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WuInstall is a command line utility designed to help you install windows-updates for a certain workstation in a controlled way by using a command line script instead of the standard window update functionality.
It can be used by administrators for updates on many workstations using scripts or for users who do not want to us the automatic windows updates.
WuInstall uses the windows update API and is written in C++. It searches either on the Microsoft – Update – Server or at the internal WSUS-Sever (depending on system configuration) for currently available updates for the current workstation and can also download and/or installs these updates.







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# This script makes sure only the ones specified in the script are installed
# and the default updater installed is not installed but is bypassed
# Updates for various software components like – OLE, Direct2D, Printer, USB, Surface, Multimedia, etc. (basically,
# all the common “non-NTFS” components) can be specified to be included into the update.
# Using this approach allows you to have updates that install easily on your workstation and need not be specific
# to that machine.
# WuInstall supports Microsoft Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008.
# (Unix is supported as well but is not the focus of this project)
# 1. Run a script that uses WuInstall
# 2. the same script will download the updates and install them
# 3. Repeat steps 1-2 until you have installed all available updates
# You can specify which components to install in the script using ‘Component IDs’
# eg. ‘Background Photo’ (955453 ), ‘Snipping Tool’ (453 ), ‘My Documents’ (446 ), etc
# An update is separated into components which are identified by the component id.
# These components can consist of multiple update strings (as in: ‘Reduced Pulse “5.37”‘).
# Components are separated by ‘;’
# The update strings are separated by ‘,’
# All components can be combined using ‘+’
# Component strings start with a Component Id (like in ‘Background Photo’), followed by
# a single ‘;’ (seperator) and then followed by the update string.
# Component Update Component Update
# Backgroun Photo


Installing Multiple Windows Updates
When a computer needs multiple updates it is common practice to run one update script for each update.
When that update script is run the script either runs system(“msiexec /qn /norestart /i S:\sql\wuinstall\wu_2012.1.0_x64.msi”); or through the window update API.
There is a very big difference between the ways the update script can be run. In the first case only one computer will be updated (msiexec /qn /norestart /i S:\sql\wuinstall\wu_2012.1.0_x64.msi) and in the second case (same command line in a batch file) all computers will be updated.
All the script does is to locate the current windows update and schedule the execution of all updates.
If you do not want the automatic updates for a certain workstation a batch file can be run, in this case each workstation needs to be updated one by one with the update command. This can be done either using the wuinstall and system API or by using the manual solution of downloading each update and running it using the scheduler.
Installation Method:
The script is installed on a local server where you have access.
To configure the following parameters in the wu_*.ini must be changed:
[p1] root = c:\temp\wuInstall
The user where you want the script to be installed.
[p2] support = true
Install updates not marked as important
[p3] certificate_store = cert:\localmachine\pki\root\x509_ca_cert_extern
The store where certificates from the WU are downloaded and saved.
[p4] certificate_store_type = cert:\localmachine\pki\root\cacert
The type of store where certificates from the WU are downloaded and saved.
[p5] certificate_store_name = extern_store
The name of the external store where certificates from the WU are downloaded and saved.
If you need to install updates manually without the script you can start the wuinstall.cmd and give your options by typing them after the /?
(x,y) component : update to be installed
/q /nore

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– The user runs the utility.
– The user enters a File-Path where the.nupkg files are located.
– If additional parameters are entered via the command line, they are stored in the configuration files.
– The utility attempts to find an appropriate wizard or downloader for the application package (usually.msi or.cab file).
– If a downloader for the application is found, it will start downloading the update.
– If a wizard is found, it will start installing the update.
– The user can abort the installation manually.
– The user can export the current configuration including all data and settings to a file by entering the export command.
– The configuration can be imported into a new wuinstall.exe instance.
– The user can manage the installed updates.
– The user can also disable the automatic updating.
– The user can force the update check for updates by just running the updatemethod.
– With this method, the utility also collects the current errors and informs the user if any errors occur.
– The user can reset all data and settings. This method clears all configuration data, as well as all downloaded and installed updates.
– After a reset the update-check will be performed automatically.
– The user can save the wizard.
– The user can export the data and settings of a wizard.
– For wizards and configs which can not be exported, the data/settings will be stored in the config file. For wizards without configs, the data/settings will be stored in the wizard-data/settings file.
– The user can uninstall the wizard
– The user can delete the program.
– The user can start the utility multiple times with the same parameters.
– The user can launch the utility via an.exe-file, a.url-file or the windows-update browser.
– The use can also run the program in a terminal window
– Version 1.1:
– Removed saving of nupkg-files directly into the directory. The update downloader now saves the nupkg into a directory, so the user can move the nupkg directly to another directory without requiring the downloader to copy the file.
– Added support for installing the wizard and uninstallation of the wizard.
– The update checking has been moved from the wuinstall.exe to the WinAPI.exe
– The config file can store the path of

What’s New In?

WuInstall Features:
– Command line interface for updates and installation;
– Command line interface for checking if system is currently updating;
– Command line interface for running either the windows update (msispsu) or the wuinstall script (msipusertc);
– Tool for uploading updates using the WSUS API;
– Tool for checking if the workstation meets the criteria for an update (useful to filter updates using either a whitelist or a blacklist);
– Tool to manage the workstation updates (add, remove, install, uninstall, check for latest version);
– Tool to schedule updates (WUAdmin does not support this functionality at this time);
– When system is updating, a check is done, if updates are available and if they are important, they are installed;
– Ability to download updates (using wuinstall.exe) and install them directly;
– Allows a script (I would prefer a keyboard shortcut) to execute the commands;
– Command line provides an easy way to check if the current workstation needs an update, using the command wuinstall –check-for-update;
– At the end of the update process all configurations and updates are saved;
– Disconnects from WSUS if active, and re-connects if necessary;
– Can use a whitelist or blacklist of updates to update a certain system;
– Allows to set a timeout for the process;
– Allows to install a list of updates, a package or folder.
– Uses an internal timer, if no process has been running for 1 min, the system is considered not to be updating and the update process is aborted
– There is a OnBeforeUpdate, OnUpdated, OnCheckForUpdate, OnCheckForInstalled, OnDidInstall and OnInstalled event, so you can react to each update and also check if updates have been installed.
WuInstall Requirements:
– At least.net framework 4.5 for the wuinstall.exe;
– Win7 or Windows Server 2008R2 are fully supported, but the WSUS API needs.net 4.5. So wuinstall works on Windows 2008R2 if the user has.net framework 4.0.
– As the wuinstall.exe file is only 22KB in size, you need a minimum amount of system resources to work with it (2

System Requirements:

ADSL + Broadband Internet connection
Disc version for PC:
OS Windows XP/Vista/7 (64-bit)
2.0 GHz or higher
1024 MB RAM (1000 MB recommended)
256 MB (1024 MB recommended)
Hard Disk:
4.0 GB free space (256 MB recommended)
Disc version for MAC:
OS MAC 10.7 or later
