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.  . A: If you want to be parsing something within a JS string, you will have to use either some sort of web browser, or a program which can access the DOM. You could use the StackExchange Bot to make web requests, apropos of course to any logic about what page they are on. For something from a node.js application, I’d recommend using a library for traversing a JS object, such as cheerio. Q: Templating website with Bootstrap I need a help in creating a website template, the idea is that the page is a grid of containers so that the user can add each elements he wants. I’d like the user to be able to edit and add content so if I add (i.e. create/edit content) content and save, I want that content to be available in the same place. Example of the idea, as you can see, I have added a picture and when I save I’d like that picture also to be saved. I like the idea of using Bootstrap so I can edit and add the content in a editable content area. HTML: 50b96ab0b6

A: Definitely un-related, I’ll ask about that later… but I’ll try to give some ideas as to why what you’re seeing is the case. var coll = (from web in weblogs where web.Title == “Wackestone Software” select web.Path); My suspicion is that this query is returning an array of objects which includes the object you’re getting stuck on. Try including a FromADataTable into the query itself. Of course, if you want to look at the database (or perhaps server) directly, you can do that as well: var coll = (from web in weblogs where web.Title == “Wackestone Software” select new { web.Path, web.Title }); If the fields are not reference types, you’ll have to tell me more about the nature of those objects to get better suggestions. Story highlights Zhao is China’s first female leader, the first Chinese president to become Communist Party chief He was also until recently secretary of the powerful Communist Party’s Central Military Commission (CNN) Hours before his alleged disappearance in China last week, Zhao Kaiyang, 61, offered a prediction: he was sure that he’d be back. “Let’s see what happens,” he said in the last interview he gave, in an audio recording that was shared widely, in which he spoke with Chinese state broadcaster CCTV. Zhao’s disappearance came at the end of an episode that began with him summoning three of his allies to a meeting with Chinese security services. The message from his security detail was that they expected him to be taken to an “institution for’re-education,'” according to a former government official who was briefed on the case but requested anonymity. Three security officials went to the meeting that day, but according to multiple sources who spoke to CNN, they were met with a blockade. Zhao Kaiyang and the two men, according to the sources, were then detained at a