only a few lines of code. It also offers various events and methods for customizing and controlling the video operations. TVideoGrabber CSharp and VB.NET is a great tool for adding video and audio capabilities to your applications.
