Zoo 2 Animal Park Mod Apk 1.89.0

Zoo 2: Animal Park Mod APK 1.89.0 – A Fun and Exciting Game for Animal Lovers

If you love animals and want to create your own zoo, then you should try Zoo 2: Animal Park, a simulation game where you can build and manage your own zoo. And if you want to have more fun and freedom in the game, then you should download Zoo 2: Animal Park Mod APK 1.89.0, a modified version of the original game that gives you unlimited money and diamonds.

What is Zoo 2: Animal Park?

Zoo 2: Animal Park is a simulation game where you can build and manage your own zoo. You can choose from hundreds of different animals, buildings, decorations, and items to create your dream zoo. You can also breed and crossbreed different animals and create new species. You can interact with your animals and visitors and complete quests and challenges.

Zoo 2: Animal Park is a sequel to the popular Zoo Mobile game with improved graphics and features. It has a captivating story mode where you have to save your aunt’s zoo from being closed down by a greedy mayor. You have to prove that your zoo is worth saving by attracting more visitors and expanding your zoo.

What is Zoo 2: Animal Park Mod APK 1.89.0?

Zoo 2: Animal Park Mod APK 1.89.0 is a modified version of the original game that gives you unlimited money and diamonds. Money and diamonds are the main currencies in the game that you need to buy animals, buildings, decorations, and items. With unlimited money and diamonds, you can buy anything you want in the game without any restrictions.

Zoo 2: Animal Park Mod APK 1.89.0 is also a way to enjoy the game without any ads or in-app purchases. Ads can be annoying and distracting when you are playing the game, especially when they pop up randomly or when you are watching videos to earn rewards. In-app purchases can be tempting but expensive when you want to buy more money or diamonds in the game. With Zoo 2: Animal Park Mod APK 1.89.0, you don’t have to worry about ads or in-app purchases anymore. You can just focus on playing the game and having fun.

How to download and install Zoo 2: Animal Park Mod APK 1.89.0?

If you want to download and install Zoo 2: Animal Park Mod APK 1.89.0 on your Android device, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Click on the download link below to download the mod apk file.
  2. Go to your device settings and enable the installation of apps from unknown sources.
  3. Locate the downloaded mod apk file and tap on it to start the installation process.
  4. Follow the instructions on the screen and wait for the installation to finish.
  5. Launch the game and enjoy Zoo 2: Animal Park Mod APK 1.89.0.

Before you install the mod apk file, you need to take some precautions to avoid any problems or risks. You should:

  • Backup your original game data in case you want to restore it later.
  • Uninstall the original game from your device before installing the mod apk file.
  • Use a VPN or a proxy server to hide your IP address and avoid getting banned by the game developers.
  • Use a reliable antivirus or malware scanner to scan the mod apk file for any viruses or malware.

What are the features of Zoo 2: Animal Park Mod APK 1.89.0?

Zoo 2: Animal Park Mod APK 1.89.0 offers many features that make the game more fun and exciting. Here are some of the features that you can enjoy with the mod apk:

Feature Description
Unlimited money and diamonds You can buy anything you want in the game with unlimited money and diamonds. You can buy more animals, buildings, decorations, and items to create your dream zoo.
Access to all animals, buildings, decorations, and items You can access all the animals, buildings, decorations, and items in the game without any limitations. You can choose from hundreds of different options and create your own unique zoo.
Ability to customize your zoo with different themes and styles You can customize your zoo with different themes and styles to suit your preferences. You can choose from different biomes, such as savanna, jungle, arctic, or desert. You can also choose from different styles, such as modern, classic, or fantasy.
Ability to breed and crossbreed different animals and create new species You can breed and crossbreed different animals and create new species in your zoo. You can discover new combinations and see what happens when you mix different animals together. You can also name your new species and share them with other players.
Ability to interact with your animals and visitors and complete quests and challenges You can interact with your animals and visitors and complete quests and challenges in the game. You can feed, pet, play with, and take pictures of your animals. You can also chat with your visitors and see what they think of your zoo. You can also complete quests and challenges to earn rewards and unlock new features.

Why should you play Zoo 2: Animal Park Mod APK 1.89.0?

Zoo 2: Animal Park Mod APK 1.89.0 is a great game for animal lovers who want to have more fun and freedom in creating their own zoo. Here are some of the benefits of playing the mod apk version of the game:

  • You can have more fun and freedom in creating your dream zoo with unlimited money and diamonds.
  • You can save time and money by not having to watch ads or spend real money in the game.
  • You can explore new possibilities and combinations with unlimited resources in the game.


Zoo 2: Animal Park is a simulation game where you can build and manage your own zoo. You can choose from hundreds of different animals, buildings, decorations, and items to create your dream zoo. You can also breed and crossbreed different animals and create new species. You can interact with your animals and visitors and complete quests and challenges.

Zoo 2: Animal Park Mod APK 1.89.0 is a modified version of the original game that gives you unlimited money and diamonds. You can buy anything you want in the game without any restrictions. You can also enjoy the game without any ads or in-app purchases. You can customize your zoo with different themes and styles. You can breed and crossbreed different animals and create new species. You can interact with your animals and visitors and complete quests and challenges.

Zoo 2: Animal Park Mod APK 1.89.0 is a fun and exciting game for animal lovers who want to have more fun and freedom in creating their own zoo. If you want to download and install Zoo 2: Animal Park Mod APK 1.89.0 on your Android device, you can follow the steps and precautions mentioned above. You can also check out the features and benefits of playing the mod apk version of the game. You will surely enjoy Zoo 2: Animal Park Mod APK 1.89.0.


Here are some of the frequently asked questions and their answers about Zoo 2: Animal Park and Zoo 2: Animal Park Mod APK 1.89.0:

  1. Is Zoo 2: Animal Park Mod APK 1.89.0 safe to download and install?
  2. Yes, Zoo 2: Animal Park Mod APK 1.89.0 is safe to download and install, as long as you download it from a trusted source and scan it for any viruses or malware before installing it. You should also use a VPN or a proxy server to hide your IP address and avoid getting banned by the game developers.

  3. Is Zoo 2: Animal Park Mod APK 1.89.0 compatible with all Android devices?
  4. Zoo 2: Animal Park Mod APK 1.89.0 is compatible with most Android devices that have Android 4.4 or higher as their operating system. However, some devices may not support the mod apk file or may experience some glitches or errors while playing the game.

  5. Can I play Zoo 2: Animal Park Mod APK 1.89.0 online or offline?
  6. Zoo 2: Animal Park Mod APK 1.89.0 can be played both online and offline. However, some features of the game, such as visiting other players’ zoos, sharing your new species, or receiving updates, may require an internet connection.

  7. Can I play Zoo 2: Animal Park Mod APK 1.89.0 with my friends or other players?
  8. Yes, you can play Zoo 2: Animal Park Mod APK 1.89.0 with your friends or other players online. You can visit their zoos, chat with them, send them gifts, or challenge them to competitions.

  9. Can I restore my original game data after uninstalling Zoo 2: Animal Park Mod APK 1.89.0?
  10. Yes, you can restore your original game data after uninstalling Zoo 2: Animal Park Mod APK 1.89.0, as long as you have backed it up before installing the mod apk file. You can use a cloud service or a file manager app to backup and restore your game data.
