Zulfikar Ali Bhutto If I Am Assassinated Pdf UPD Download


Zulfikar Ali Bhutto If I Am Assassinated Pdf Download

The editor of the Bengali language newspaper, Dakin, asked Bhutto to write his memoirs. Bhutto did so, believing that, at least in this case, he had been coerced. He saw this as a way of getting back at the editors who had sacked him from their magazine. But the recollections are very interesting, as are Bhutto s views on the state of Pakistan. The Bhutto family had been prominent in the Punjab since the late-19th century. Zulfikar Ali Bhutto and Fatima Jinnah, his wife, are particularly fascinating in this respect. Bhutto on the one hand could be conservative and reactionary while, on the other, he could be a friend of the Left. Why did Bhutto go with many of the tenets of Islam, which were widely held by the landed class of the Punjab, but not with socialism? His politics were contradictory. There is a reason for that. With the arrival of socialism in the 1970s, the Bhutto family grew more radical.

One of the problems with a book on a family or dynasty, is that it invariably provides a largely favorable picture of the leaders of the family. This is no surprise; if the leading members of a family are not powerful and influential, then there is little point in writing about them. In the case of the Bhutto family, however, the picture painted by Bennett-Jones for The Bhutto Dynasty is hardly flattering. It has long been clear that Zulfikar was disliked by his own father, but the extent to which the two men had an antagonistic relationship is revealed in the terms used by Bennett-Jones to describe Murtaza Bhutto: he was a man of few opinions and many fears, slow to grasp a point of view and slow to form one at all…. He was a reluctant man and a doubtful leader who cared nothing for the public good. 44 When Murtaza Bhutto was first elected prime minister in 1967, Zulfikar was only a child. Murtaza, as Bennett-Jones describes it, was not anxious to deal with the fractious leader who was not his son. His preferred solution was to sack Zulfikar as foreign minister, and when that did not work, he sacked him as foreign secretary. 4 Finally Murtaza Bhutto agreed to give Zulfikar a small ministerial post in 1966. At this time, it was his only test of political loyalty. 44 In 1967, neither appointment proved successful.

Zulfikar Ali Bhutto if I Am Assassinated Pdf Download, it goes without saying that the book could not have been written without the assistance of some very clever people. Owen Bennett-Jones has been a special correspondent in many of the violent conflicts of the recent past, including the violent breakup of Yugoslavia and the civil war in Lebanon. He is also a former deputy leader of the British Labour party. In the introduction, he lists and explains the sources used in this book. He sources books, particularly biographies of Bhutto and of the Bhutto family from local libraries in London and Pakistan. Some are from video transcripts of television appearances and interviews in the United Kingdom. At the time, the PPP, as a new party, sought the support of all the Muslims. Although most of them were members of the PUK, they could have easily opted for the Awami League. But Zulfikar, though a liberal, had to firmly oppose the PUK, due to the bitterness caused by its support for Sir Abdus Sattar and its support for Bhutto’s father, Chaudhry Abdul Majeed, who had been the chief justice of the high court in Sindh before the British. The Sikhs, on the other hand, were not very fond of the PPP and Zulfikar, who had intimate relations with the Singhate elite, had to be careful not to alienate them. So he sought to make friends with the Governor of Sindh, Claude Auchinleck, in the hope of winning him over as an ally in the new political dispensation. This he did, but the governor also realized that, when it came to furthering the fortunes of the family, Zulfikar would not be altogether human. 5ec8ef588b
